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Word List:

to delegate - представляти, делегувати

sovereign power - верховна влада

to run a state - керувати державою

to retain - підтримувати, утримувати, зберігати

qualification - кваліфікація, визначення,

характеристика, виборчий ценз ,

to license - дозволяти, давати дозвіл (на що-небудь),надавати право, привілей

to provide - уживати заходів, передбачати

to maintain - підтримувати, містити в справності, надавати підтримку, обслуговувати, містити

to divide into - розділятися на

executive - виконавчий

election - вибори

equal - рівний, однаковий,

to approve a bill - затверджувати законопроект

to veto - накладати вето на що-небудь

to refuse to sign - відмовлятися підписувати

signature - підпис

natural-born American - уродженець Америки

to propose a bill - пропонувати законопроект

Congress - конгрес, з'їзд

to enforce - натискати, проводити в життя (закони)

Commander-in-Chief – головнокомандуючий

The Armed Forces - Збройні сили

approval - схвалення, сприятлива думка,

твердження, розгляд

the Senate - Сенат

to make a treaty - укладати договір

to appoint - призначати (на посаду)

judge - суддя

ambassador - посол

council - рада

legislative - законодавчий

the House of Representatives - Палата представників

to allocate - призначати, розподіляти, розміщати, резервувати

judicial - судовий, законний

2. Give answers to the following questions:

  1. How many states are there in the United States of America now?

  2. Where is the central government of the United States situated?

  3. What important powers do the sovereign states keep for themselves?

  4. Is the federal government divided into three branches in the USA? What are they?

  5. Who is the head or the Executive Branch?

  6. Who wins electoral votes of the state in the United States?

  7. What are the duties of the American President?

  8. What is the Legislative Branch of the American government? What Houses does it consist of?

  9. What is the Judicial Branch of the American government? What is it made up of?

3. Write down the questions for these answers:

  1. The presidential candidate needs 270 electoral votes.

  2. Congress must pass the proposed amendments by a two-third majority vote in each House, and three-fourths of the states must concur.

  3. The Executive Branch is headed by the President

Iw # 10.2 The Political system of the usa. Test in audition “The President of the United States”

1. Read and translate the text in a written form.

The President of the United States


  1. Which of the listed bellow statements are true/false?

    1. A president can only work for one term.

    2. When you are president you make 200 thousand dollars a year.

    3. Before 1951, you could be president for more than eight years. In truth, Franklin D.Roosevelt was president for twelve years.

  2. Find the correct answers:

    1. How long can you be president for?

  1. You can be president for a term.

  2. For twelve years.

  3. For two terms of four years

    1. How many presidents were lawers?

  1. 2

  2. 4

  3. 22

  1. Find the wrong word in each sentence and exchange by the correct one:

    1. To be president , you must be forty five years old or older.

    2. To be president, you must be a lawyer in the USA for fourteen years.

    3. A term is eight years.

    4. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president for two terms.

    5. Eight presidents did not have a teacher education.

    6. As president you are the businessman of the richest country in the world.

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