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21. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.

22. Make up and act dialogues considering the following assignments.

a) You came to London to meet your friends there. You ask them which places of interest to see in London.

b) You tell your fellow students about your holidays in London.


23. Listen to the Text “Trafalgar Square”.

a) Answer the questions that follow.

1. What is this famous square named after?

2. Who was the national hero of the battle?

3. What is Nelson’s Column like?

4. When was Nelson’s Column erected?

5. What are the bronze reliefs on the sides of the pedestal like?

6. What can you say about Admiral Nelson?

7. What was Admiral Nelson’s command?

8. When were the four lions added?

9. What have the lions seen?

10. Who is the sculptor of the lions?

b) Check your answers with your groupmates and Tapescript 8A of the Text.

c) Retell the Text about Trafalgar Square.

d) Make up a story about admiral Horatio Nelson based on the information collected.

24. Listen to the Text “Big Ben”.

a) You will hear some numbers in the Text. Write them down and say what these numbers refer to.

b) Check your answers with your groupmates and Tapescript 8B of the Text.

c) Retell the Text.


Higher education in Great Britain

Reading and discussion


The system of Higher education in Great Britain

1. Higher education is provided at universities, colleges of education and advanced courses at polytechnics and other establishments of higher and further education. The oldest and best-known universities are in Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Bristol, Cardiff, and Birmingham. A university consists of a number of faculties (colleges): divinity, medicine, arts (philosophy), law, music, natural sciences, economics, engineering, agriculture, commerce and education.

2. University teaching in the UK differs greatly at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels from that in many other countries.

3. An undergraduate programme consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes which in total account for about 15 hours per week.

4. Following a particular programme students take a series of lecture courses, which may last one academic term or the whole year. Associated with each lecture course are seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes that illustrate the topics presented in the lectures.

5. Lectures are given to large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are much smaller than lecture classes and in some departments can be on a one-to-one basis (one member of staff and one student).

6. Students prepare work in advance for seminars and tutorials. And this can take the form of researching a topic for discussion by writing essays or by solving problems.

7. Lectures, seminars and tutorials are all one hour in length, laboratory classes last two or three hours. Much emphasis is put on the private study nature of a UK degree. Each student has a tutor whom he can consult on any matter whether academic or personal.

8. The academic year is split into three terms. Formal teaching takes place in the first two terms, which last for twenty four weeks in total. The third term is reserved for classes and examinations and lasts for six weeks.

9. After three years of study a student may proceed to a Bachelor's degree and later on to the degree of Master and Doctor.

10. The Bachelor's degree is given to students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study: Bachelor of Arts for history, philosophy, language and literature and sometimes some social studies, or Bachelor of Science or Commerce or Music. Bachelors' degrees are at two levels, Honours and Pass. In some cases, the Honours degree is given for intensive study and examination in one, two or perhaps three related subjects, while the Pass (or "General") degree may be somewhat broader. In other cases, the Honours degree is given to the students who are more successful in their examinations.

11. The first post-graduate degree is that of Master, conferred for a thesis based on at least one year's full-time work. Everywhere the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is given for a thesis, which is an original contribution to knowledge.

12. The oldest Universities in Great Britain are Oxford and Cambridge Universities. They were founded in the two towns towards the end of the twelfth century. Because of their age, traditions, historical associations and reputation the prestige of Oxford and Cambridge Universities is very high, consequently, competition for admission is extremely keen.


1. Bachelor’s degree [‘bæt∫эlэz‘di’gri:] – степень бакалавра; присуждается колледжем или университетом выпускнику, успешно сдавшему выпускные экзамены, соответствует об окончании высшего учебного заведения в России

2. Bachelor of Arts – бакалавр искусств (по одной из гуманитарных или математических наук в университете)

3. Bachelor of Science – бакалавр наук

4. college of education – педагогический колледж (трехгодичный педагогический институт)

5. Doctor’s degree – (ученая) степень доктора

6. Doctor of Philosophy – доктор философии; для получения этой степени требуется написание самостоятельной работы на основе трехлетних (или более) исследований, можно сравнить со степенью "кандидат наук" в России.

7. essay [ 'esei] – письменная работа

8. Honours degree ['оnэz] – степень бакалавра с отличием; диплом с отличием.

9. lecturer – преподаватель высшей школы (ср.: teacher – преподаватель средней школы).

10. Master's degree – ученая степень магистра; присуждается университетом лицам, успешно завершившим по крайней мере год учебы и исследовательской работы после окончания университета

11. Pass degree – степень бакалавра без отличия; диплом без отличия

12. Polytechnic [,pоli'teknik] – политехнический институт

13. tutor ['tju:tэ] – преподаватель, ведущий практические занятия и воспитательную работу с определенной группой студентов

14. tutorial [ tju:'tоriэl] – практическое занятие с руководителем

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