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Учебник по английскому языку.doc
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Tower Bridge is probably the most famous bridge in London. It (1) calls / is called Tower Bridge because it (2) locates / is located near the Tower of London. The City of London first (3) started / was started to plan a new bridge across the Thames in 1876. A public competition (4) organized / was organized to choose the best design. More than 50 designs (5) received / were received and it (6) took / was taken eight years for the judges to choose the winning design. The bridge finally (7) completed / was finally completed in 1983. The bridge still (8) uses / is still used today. More than 40000 people (9) cross / are crossed the bridge every day.

    1. Напишите предложения в Passive Voice, используя слова в скобках:

  1. This is a very popular TV program. (every week it / watch / by millions of people)

  2. What happens to the cars produced in this factory? (most of them / export?)

  3. A: Was there any trouble at the demonstration?

B: Yes. (about 20 people / arrested)

  1. A: There is no longer military service in Britain.

B: Really? (when / it / abolish?)

  1. A: Did anybody call an ambulance to the scene of the accident?

B: Yes. (but nobody / injure / so it / not / need)

  1. A: Last night someone broke into our house.

B: Oh, dear. (anything / taken?)

  1. Mr. Kelly can’t use his office at the moment. (it / redecorate)

  2. Gorge didn’t have his car yesterday. (it / service / at the garage)

  3. Where’s my bicycle? It’s gone! (it / steal!)

  4. The people next door disappeared six month ago. (they / not / see / since then)

  5. The room looks different. (it / paint / since I was last here?)

  6. A tree was lying across the road. (it / blow / down in the storm)

    1. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Эти вопросы обычно обсуждаются в офисе. 2. Много домов строится в вашем городе? 3. Знаете ли вы, что эта книга была переведена на английский язык только два года назад? 4. Меня попросили помочь ему закончить эту работу сегодня, поэтому я должен был остаться в офисе после работы. 5. Ему могут дать эти журналы в понедельник утром. 6. Вам показали все, что вы хотели посмотреть? 7. Эго нужно сейчас же найти. 8. Об этом фильме много говорят. 9. Лекции Брауна слушают с интересом. 10. Надо сейчас же послать за врачом. 11. Детям велели быть дома в восемь часов. 12. Кем была написана эта статья? 13. Когда принесут письма и газеты? 14. Нас спросили, когда будет отправлена телеграмма? 15. Когда будет отправлено это письмо? 16. Его спросили, когда будет импортирован товар. 17. В первый раз меня повели в театр, когда мне было 5 лет. 18. После лекции было задано много вопросов. 19. Мне сказали, что вы завтра уезжаете. 20. Я думаю, что об этой книге будут много говорить.

5. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски соответствующими вариантами ответов.

Microsoft is the largest software company in the computer world, and its operating systems are on almost all computers. Its release of Windows 95 and the Microsoft Office 95 (1) ___ the size of already giant company. It (2) ___ so successful because of the low priced and easy (3) ___ software it creates. From six year olds to presidents of large corporations use their products.

William Gates, a 19-year old dropout from Harvard, (4) ___ Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen. The two (5) ___ BASIC, a language that let people (6) ___ programs for their PC. Then, IBM chose them (7) ___ an operating system for the new IBM-PCs. Gates and Allen (8) ___ $50,000 to Tim Paterson for his QDOS, and (9) ___ it to MS-DOS. The operating system was extremely successful, and soon all other PC manufacturers (10) ___ to be compatible with IBM. This gave Microsoft the chance (11) ___ huge profits, and they (12) ___. Their next big success was Windows, which was a graphical operating system that (13) ___ popular because it was extremely easy to use. Then, in 1993, they (14) ___ Windows NT, which (15) ___ networking extremely easy. By this time, Bill Gates (16) ___ the PC operating system market and (17) ___ a billionaire.

1. a) has increased b) had increased c) having increased d) increasing

2. a) is being b) were c) has been d) had been

3, a) using b) has been using c) to use d) has used

4. a) found b) had founded c) had found d) founded

5. a) rewrote b) rewrite c) had rewritten d) are rewriting

6. a) to create b) create c) creating d) created

7. a) writing b) to write c) to have written d) to be writing

8. a) have paid b) paid c) had paid d) paying

9. a) renaming b) had renamed c) renamed d) having renamed

10. a) wanted b) want c) had been wanted d) wanting

11. a) to make b) making c) having made d) made

12. a) did b) was done c) do d) had done

13. a) became b) becoming c) had become d) to become

14. a) releasing b) were released c) had been released d) released

15. a) making b) had been made c) made d) to make

16. a) monopolized b) had monopolized c) have monopolized d) monopolizing

17. a) became b) has become c) had become d) become