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ТАГАНРОГ учебное пособие (2 курс).doc
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Modern electronics

I. Many scientists believe at present that mankind has entered the era of a new technological revolution which was brought about by the advent of cybernetics, whose ideas and methods found their way into virtually all branches of science and en­gineering, all the way from biology and medicine to economy and industrial management.

2 Electronics is one of the main sciences, which forms the technological basis for using these new methods* Electronics studies the problems connected with the application of instru­ments and devices, the action of which is based on the utilisation of various phenomena that result from the, movement of electrons through vacuum, gases and solid bodies»

3 Electronics surrounds us everywhere» Television, tape-re­cording, radio-receiving - electronics is at the heart of them all. Extremely complicated electronic systems control the work of huge plants, enterprises and power stations. Electronic computers are widely used in scientific research and industrial designing. Huge radio-telescopes equipped with sensitive in­struments and powerful amplifiers enable man to gain, an insight into a remotest comers of apace, discover new phenomena of nature.

4. It was in 1957 that the first man-made satellite was laun­ched in our country, and now man has already set his foot on the Moon, sends probes to distant planets and orbits the earth in space-ships. Radio-electronics systems ensure reliable com­munication with space probes at distances amounting to scores of millions of kilometres. Hundreds of electronic devices per­form various tasks on board every satellite and spaceship. It may be said that in near future electronics will surely make great stride (несомненное сделает большие успехи) and help the humanity gain new victories in science and engineering.


The word cosmonautics comes from the Greek word "cosmos" meaning "universe" and "nautike"—"navigation" ("seafaring"). But cosmonautics means not only flights into space. It includes various branches of science and technology. Without them space flights would be impossible.

Tsiolkovsky was a pioneer of the science cosmonautics. In his works he studied many problems which served as basis for the de­velopment of cosmic flight theory. The 4th of October 1957 is the birthday of space era. It was the day when powerful rockets launch­ed the first sputnik into orbit around the earth. It orbited our planet like a tiny moon. Since then a great number of sputniks flew into space. They sent back important information about the universe. On the 12th of April 1961 the first manned flight took place. The first .cosmonaut Y. Gagarin was a Soviet citizen.

Following this, a great number of artificial satellites as well as =other space vehicles travelled into space. They carried instruments to collect interesting information about the universe. In space cos­monauts carry out various observations and experiments to solve the many space travel problems. Their discoveries help increase our knowledge of the Moon, Venus and other terrestrial planets as well as the planets-giants, such as Jupiter, Saturn, and others. These discoveries include many interesting facts about meteors, the atmosphere, the earth's magnetic arid electrical fields, the conditions of life in space and many others.

The time will come when scientists from the Moon and orbital stations will send robots (automatic instruments) to replace men in distant and dangerous travels to far-off planets and stars.

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