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Harvard University

Founded in 1636, Harvard University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States. From its classrooms have emerged six American presidents – from John Adams to John F. Kennedy – and an impressive group of statesmen, business leaders, and literary figures. Its campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the Charles River from Boston, provides a rich architectural mix that includes the ivy-covered brick of Puritan New England and the con­crete and glass of contemporary design.

Today, the university includes Harvard and Radcliffe undergrad­uate colleges, 10 professional schools, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and an extension school. There are some 1,600 students from every state and 45 foreign countries in it; tuition is about $22,000 a year (not including room and board), and 70% of those attending receive financial aid in the form of load or outright grants.

The university's library system is the largest in the world; it con­tains more than 10 million volumes and subscribes to 100,000 periodi­cals. There are three notable art museums, which house works from an­cient Egyptian to contemporary American. There are also the Botanical Museum, 40 acres of fields, an experimental forest located in New En­gland, a centre for a study of the Italian Renaissance in Italy, and a centre for Byzantine studies in Washington, D. C.


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