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Раздел 3

1.What is defined here?

'Picking up' a language, not learning it consciously but by being exposed to it in natural situations (e.g. as a child learns its first language).

c) language acquisition

2. Tick elements and features of an effective lesson plan:

d) all mentioned above

3. Real vocabulary consists of:

d) functional and receptive.

4. Peculiarity of process view on reading is:

c) reader’s role is reactive.

5. What is defined here?

A person (usually the teacher) who helps learners find their own answers rather than providing them with the 'right' answers.

b) facilitator

6. Which of the following do NOT promote high motivation of the lesson:

Mechanical drilling.

7. Approximated pronunciation is:

a) phonetically intelligible;

8. Which of the following deals with writing habit formation:

c) mechanics of writing;

9. What is defined here?

A system that spells out rather precisely how to teach a language; design, long-term planning, concretizing of beliefs on paper.

b) method

10. Tick interactive/co-operative forms of classroom organization from the list:

whole class interaction (mingle activity);

11. Which of the methods can subscribe to the following attitude to errors: "errors and mistakes should be avoided and must be immediately corrected":

b) Direct Method;

12. According to its role in the process of communication listening is:

a) reactive skill;

13. Skill-using writing activities are those which help the learner be aware of how:

a) to communicate with the reader;

14. What is defined here?

Learning situations where information and ideas are brought to the class by learners and used as learning material, and which are concerned with the interests, needs, learning styles, feelings, lives and/or values of learners.

c) learner-centred teaching

15. Tick the item, which is NOT necessary for creating a positive classroom climate:

d) unfavourable learning conditions.

16. There are four lists of criteria for evaluating communicative activities. Choose the right one.

a) communicative purpose, communicative desire, content not form, variety of language, no teacher intervention, no materials control.

17. How do we call the ability to produce language easily without too many hesitations, with the focus on communication of the message rather than grammatical accuracy?

b) fluency

18. Process-focused approach to teaching writing is characterized by:

b) pair and group work;

19. What is defined here?

A kind of group activity intended to generate ideas. Participants are encouraged at the beginning to think up ideas no matter how unlikely or farfetched. Every suggestion is recorded. Decisions about practicality are made later.

d) brainstorming

20. Tick the positions which make the text difficult for readers:

d) all mentioned above

21. Choose the most appropriate instruction to the exercise for practicing of the interrogative form of verb :

ask your partner if he’s done the actions I am telling him to do.

22. Choose a type of monologue from the list:

b) information

23. Writing is:

b) specially instructed;

24. What is defined here?

A process or technique which a learner uses to help him/herself learn a language (e.g. drawing on background knowledge and experience before listening to the news).

a) learning strategy

25. Tick the positions, which are NOT psychological characteristics of oral speech.

d) response is delayed

26.Choose a communicative function of dialogue from the list:

b) exchange of ideas

27. Which of these approaches does not refer to teaching writing:

b) the Grammar-Translation approach;

28. Choose elements and features of an effective lesson plan and tick the right position:

b) procedure (stages of the lesson); activities and tasks logically ordered.

29. Choose the right rearrangement of the components of activity procedure:

b) lead-in; set up; run, close; post activity;

30. Choose interactive/co-operative forms of classroom organization from the list:

  1. group work;

31. What is the name of the theory which is focused not so much on the nature of language input, but on the learning tasks that students are involved into and on solving communicative problems.

d) Task-based learning (TBL).

32. What is the theoretical background of Audiolingual Method?

a) structuralism, behaviourism;

33. Choose the psychological characteristic that belongs to written speech:

d) response is delayed.

34. Choose the most appropriate situation to be proposed to junior learners:

  1. You notice that your friend B doesn't look very well. Find out what the matter is.

35. Assessment is

measuring the students' performance in any one of many different ways, diagnosing the problems and measuring the progress students make;

36. Tick the items the academic year plan depends on:

d) all mentioned above.

37. Find a task-instruction for a productive exercise among the listed below:

a)explain to the foreigner how he can get to the City Council from the Central Post Office;

38. Find a task-instruction for a receptive-productive exercise among the listed below:

c) listen to a job interview and write down the questions of the applicant to the interviewer.

39. Determine the type of the exercise which has the following task-instruction:

“Look at the map. I’ll describe the geographical position of Great Britain. Agree with me and repeat my statement”:

b) communicative; productive;

40. Find the feature from the listed below which is NOT included into a lesson plan:

b) aims and objectives of the course;

41. The most difficult text type for listening comprehension is:

c) radio interview where more than two speakers are involved.

42. Find a linguistic difficulty in listening comprehension from the list:

b) polysemantic words;

43. Find a communicative activity from the listed below:

c) comprehension of soundtrack of the film;

44. Skill-using writing activities are those which help the learner be aware of how

b) to express ideas without the pressure of face-to-face communication;

45. Writing is

b) follows certain conventions and applies careful organization;