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English for Customs.doc
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IX. Using prepositions – Revision








down on

Fill the gaps in these sentences with suitable preposition from the list above.

1. One company tried to pass ______17,000 tons of coffee as toilet paper _________ an effort to halve customs duties.

2. Both had resigned _____health reasons.

3. They began carrying ________ item-by-item checks__________ shipments of goods.

4. Officials decided to crack________the transformation of products.

5. Duties collected________Russia's сheckpoints account ________ roughly 30 percent of entire national budget.

X. Complete the sentences using your words:

1. Tax duties were simplified.....

2. Customs officials decided to launch.....

3. The authorities believe that.....

4. Since the more stringent inspections started.....

5. The Federal Customs Committee ordered.....

XI. Topics for discussion:

1. Who were suffering most while the authorities were checking all the transport trucks?

How could it have been changed?

2. What was the situation in the St.-Petersburg seaport?

3. What measures should be taken to prevent delays on the border crossings?

4. What is the reason of transformation of products on Russia's borders? How could the

customs authorities change the situation?

5. What new regulations must be introduced to improve the work of customs? Give your


6.”Customs will always work the same way”. Do you agree to this statement?


  1. Preliminary

Questions for discussion:

  1. Why do we need Customs Regulations?

  2. Why should we learn Customs Regulations of other countries?

  3. What do you know about customs territory of the Russian Federation?

II. List of key terms and word combinations:

  1. Customs Regulations – таможенное регулирование

  2. Customs System – таможенное дело

  3. to be subject ['sAbdZIkt] to jurisdiction ["dZuqrIs'dIkS(q)n] – находиться в ведении

  4. to establish [Is'txblIS] – устанавливать

  5. observance [qb'zq:v(q)ns] – соблюдение ( закона )

  6. to enable [I'neIbl] – давать возможность или право что-либо сделать

  7. to convey [kqn'veI] – перевозить, переправлять

  8. merchandise [m ɜ:tʃən'daɪz] – товары

  9. means [mi:nz] of transport – транспортные средства

  10. hereafter [hIqr'Q:ftq] – далее

  11. customs border – таможенная граница

  12. to exercise ['eksqsaIz] – осуществлять, использовать, применять

  13. customs legislation [ledʒɪs′leɪʃ(ə)n] – таможенное законодательство

  14. effective [I'fektIv] – действующий, эффективный, фактический

  15. Foreign ['fOrIn] Trade Activities – внешнеторговая деятельность

  16. to incorporate [In'kO:pqreIt] – содержать в себе, соединяться

  17. facility [fq'sIlItI] – возможность, средство

  18. prohibition [prəʊ h ɪ′bɪʃ(ə)n] – запрет

  19. restriction [rɪ′strɪkʃ(ə)n] – ограничение

  20. to ensure [ɪn′ʃʊə(r)] – обеспечивать, гарантировать

  21. to stipulate ['stIpjuleIt] – устанавливать. Оговаривать

  22. conveyance [kqn'veIqns] – перемещение, перевозка

  23. to warrant ['wOr(q)nt] – подтверждать, гарантировать

  24. uniformity ["ju:nI'fO:mItI] of application – единообразное применение

  25. general supervision [su:p ə′vɪʒ(ə)n] – общее руководство, контроль

  26. customs authorities [O:'TOrItIz] – таможенные органы

  27. to amend [ə′m end] – улучшать, совершенствовать, вносить поправки

  28. in conformity [kqn'fO:mItI] with – в соответствии с

  29. man-made – искусственный

  30. installation [ɪn stə′leɪʃ(ə)n] – установка

  31. to constitute ['kOnstItju:t] – составлять, создавать, основывать

  32. to regard [rI'gQ:d] – рассматривать, относить

  33. pursuant [pq'sju:qnt] – соответствующий, согласующийся

  34. instance [′ɪnst(ə)ns] – исключение, отдельный пример, случай

  35. to coincide ["kouIn'saId] – совпадать, соглашаться

  36. to comprise [kqm'praIz] – включать, содержать, составлять

  37. herein ['hIqr'In] – в этом, здесь, при сем

  38. adoption [ə′d Opʃ(ə)n] – принятие, установление

  39. relations [rɪ′leɪʃ(ə)n] – отношения

  40. customs control measures ['meZqz] – таможенный контроль

  41. complaints [kqm'pleInts] to legal ['li:g(q)l] acts – обжалование актов

  42. customs offices – таможенные органы

  43. customs officers – таможенные должностные лица

  44. to result [rI'zAlt] from – вытекать

  45. customs procedure [prq'si:dZq] – таможенный режим

  46. levying ['levIIN] – введение, наложение (пошлин, налогов)

  47. dutiable ['dju:tIqbl] payment ['peImqnt] – таможенные платежи

  48. applicable [′æ p lɪkəb(ə)l, ə′plɪkəb(ə)l] – применимый, подходящий

  49. latter ['lxtq] – последний (из двух названных)

  50. merchandise ['mE:tS(q)ndaIz, -aIs] – товары

  51. to govern [′g ʌ v(ə)n] – править, управлять, регулировать

  52. predicated ['predIkeItid] – утвержденный, заявленный

  53. hereinafter ["hI(q)rIn'Q:ftq] – далее

  54. federal statute ['stxtju:t] – федеральный закон

  55. adopted [q'dPptId] pursuant [pq'sju:qnt] to – принятый в соответствии с

  56. pertinent [′pɜ:tɪn ən t] decree [dɪ′kri:] – соответствующий указ, декрет

  57. resolution ["rezq'lu:S(q)n] – постановление

  58. to pertain [pq:'teIn] – принадлежать, относиться

  59. to apply [q'plaI] to – применять

  60. enactment [I'nxktmqnt] – введение закона в действие

  61. to have no retroactive [retrəʊ′æ k tɪv] effect [ɪ′fekt] – не иметь обратной силы

  62. international treaty [′tri:tɪ] – международный договор

  63. party – договаривающаяся сторона, участник (договора)

  64. to go into effect – вступать в силу

  65. to set forth [fO:T] – устанавливать, формулировать

  66. respective [rIs'pektIv] clause [klɔ:z] – соответствующее постановление, статья, пункт

  67. intent [ɪn′tent] – намерение, цель

  68. enforcement [In'fO:smqnt] – правоприменение, наблюдение за проведением закона в жизнь

Ш. Read and translate the text:

The Customs Code of The Russian Federation


Article 1. Customs Regulations and the Customs System of the Russian Federation

1. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the customs regulations are subject to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation in establishing the norms and the rules whose observance shall enable persons to fulfil their rights to convey merchandise and means of transport across the customs border of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, the customs border).

The customs regulations shall be exercised in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation and the effective Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities.

2. The customs system incorporates the methods and the facilities applied to ensure the observance of customs-tariff regulations, prohibitions, and restrictions stipulated by the effective Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities associated with conveyance of merchandise and means of transport across the customs border.

3. In accordance with Russian federal legislation, the Government of the Russian Federation exercises general supervision of the customs system.

The Federal Customs Authority shall warrant proper fulfilment of customs-related tasks and uniformity of application by all customs authorities of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. The Russian Federation participates in international cooperation in the field of customs regulations with a view to harmonizing and amending the customs legislation of the Russian Federation in conformity with generally recognised international norms and practices.

Article 2. Customs Territory and Customs Border of the Russian Federation

1. The territory of the Russian Federation constitutes the only customs territory of the Russian Federation. '

2. The customs territory of the Russian Federation also includes man-made islands, installations, and structures situated in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation as well as those located on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation subject to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation in accordance with Russian federal law.

3. The territory of the Russian Federation may incorporate special economic zones set up in accordance with Russian federal legislation, which constitute an integral part of the customs territory of the Russian Federation. The merchandise placed on the territory of said special economic zones shall be regarded as situated outside the customs territory of the Russian Federation in terms of its liability for customs duties, taxes, and economic prohibitions and restrictions pursuant to the effective Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities, except in those instances stipulated by this Customs Code and other federal laws.

4. The boundaries of the customs territory of the Russian Federation, including the perimeters of the territories specified in Items 2 and 3 herein, shall comprise the customs border of the Russian Federation.

  1. The customs border coincides with the State Border of the Russian Federation except the boundaries of the territories specified in Items 2 and 3 herein.

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