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9. (A) Put the words in the right order to make sentences. (b) Fill in the sentences into the dialogue. Act out the dialogue.

A. here fitting room is the

I'd buy a like sweater

is the over there cash desk

like sweater green I very this much

seldom skirts wear very I

yet I decided haven't

you what want do colour ?

B. Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you?

Jane: Yes, please . …

S. A.: Very well. What size do you take?

J.: 46.

S. A.: And...?

J.: I don't know. … Light-blue or maybe red.

S. A.: Will you tell me then if you want a sweater for everyday wear or some special occasion?

J.: Actually, I would like something to put on to go to college. It mustn't be too conspicuous, but still I want a fashionable one.

S. A.: All right, I see. Do you want to wear it with jeans, pants or a skirt?

J.: As a matter of fact, … . Let's say jeans.

S. A.: Then I can offer you trying this blue one, or that green one. …

J.: Thank you. … It suits me very nicely.

S. A.: Do you want to take it?

J.: Yes, certainly.

S. A.: … I'll pack it for you.

J.: Here is the receipt. Thank you.

S. A.: Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

10. Translate the following dialogue into Russian.

Продавец: Чем могу быть полезен, сэр?

Клиент: Я хотел бы купить рубашку.

П.: Какой у вас размер?

К.: Думаю, шестой.

П.: Вот очень хорошая рубашка.

К.: Да, мне она тоже нравится. Но я хотел бы белую рубашку. Сколько она стоит?

П.: Пять фунтов.

К.: Она не очень дорогая. Я беру ее.

П.: Пожалуйста.

Unit 9. At the restaurant

There are two types of restaurants in the US. On the one hand, there are fast food restaurants. Fast food restaurants are called such because little time passes between the time a visitor orders a meal and when he receives it. They are in fact sort of cafeterias. In fast food restaurants, you should go to the counter to order a meal and then bring it to a table. Fast food is usually mass-produced. Hamburgers, hot sandwiches, salads and pizza are sold in such type of restaurants. Eating there is also not expensive at all. A typical dinner will cost from 3 $ to 6 $. It usually takes from 30 to 45 minutes to have a meal in such type of restaurants. Tips for waiters are not customary in these restaurants.

On the other hand, there are full service, or proper, restaurants. In this type of restaurants customers are served by the waiters. Here you will be offered a menu with a good choice of food and beverages. For dinner at full service restaurants you will pay from 10 $ in a less expensive restaurant to 50 $. People eat, talk and enjoy music. They may have a business lunch or dinner in this type of restaurants. It usually takes people from an hour to an hour and a half to have a meal and leave a full service restaurant. The tip is not included in the bill, but a waiter will expect a tip of 15 % of a bill.

Vocabulary Bank

fast food restaurant

ресторан быстрого питания

to order a meal

заказывать еду

to tip, tips

давать чаевые, чаевые

waiter, waitress

официант, официантка

to serve






to have a meal

обедать в ресторане

to prefer






to be on a diet

соблюдать диету



first course

закуски, салаты

main course

основная еда



to pass




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