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Topical Vocabulary

precise sciences – точные науки

to supply – снабжать

to decide firmly – твердо решить

to enter – поступить

branch – отрасль

sound training – тщательная подготовка

to look forward – ожидать с нетерпением

to deal with – иметь дело с чем-либо

device – прибор

every day life – повседневная жизнь

Answer the questions:

  1. What department do you study?

  2. Why did you enter the mechanical faculty ?

  3. What subjects are you taught?

  4. What will your future work deal with?

  5. Do you study hard?

Translate into English:

  1. С детства я интересовался точными науками.

  2. Я твердо решил стать инженером.

  3. Через пять лет я стану инженером.

  4. Инженерная специальность требует тщательной подготовки по физике, математике, химии.

  5. Я люблю свою будущую специальность и занимаюсь с большим интересом.

C. Chemical Technology of Organic Substances and Compounds

I am a first (second) - year student of the Ufa Oil University. I study at the faculty of "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances and Compounds". I am very fond of chemistry. I wish to become a specialist in petroleum refinery engineering. Students entering our faculty may specialize in various branches, such as organic synthesis, reception of rubber and other compounds of petroleum.

I wish to become a specialist in petroleum refinery engineering. Those who will choose the branch of petroleum and refining engineering will deal with designing and operating various plants with work at research institutes and laboratories. Besides practicing in the university laboratories the students of our department are to get some practical training at various refineries оf the country.

A refinery is a huge chemical enterprise. Distillation units are the heart of the refinery, every distillation unit consists of at least two distillation towers, a tube still, heat exchangers, pumps, etc.

One of the distillation towers is operated at atmospheric pressure, the other one is operated at vacuum. Pumps deliver preheated crude oil to the tube still where it is heated to 360 С at atmospheric pressure. Heated oil is then passed through the distillation tower. Lighter hydrocarbon vapors flown up the tower, are removed at different levels and condense in specials coolers.

Havier fractions are accumulated at the bottom as residuum which undergoes further distillation in the vacuum tower.

Within the refinery one may see many other installations for cracking, dehydrogenation, refining and alkalition huge storage vessel pumping stations, etc. All the units are remotely controlled from the single centre.

The whole process of obtaining valuable products from crude oil is called refining. As a result of refining a great variety of products is obtained, such as gasoline, kerosene, gas oil, lubricating oils, fuels, coke, paraffin and gas for synthesis of petrochemicals and many others.

Topical Vocabulary

organic substances – органические вещества

compound – соединение

petroleum – нефть, нефтяной

refinery – очистительный (нефтеперерабатывающий) завод

to deal with – иметь дело с чем-либо

reception of rubber – получение резины

distillation unit – очистительное сооружение

to consist of – состоять из чего-либо

tower – башня

still – дистиллятор

pump – насос

pressure – давление

vacuum – вакуум, пониженное давление

to heat – нагревать

to pass through – проходить

hydrocarbon vapors – пары углеводорода

to remove – удалять, убирать

to condense – сгущать, конденсировать

havier fractions – более тяжелые фракции

to accumulate –скапливаться (накапливаться)

residuum - остаток

installation - установка

cracking – крекинг (тех.)

dehydrogenation – удаление водорода

storage vessel – емкость для хранения

remotely – на расстоянии

to obtain - получать

lubricating oil – смазочное масло

fuel – горючее, топливо

coke – кокс

Answer the questions:

  1. What faculty do you study at?

  2. What branches do the students of your faculty specialize in?

  3. Where do the students get their practical training?

  4. What is a refinery?

  5. What products are obtained in the process of oil refining?

Translate into English:

  1. Нефтеперерабатывающий завод – это огромное химическое предприятие.

  2. Студенты проходят практику на различных нефтеперерабатывающих заводах нашей страны.

  3. Одна из очистительных башен работает при атмосферном давлении.

  4. Нагретая нефть проходит через очистительную башню.

  5. В результате очистки получают большое количество продуктов.