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3.6 Render the passage in English using the English equivalents of the italicized phrases given in Russian. Express the main idea of the passage in one sentence or entitle it.

Направления Роста Компаний

Горизонтальная интеграция (horizontal integration) происходит (occurs), когда фирмы, производящие один и тот же вид (the same kind of) продукции, продающие одного и того же вида товары или оказывающие схожие (similar) услуги, объединяются (come together). Наиболее распространенные (common) мотивы компаний при горизонтальной интеграции следующие:

- достижение (to obtain) эффекта масштаба;

- устранение (to eliminate) конкуренции;

- достижение главенствующего положения на рынке (to gain market dominance);

- противостояниe предложению покупки (to fight off a bid) со стороны нежелательной (unwelcome) компании;

- устранение слабых сторон (to offset weaknesses) фирмы за счет объединения с (by amalgamating with) другой фирмой, которая в этих областях деятельности имеет преимущества (has corresponding strengths).

Вертикальная интеграция (vertical integration) включает объединение (bringing together) под общим владельцем (владельцами) (under common ownership) всех стадий производственного процесса. Это происходит, когда фирма объединяется со (amalgamates with) своими поставщиками (suppliers) или своими сетевыми розничными фирмами (production outlets) по стратегическим причинам (for strategic reasons) охраны (to safeguard) источников сырья или розничных сетей, а также в целях достижения (as well as to achieve) эффекта масштаба.

Unit 3 Glossary

ANNUAL: A standard 12-month period, or one year, used for reporting economic and financial data.

ASSET: Something that you own. For a person, assets can be financial, like money, stocks, bonds, bank accounts, and government securities, or they can be physical things, like cars, boats, houses, clothes, food, and land. The important assets for our economy are the output we have produced and the resources, capital, and natural resources used to produce that output.

BENEFIT Economic benefit, the positive contribution to national product (or other measure of value) from an economic activity or project.

BIG BUSINESS: A small number of the largest businesses (usually corporations) in our economy that (1) produce a substantial share of total output, (2) control a bunch of our economy's resources, and (3) have a great deal of market control in their respective industries.

CONGLOMERATE It is a combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses together into one corporate structure, usually involving a parent company and several (or many) subsidiaries.

CONTROLLING INTEREST  In a corporation means to have control of a large enough block of voting stock shares in a company such that no one stock holder or coalition of stock holders can successfully oppose a motion. In theory this normally means that controlling interest would be 50% of the voting shares plus one.

CORPORATE VENTURING A way for large companies to develop and broaden their business without acquiring other companies but investing in small companies so that they can grow faster than they otherwise would.

CURRENT ASSET It is an asset on the balance sheet which is expected to be sold or otherwise used up in the near future, usually within one year.

DIVESTMENT It is the reduction of some kind of asset for either financial or ethical objectives or sale of an existing business by a firm. A divestment is the opposite of an investment.

ECONOMIES OF SCALE: Declining long-run average cost that occurs as a firm increases all inputs and expands its scale of production.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: One of the four basic categories of resources, or factors of production (the other three are labor, capital, and land). Entrepreneurship is a special sort of human effort that takes on the risk of bringing labor, capital, and land together and organizing production.

EQUITY: This has two uses in our wonderful world of economics. The first is as one of the two micro goals (the other being efficiency) of a mixed economy. This use relates to the "fairness" of our income or wealth distributions. The second use of the term equity means ownership, especially the ownership of a business or corporation.

FIRM: An organization that combines resources for the production and supply of goods and services. The firm is used by entrepreneurs to bring together otherwise unproductive resources. The key role played by a firm is the production of output using the economy's scarce resources. Firm's are the means through which society transforms less satisfying resources into more satisfying goods and services. If firms didn't do this deed, then something else would. And we would probably call those something else’s firms.

FIXED ASSETS The term is used in accounting for assets and property which cannot easily be converted into cash. This can be compared with current assets such as cash or bank accounts, which are described as liquid assets. In most cases, only tangible assets are referred to as fixed.

HORIZONTAL MERGER: The consolidation under a single ownership of two separately-owned businesses in the same industry.

HOSTILE ACQUISITION: In the world of mergers, the acquisition of one company by another against the wishes of the company being acquired. Also termed a hostile takeover, this is accomplished by purchasing controlling interest in the stock of the acquired company, usually by offering to pay a price exceeding the current market price. A hostile takeover might be motivated to eliminate competition, to sell off the assets of the company for more that the takeover payment, or to temporarily inflate the price of the stock.

HOSTILE BID: The price a buyer is willing to pay to purchase enough stock to obtain controlling interest in company during a hostile takeover. A hostile bid price is inevitably greater than the current market price of the stock. The higher price is designed to induce reluctant stockholders to sell their stock.

HOSTILE TAKEOVER: In the world of mergers, the acquisition of one company by another against the wishes of the company being acquired. Also termed a hostile acquisition, this is accomplished by purchasing controlling interest in the stock of the acquired company, usually by offering to pay a price exceeding the current market price. A hostile takeover might be motivated to eliminate competition, to sell off the assets of the company for more that the takeover payment, or to temporarily inflate the price of the stock.

INNOVATION: The introduction and dissemination of a new idea, product, or technological process throughout society and the economy. The innovation process should be contrasted with the act of invention, which is the creation of something new, but not the dissemination. Innovations are often thought of as applying to physical products and technology.

MANAGEMENT BUY-OUT (MBO) It is a form of acquisition where a company's existing managers acquire a large part or all of the company.

MANUFACTURING It is the use of machines, tools and labor to produce goods for use or sale. The term may refer to a range of human activity, from handicraft to high tech, but is most commonly applied to industrial production, in which raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale. 

MERGER: The consolidation of two separately-owned businesses under single ownership. This can be accomplished through a mutual, "friendly" agreement by both parties, or through a "hostile takeover," in which one business gets ownership without cooperation from the other. Mergers fall into one of three classes -- (1) horizontal--two competing firms in the same industry that sell the same products, (2) vertical--two firms in different stages of the production of one good, such that the output of one business is the input of the other, and (3) conglomerate--two firms that are in totally, completely separated industries.

MORTGAGE It is a security interest on real property granted to a lender,

MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION (MNC), also called a Trans-National Co-operation, (TNC) or multinational enterprise (MNE) It  is a corporation or an enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation.

PRIMARY SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY  It involves changing natural resources into primary products. Most products from this sector are considered raw materials for other industries. Major businesses in this sector include agriculture, agribusiness, fishing, forestry and all mining and quarrying industries.

PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY It is a term used to define maximum possible output of an economy.

QUATERNARY SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY  It is a way to describe a knowledge-based part of the economy which typically includes services such as information generation and sharing, information technology, consultation, education, research and development, financial planning, and other knowledge-based services.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, refers to "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications"

RETAINED PROFITS These are the portion of a company's profits that it keeps to reinvest in the business or pay off debt, rather than paying them out as dividends to its investors.

SECONDARY SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY  It includes those economic sectors that create a finished, usable product: production and construction. This sector generally takes the output of the primary sector and manufactures finished goods or where they are suitable for use by other businesses, for export, or sale to domestic consumers. This sector is often divided into light industryand heavy industry.

SHORT-TERM DEBT An account shown in the current liabilities portion of a company's balance sheet. This account is comprised of any debt incurred by a company that is due within one year. The debt in this account is usually made up of short-term bank loans taken out by a company.

SUBSIDIARY It is an entity that is controlled by a separate higher entity.

TAKEOVER BID It is an offer to purchase enough shares of a company to overtake the current majority shareholder. There are a variety of different takeover bid strategies, including friendly, hostile, and two-tier.

TAKEOVER It is the purchase of one company (the target) by another (the acquirer, or bidder). In the UK, the term refers to the acquisition of a public company whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, in contrast to the acquisition of a private company.

TERTIARY SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY  (also known as the service sector or the service industry) It is one of the three economic sectors, the others being the secondary sector (approximately the same as manufacturing) and the primary sector (agriculture, fishing, and extraction such as mining).The tertiary sector of industry involves the provision of services to other businesses as well as final consumers.

VENTURE CAPITAL Financial capital provided to early-stage, high-potential, growth Startup companies.

VERTICAL INTEGRATION: The situation in which a firm participates in more than one successive stage of the production or distribution process.