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Exercise 7 Explain the following. Consult the text and vocabulary

* adverse changes to tax

  • to be applied retrospectively

  • to regulate taxation matters

  • transition period

  • to be still in force as gradually amended

  • Tax Agent

Exercise 8

Translate into English

  1. Во второй части Налогового кодекса детально регулируется каждый налог

  2. Первыми налогами, установленными НК, были налог на добавленную стоимость, акцизы, подоходный налог и социальный налог

  3. Эти налоги были приняты в 2000 году и вступили в силу в 2001 году

  4. Дальнейшая реформа была проведена в 2001 году

  5. Были введены некоторые важные законодательные принципы защиты прав налогоплательщиков

Exercise 9

Supplementary reading

Text 1

Hierarchy of Norms

It is a very important provision and principle of the law that the Tax Code is considered to fully address all of the rights and obligations of the taxpayers and the authorities. The Tax Code is meant to form a uniform and universal system of rules to be applied directly by the authorities and taxpayers. The Tax Code is meant to fully cover the legal regulation of taxation matters. According to the Tax Code, the law cannot be changed and nothing can be added to the law by any other norms, such as instructions, explanations and interpretations issued by the Government, the taxation authorities, the regional authorities, or any other authorities (article 14).

The taxation authorities will issue forms for tax registrations, the calculation of taxes and for Tax Returns or determine the procedure for calculation of certain items for the correct computation of taxes. However, in contrast to the system in use before the Tax Code was adopted, the authorities cannot create or change the law with these taxation guidelines and instructions.

All the federal taxes and charges are fully detailed in the Tax Code. This includes defining the taxpayers for each tax, the objects of taxation, the tax base, the tax rates, any exemptions and administrative procedures. For the regional and local taxes the Tax Code sets out common principles with an aim to unifying taxation through the whole of Russia. The regional and local governments are left with some discretion to set tax rates, extend some exemption and decide on other taxation matters within the framework of the Tax Code.


Hierarchy of norms

иерархия норм права





Tax Return

налоговая декларация

to determine



свобода действий

to extend exemption

предоставлять льготу

Exercise 9

Retell text 2 using the words below

to exist существовать

assets активы, фонды, капитал

allocation размещение

transfer переводить, передавать

residual остаточный

neither…nor ни…ни

transparent прозрачный

predictable предсказуемый

ad hoc (применяемый) к данному случаю, к конкретному случаю

flaw недостаток

whim произвол

to put in place = to create