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Росиия - английский язык Долгова .Грачева.doc
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Занятие VIII

Задание 1

1) Прочитайте информацию о Москве и москвичах.

A. The Muscovites themselves are proud, emotional, open, warm and big-hearted. Though fierce in contention with their ene­mies1, they revel in friendship2, which is their natural state.

1 непреклонные в борьбе с врагами

2 зд. ценят и наслаждаются дружбой

В. More than 8.5 million people live in the capital city, Mos­cow. There one gets a good sense of Russian vastness1. From the

massive walls of the Kremlin to the towering

presence of Moscow University, the scale is heroic2.

The boulevards are broad, the roads are wide. The ceilings in public buildings are lofty3, the sculptures huge4. The architecture is fantastically diverse5 and colourful. The numerous parks are immense6 and beautiful.

1 просторы

2 зд. огромный, внушительный

3 очень высокий

4 огромный

5 разнообразная

6 громадный, необъятный

С. Stretching1 across two continents, it is one of the largest country in the world. It almost contains 25 percent of the world's forests, about 3 million lakes and some 3 million rivers, large and small. It is more richly endowed2 with natural resources than any other country in the world. While one of its easternmost citizens is sitting down to an evening meal, another - eleven time zones to the west - is sipping3 his breakfast tea.

1 протянуться

2 богато наделенная

3 пить, потягивая

D. In 1714, the Russian tsar, Peter-the-Great (the House of Romanov1), moved the capi­tal from Moscow to the new, "westernized" city that he built, St. Petersburg. Still, the heartbeat of Russia pulsed loudest in Moscow. It was there in the Uspensky Cathedral in the Kremlin that the tsars returned to be coronated.

And it was there, during the 18th and 19th centuries, that Russia established its universities and major theatres.

Moscow's museums, theatres, opera houses, circuses, and parks all make a great impression on the visitor.

One-third of Moscow's total area is devoted to open park-land or other areas of greenery. There are some 100 parks and more than 600 public gardens. Muscovites are proud, of Moscow's streets and parks.

1 династия Романовых

E. Moscow is a city that opens its arms and heart to guests and tourists. You are welcome there. When you meet Russians on a person-to-person level and I have had that opportunity many times - they are warm, spirited1 and hospitable. One of their greatest joys in meeting people is to have a depthful conversation2 in which souls can meet.

1 живой, пылкий

2 зд. душевный разговор -

F. If you don't find someone who speaks English you should have no problem. Any Muscovite will be able to direct you back to your hotel by glancing at your hotel card. It is not out of the question for them to ride the underground back with you, just as a gesture of hospitality. Getting lost for many of my friends here has been one of the most delightful1 experiences of their trips about Moscow.

1 восхитительный

G. Almost eight-and-a-half centuries ago. Moscow began as a small settlement on the Moskva River. The first recorded mention of it appeared in a Russian chronicle of 1147. Shortly thereafter, Prince Yury Dolgoruky erected1 a wooden fortress on a hill in the area where the Kremlin stands today. (Some linguists believe the word "kremlin" derives from a Tatar word meaning "high fortified2 place").

1 возводить

2 укрепленный

H. Situated near waterways and traditional trade routes the settlement became an important stopping place for traders. In the 13th century invading1 Mongol-Tatars destroyed the city. Not long after though, it was rebuilt and became the capital city of a small principality2. By the 14th century, it bad grown in size and in political and economic importance. It became the capital of the larger principality, the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church3.

1 вторгаться

2 княжество

3 православная церковь

I. Invaders from east and west - Poles and Tatars – assailed1 the city in the 16th and 17th centuries. Resilient2 throughout their history, the Muscovites rebuilt the city after each onslaught3. They eventually replaced the wooden fortifications with walls of brick and stone. The city continued to expand in size and importance, always growing outward from the Kremlin in concentric circles.

The pattern of streets on a modern map of central Moscow is reminiscent of4 a tree's growth rings5.

1 атаковать

2 неунывающие, не падающие духом

3 нашествие

4 напоминать

5 годичные кольца дерева

J. Moscow is truly a city for museum lovers. There are some 150 museums housing various collections of fine arts, literature, history, space and technology.

There has always been respect for learning and Moscow is a city with good intellectual traditions and high standards of education, science and fine arts.

2) Выберите необходимую информацию и напишите статью на одну из тем:

1. "Do you know Muscovites?"

2. "Moscow like Rome wasn't built in a day.”

3. “Moscow is a city that opens its arms and heart to guests."

3) Расскажите, о чем Вы написали в своей статье.

Задание 2.

Послушайте текст и напишите прилагательные, которые соответствуют описанию российских просторов.

the ____ walls of the Kremlin

the ____ presence of Moscow University

the scale is _____

the boulevards are _____

the roads are _____

the ceilings in public buildings are _____

the sculptures are _____

the architecture is _____ _____ and _____

the ____ parks are ____ and beautiful

Задание З. Закончите диалоги и воспроизведите их.

1. - It's my first time here.

Well, it seems we've got a chance of doing the sights of Moscow.

- Let's start with Red Square.

- Red Square, the Kremlin ... These words symbolize Russia for millions of people both in this country and abroad.

- That's right.

- How old is Russia as a state?

- …

2. - What does Moscow mean to a Russian?

- …

- Who was the founder of Moscow?

- …

-What is the heart of Moscow?

- …

- What places of Interest in Moscow are worth seeing?

- …

3. - I've read that Russia is very rich in natural resources.

- That's true. We have ...

- In fact, it's the largest country in the world.

- Right you are ...

4. - I know almost nothing about the political structure of Russia. Is it a federation or a unitary state as Britain for example?

- Russia is ...

- What can you say about the state power in the R.F.?


- Can we talk about democracy and openness in your country today?

- …

- How can you comment on ethnic conflicts, military actions and refugees on the territory of Russia?

- …

Задание 4. Викторина “What do you know about Russia?”

1. In which century was Christianity officially adopted in Russia?

a) eighth century;

b) tenth century;

c) twelfth century.

2. Which of the following names is associated with the accep­tance of Christianity in Russia?

a) Olga;

b) Igor;

c) Oleg;

d) Vladimir.

3. What was the паве of the first Russian State?

a) Novgorod;

b) Kievan Russ;

c) Moskova.

4. In which year did the ancient Chronicles first mention Mos­cow?

a) 1147;

b) 1241;

c) 1380.

5. When did Tartars invade Kievan Russ?

a) 1123;

b) 1223;

c) 1323.

6. Which prince of Moscow defeated the Mongols in 1380?

a) Ivan Kalita;

b) Yury Dolgoruky;

c) Dmitry Donskoy.

7. When was the Romanovs dynasty established?

a) in 1380 after the battle at Kulikovo field;

b) in 1613 after the Time of Troubles;

c) in 1812 after the defeat of Napoleon.

8. When was St. Petersburg founded?

a) in 1703;

b) in 1762;

c) in 1796.

9. From which country did Catherine II invite colonists to settle in Russia in 1762?

a) France;

b) Germany;

c) Poland;

d) Italy.

10. Which emperor signed a mamfesto abolishing serfdom in 1861?

a) Alexander I;

b) Nicolas I;

c) Alexander II.

11. There are a lot of museum collections in Russia. Which of them are in Moscow?

a) the Hermitage;

b) the Tretyakov Gallery;

c) Russian Museum;

d) Fine Arts’ Museum.

12. A lot of famous Russian artists took pleasure in painting great writers and poets. Match the painter and the writer.

1. Kiprensky

2. Repin

3. Kramskoy

4. Loktionov

a) Tolstoy

b) Pushkin

c) Radishchev

d) Griboyedov

13. Check your knowledge of Pushkin’s poetry. Try to remember who wrote the music on Pushkin’s poems and match the poem and the composer.

1. "Ruslan and Ludmila"

2. "Evgeny Onegin"

3. "Mazepa"

4. "Boris Godunov"

5. "Aleko"

6. "Zolotoy Petushok"

a) Tchaikovsky

b) Rimsky-Korsakov

c) Glinka

d) Rakhmaninov

e) Musorgsky

Задание 5. Ролевая игра. Работа в группах.

I group (optimists)

You’re fond of Russia. You’re proud of its past and pre­sent. It's the largest and the most interesting country in the world. Nothing can be compared with your Motherland.

For ideas

* natural resources

* vastness

* Russian soul

* traditions

* cultural heritage


to be rich in, to be known for, to be found, there to be, to be unique, to keep up

II group (pessimists)

You don't like living in Russia. Your dream is to leave for the USA. You’re leaving be­cause you're tired of facing so many problems and difficulties in your everyday life. You don't believe in economic reforms and are not optimis­tic at all about the future of the country.

* the economic crisis

* stagnation of the industry

* the rate of unemployment

* social security

* a standard of living

* divorces

to face with , to be poor, to find a job, to make both ends meet, to break up, to have diffi­culties, the housing shortage