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Нестандартный урок английского языка по теме.docx
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1. When I entered he …. His resume.

a) wrote b) was writing c) is writing

2. By the time I get my degree I …. Enough contacts in my field to find a good job.

a) will make b) am making c) will have made

3. All specialists in our company …. English well.

a) know b) knows c) has known.

4. Our group …. This problem with our business-partners yesterday.

a) was discussing b) had discussed c) discussed

-Have you finished? Ok, let’s check. Now I see English grammar is not bad.

  1. T- Ok, You’ve done a good job. And now we have time to relax. (образец физ.минутки)

- Please, stand up. Let’s do some amazing exercises.

T- Look at me and repeat after me.

Look at the window,

Look at the door,

Look at the ceiling

Look at the floor.

Hands on your hips,

Hands on your knees.

Put them behind you

If you please.

Touch your shoulders,

Touch your nose,

Touch your ears,

Touch your toes,

Raise your hands.

High in the air,

At your sides, on your hair.

Raise your hands as before

While you clap:

T-Ok, Good for you, sit down.

  1. T-One more thing! Is it interesting to start a new business?

- Let’s read a text about how to do it. Read the text and fill in the blanks with sentences below, but one sentence is extra.

T-Your time is over. Let’s check.

-What sentence is extra?

  1. T- As you know a phone is the most important thing in a businessman’s life.

- And one of these parts is SMS. I hope, you agree with me. No one likes to waste money in vane and of course a businessman.

So, using the short signs of the SMS, we’ll try to write messages to your business-partner.

T- Time is over. Any volunteers?

  1. T- Well, let’s go on. A business-plan is very important for a businessman’s life, isn’t it?

-Let’s write our Business-plan for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

T- For example, on Monday I have to meet my Boss at the airport at 8 o’clock. In the evening we have dinner with our partners and so on.

-OK, Don’t be shy! Please, tell us about your Business-plan.

  1. T- Now, let’s check another thing. Can you be good at any business or not?

-Do you want to check it? Of course, why not!

T-Imagine, we are at a Snack-bar. We all are designers. We must paint the menu. Some pictures are ready but others are not. Can you help?

-You have a little bit time.

T- Well, your time is over.

-I’d like you to tell me what list of snacks you’d like to have for your business lunch. For example, I’d like to have tea, some fruit-salad and a cake.

-What about you?

-Now we have a very good menu for our snack-bar. It’s very pretty, isn’t it?

3. Заключительный момент

Home task for the next lesson is:

To prepare your own presentation “My future profession”

T- As an example I’d like to present one of the ways to make. (video)

T- You have been great today. You get excellent marks .Our business-lesson is over. And now I want you to show your attitude to our lesson.

1. What do you like or don’t like in our lesson?

2. What was easy or difficult to do

T- I guess you will be really good at any business.

And today you get your first “Starting capital” for your own business. (копия денежной банкноты в виде закладки)

-Thank you for your active work . Bye!