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39. Nasal cavities

The anatomical structures that play a central role in the res piratory system are located in the head and neck as well as the thorax.

Nasal cavities are separated by the nasal septum, which consists of the vomer, the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, and the septal cartilage. The lateral wall of each nasal cavity features three scroll–shaped bony structures called the nasal conchae. The nasal cavities communicate posteriorly with the nasopharynx through the choanae. The spaces inferior to each concha are called meatus. The paranasal sinu–ses and the nasolacrimal duct open to the meati. The inferior concha is a separate bone, and the superior and middle conchae are parts of the ethmoid bone.

Inferior meatus. The only structure that opens to the inferior meatus is the nasolacrimal duct. This duct drains lacrimal fluid (i. e., tears) from theTneaTaraspect of the orbit to the nasal cavity.

Middle meatus: the hiatus semilumaris contains openings of frontal and maxillary sinuses and americy ethmo–idal air cells. The bulla ethmoidalis contains the opening for'the middle ethmoidal air cells.

Superior meatus contains an opening for thff'posterior ethmoidal air cells.

Sphenoethmoidal recess is located above the superior concha and contains an opening for the sphenoid sinus.

Innervation: Somatic innervation. General sensory information from the lateral wall and septum of the nasal cavity is conveyed to the CNS by branches of V, and V2.

Autonomic innervation. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers destined to supply the glands of the nasal mucosa and the lacrimal gland travel in the nervus intermedius and the greater superficial petrosal branches of the facial nerve (CN VII). These fibers synapse in the pte–rygopalatine ganglion, which is located in the pterygopa–latine fossa. Postganglionic fibers traveling to the mucous glands of the nasal cavity, paranasal air sinuses, hard and soft palate, and the lacrimal gland follow branches of V2 and in some cases V1, to reach their destinations.

New words

anatomical – анатомический

respiratory system – дыхательная система

head – голова

neck – шея

nasal cavities – носовые впадины

the perpendicular plate – перпендикулярная пластина

ethmoid – решетчатый

septal – относящийся к перегородке

nasal conchae – носовой раковина

paranasal – параносовой

sinuses – пазухи

nasolacrimal – назолакримальный

duct – трубочка

drain – проток

tears – слезы

orbit – орбита

maxillary – верхнечелюстной

bulla – булла

40. Pharynx and related areas

The pharynx is a passageway shared by the digestive and respira tory systems. It has lateral, posterior, and medial walls through out, but is open interiorly in its upper regions, communicating with the nasal cavity and the oral cavity. The anterior wall of the laryngopharynx is formed by the larynx. The pharyngeal wall con sists of a mucosa, a fibrous layer, and a muscularis, which is com posed of an inner longitudinal layer and an outer circular layer.

Nasopharynx is the region of the pharynx located directly poste rior to the nasal cavity. It communicates with the nasal cavity through the choanae.

The torus tubarius is the cartilaginous rim of the auditory The pharyngeal recess is the space located directly above and behind the torus tubarius; it contains the nasopharyn–geal tonsil. The salpingopharyngeal fold is a ridge consisting of mucosa and the underlying salpingopharyngeus muscle.

Oropharynx is the region of the pharynx located directly posterior to the oral cavity. It communicates with the oral cavity through a space called the fauces. The fauces are bounded by two folds, consisting of mucosa and muscle, known as the anterior and posterior pillars.

The tonsillar bed is the space between the pillars that houses the palatine tonsil.

Laryngopharynx is the region of the pharynx that surrounds the larynx. It extends from the tip of the epiglottis to the cricoid car tilage. Its lateral extensions are known as the piriform recess.

Oral cavity: the portion of the oral cavity that is posterior to the lips and anterior to the teeth is called the vestibule. The oral cavi ty proper has a floor formed by the mylohyo–id and geniohyoid muscles, which support the tongue. It has lateral walls, consisting of the buccinator muscles and buccal mucosa, and a roof formed by the hard palate an teriorly and the soft palate posteriorly. Its posterior wall is absent and is replaced by an opening to the oropharynx, which is flanked by the pillars of the fauces.

The palate separates the nasal and oral cavities.

Hard palate is formed by the palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal palate of the palatine bone. Its mu–cosa is supplied with sensory fibers from CN V2.

Soft palate consists of a fibrous membrane, the palatine aponeurosis, covered with mucosa. The portion that hangs down in the midline is the uvula.

The tongue is a mobile, muscular organ necessary for speech. It is divisible into an anterior two–thirds and a posterior one–third by the sulcus terminalis.

Muscles of the tongue. These include the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles (i. e., palatoglossus, stylogiossus, hyo–glos – sus, genioglossus). All of the muscles are innervated by CN XII except the palatoglossus, which is supplied by CN X. Arterial supply: The tongue is supplied by the lingual branch of the external carotid aitery.

Venous drainage. The lingual veins, which lie on the un–der–surface of the tongue, drain to the internal jugular veins.

Lymphatic drainage. The tip of the tongue drains to the submental nodes, and the remainder of the anterior two–thirds drains first to submandibular, then to deep cervical nodes. The posterior one–third drains directly to deep cer–vi cal nodes.

New words

digestive – пищеварительный

pharyngeal – глоточный

mucosa – слизистая оболочка

fibrous layer – волокнистый слой

posterior nasal apertures – задние носовые апертуры

nasopharyngeal tonsil – миндалина

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