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Examples of Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance can occur in many areas of life, but it is particularly evident in situations where an individual's behavior conflicts with beliefs that are integral to his or her self-identity. For example, consider a situation in which a woman who values financial security is in a relationship with a man who is financially irresponsible.

The conflict: 1.It is important for her to be financially secure. 2.She is dating a man who is financially unstable.

In order to reduce this dissonance between belief and behavior, she can either leave the relationship or reduce her emphasis on financial security. In the case of the second option, dissonance could be further minimized by emphasizing the positive qualities of her significant other rather than focusing on his perceived flaws.

A more common example of cognitive dissonance occurs in the purchasing decisions we make on a regular basis. Most people want to hold the belief that they make good choices. When a product or item we purchase turns out badly, it conflicts with our previously existing belief about our decision-making abilities.

How to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance

There are three key strategies to reduce or minimize cognitive dissonance:

  • Focus on more supportive beliefs that outweigh the dissonant belief or behavior.

  • Reduce the importance of the conflicting belief.

  • Change the conflicting belief so that it is consistent with other beliefs or behaviors.

Why is Cognitive Dissonance Important?

Cognitive dissonance plays a role in many value judgments, decisions and evaluations. Becoming aware of how conflicting beliefs impact the decision-making process is a great way to improve your ability to make faster and more accurate choices. http://psychology.about.com/od/cognitivepsychology/f/dissonance.htm

Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligence theory is the work of Howard Gardner. He believes that there is not just one type of global intelligence, but many specific types. Many educators favor this theory and are applying this in their classroom settings. Allowing students to choose their specialty within a group project or interdisciplinary unit will allow them the opportunity to practice their strengths. This fosters growth in student talents and provides support and encouragement for the individual differences of students.

The specific types of intelligence identified by Gardner are linguistic, logical-mathematic, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturistic, and most recently he has posited the existence of a 9th intelligence he calls "Existential". I had thought this was already acknowledged, but recently received mail that cleared up that misconception. According to Julie Verns, Project Manager of Harvard Project Zero, "Howard Gardner has actually NOT identified a ninth intelligence, although Existential is positioned to be identified as an intelligence, at this time Gardner feels that there isn't any neurological evidence of a separately functioning biological existential ability. That is a central criterion in identifying an ability as an "intelligence." Well, that's a rather limited definition of intelligence, in my opinion, but anyhow. Gardner's lack of identification of the 9th intelligence certainly doesn't mean it does not exist. My experiences and collection of examples is certainly enough to prove to ME that such an intelligence exists, and more than simply existential, but spiritual or metaphysical intelligence which would include psychic skills (contrary to the hypothetical existential intelligence of Gardner). If Mr. Gardner and his staff are not yet ready to acknowledge the existence of it, I AM - so perhaps I will be the one to write the book on the 9th Intelligence. :)

Below I have an example of applying multiple intelligences to integrated units using the sample unit topic of Japan.

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