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учебное пособие _Academic Conference.doc
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Frame: conference


Problem technique

  1. Suppose ……………….

  2. How would you..................?

  3. Have you ever wondered why it is that ............. ?

  4. Well, if I could show you .................. would you be interested?

  5. How many people here this morning / afternoon / evening ............ ?

  6. Well, imagine ...................

  7. Do you think that's possible?

Amazing facts technique

  1. Did you know that......?

  2. According to the latest study, .....

  3. Statistics show that .............

  4. I read somewhere the other day that …..

Story/anecdote technique

  1. You know, …..

  2. When I think about…..

  3. I’m reminded of …..

  4. Have you ever been in the situation where. . ?..

  5. I remember when. . .

  6. It turned out......

Annex 7

Критерии оценки научных докладов

1. Содержание презентации.

1) выдержана структура презентации (титульный слайд с указанием темы, имени докладчика и научного руководителя), логическая последовательность в изложении темы, сделано заключение;

2) раскрыта актуальность темы во вступительной части, поставлена цель исследования;

3) приведены примеры, статистические данные в качестве доказательства, использованы графики, схемы и таблицы;

4) в заключении сделаны выводы по результатам проведенного исследования.

2. Выступление.

1) умение держаться перед аудиторией, наличие зрительного контакта с аудиторией;

2) свободная речь, использование текста доклада только в качестве опоры, например, для зачитывания примеров, статистических данных и т.п.;

3) оптимальный темп речи для усвоения информации на слух;

4) выразительность речи, четкость изложения материала, уместное применение жестов как дополнительного средства выразительности;

5) выступление выдержано в рамках временного ограничения (5-7 минут);

6) ответы на вопросы и участие в дискуссии после своего выступления.

3. Языковые показатели.

1) академический стиль изложения;

2) правильное построение высказываний с точки зрения грамматики;

3) правильное фонетическое оформление (произношение, интонация).

Answer keys

Step I.

Exercise 3. 3)

Step II.

Exercise 1.

A. 1) G, 2) S, 3) S; 1) S, 2) G, 3) S; 1) G, 2) S, 3) S.

B. 1) G, 2) S, 3) S; 1) G, 2) S, 3) S; 1) S, 2) S, 3) G.

Exercise 2.

A. 1) Specific idea 1(possible): Inevitable cargoes transit over the territories of the new sovereign states, which political and economic relations with are not finally settled yet. Specific idea 2 (possible): Re-orientation to the seaports, which as Russia, as Siberia might make use of beyond control of the neighboring countries - the former USSR republics.

B. 2) Specific idea 1(possible): America reached the Moon in the 1960's because the space agency had its eye firmly focused on a real mission with a presidential deadline. Specific idea 2 (possible): Under those circumstances, NASA was forced to develop an efficient plan to achieve that mission, and then driven to build a coherent set of hardware elements to carry out that plan.

Exercise 3.

A. General idea: TransSib has problems of reserves of passing and transport capability. Specific ideas (possible): 1) Last years it was the reduction of freight turnover between western and eastern Russia's regions. 2) Of three main railroads, which run from Siberia westward, the single one - TransSib - remains within Russia's boundaries. 3) The short length of the main travel of TransSib trespasses Kazakhstan territory along the Omsk-Ekaterinburg run. The other TransSib travel along this run (through Tyumen) is weaker technically.

B. General idea: Russia is optimistically interested in German investments. Specific ideas (possible): 1) During “The St. Petersburg Dialog,” President Vladimir Putin urged the German economy to step up investments. 2) Germany remains Russia’s economic partner No. 1. 3) In the first half of 2007 alone, German exports to Russia increased by 33.2 percent to €12.8 billion. 4) Germany is one of the biggest investors ranking fifth with approximately €13 billion in accumulated and nearly €3.6 billion in direct investment.

Exercise 4.

A. 1) T, 2) T, 3) MI, 4) T, 5) T, 6) MI, 7) MI, 8) T

B. 1) T, 2) T, 3) MI, 4) T, 5) T, 6) MI, 7) MI, 8) T

Exercise 5.

A. 2) Main idea (possible): Because business is rather new in Novosibirsk there are some problems facing businesses here.

B. 2) Main idea (possible): ULTra may well be the taxi of the future.

C. 2) Main idea (possible): Nowadays the precision engineering companies face tremendous challenges.

Step III.

Exercise 2. A. an analysis paragraph B. a paragraph of process C. a paragraph of description

Exercise 3.

Nowadays, STU is one of the leading transport universities in Russia and an important scientific center. Its schools of thought on the automatic control; computer-aided devices for metering, control, and diagnostics; software for expert systems aimed for investigation of complex entities; hybrid methods and program systems for calculating strengths and reliability of large engineering systems; mathematical modeling and optimization of complex mechanical systems acquired national and international reputation. Inter-university conferences are of utmost importance. Getting together and discussing problems of common interest provides first-hand information on the research pursued, facilitates personal contacts, promotes further collaboration, which is, indeed, the primary objective of these events.

Exercise 5.

For solving the problem of adaptation of the financial analysis to the accounting reporting of the enterprise the development of a technique of account of summary parameters is offered. At first, the financial analysis with book keeping and reporting was connected. Then, financial possibilities of the enterprise for analyzed period were evaluated. At the same time, we analyzed quality of management of the finance of the enterprise. Finally, the influence of a modification of the analytical accounts on the significance of the analysis outcomes was shown.

Exercise 12. B.

Step IV.

Exercise 2. a) diagram b) diagram c) chart d) graph e) diagram f) chart

Exercise 3. A. 2-5-1-7-3-6-4-8 B. 5-3-8-1-4-7-2-6 C. 4-7-2-5-1-8-6-3

Exercise 4. at, on, about, out, to

Exercise 5. as, if, however, whatever, whichever

Exercise 6. implications-lesson-conclusions-message-significance

Exercise 7. a) big-enormous-substantial-moderate-slight-small; fast-rapid-steady-slow; good-spectacular-encouraging-disappointing-disastrous-bad

b) 1) disappointingly, 2) marginally, 3) disastrously, 4) dramatically

Exercise 9.

A. 1) a) Certified Public Accountant, b) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, c) versus; 2) verbs: increase, go up, recover, balance, develop, decrease, fall, rise, badly, go down, improve; adverbs: slightly, dramatically, steadily; adjectives: sharing, flex-time, steady, incentive, slight, dramatic, good, bad, lucky, sharp; 3) a)

B. 1) a) rolling, contact, fatigue ; b) American Electronic Association, c) figure; 2) verbs: detected, go up, increase, recover, balance, assume, analyse, develop, decrease, undertake, show, investigate, indicate; adverbs: slightly, dramatically; adjectives: greater, the most cost-effective, steady, incentive, standardized, initial, predicted, less, expected, observed, recent; 3.b)

C. 1) a) Program for International Student Assessment, b) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, c) LG Group – a famous company located in South Korea; 2) verbs: represent, go up, measure, recover, rank, balance, assume, be above, decrease, show, investigate, setback, identify, appear, maintain; adverbs: steadily; adjectives: top, highest, the most cost-effective, compared with, steady, incentive, impressive, average, initial, improving, less, fastest, observed, annual, further; 3. b)

D. 1) a) euro, b) per annum, c) gross domestic product; 2) verbs: increase, assume, decrease, rose, show, held, investigate, boost, risk, remain, fluctuate, forecast, place; adverbs: currently; adjectives: detected, total, greater, equivalent, worth, the most cost-effective, higher, steady, incentive, maintained, top, initial, less, observed, significant; 3. c)

Exercise 10. чистые активы с постоянными ограничениями (в некоммерческом учёте: активы, использование которых ограничено законодательством или пожеланиями лиц, передающих эти активы в распоряжение организации); чистые активы с временными ограничениями; чистые активы без ограничений; себестоимость в долларах; справедливая стоимость/ стоимость в текущих ценах

Step V.

Exercise 1.




9, 12, 22

3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24

1, 2, 4-7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 21

Exercise 2.

Say your opinion

Ask for the opinion



2, 6, 10, 13

1, 4, 16

3, 5, 6, 11, 15

7, 8, 9, 12, 14

Exercise 5. 1) talking, 2) telling, 3) showing, 4) taking, 5) reporting; 1) filling, 2) making, 3) outlining, 4) giving, 5) bringing; 1) highlight, 2) put, 3) talk, 4) make, 5) discuss

Exercise 6. 1) sets out, 2) stressing, 3) raising, 4) come to, 5) spell out, 6) suggesting, 7) get across, 8) putting forward, 9) turn, 10) dealing with

Exercise 8. 1) a) missed-say, b) catch –repeat; 2) a) follow-run , b) see-explain

Step VI.

Exercise 1.




6, 8, 9, 10, 12

1-3, 5, 11, 13, 14

4, 7

Exercise 2. 1) 1-5-4-3-2 ; 2) 1-4-3-2-5; 3) 1-3-5-4-2; 4) 1-3-5-2-4; 5) 1-4-2-5-3

Exercise 3. 1) 1-4-3-2-5; 2) 1-4-3-2-5; 3)1-5-2-3-4; 4) 1-2-5-4-3; 5) 1-5-4-3-2