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English Grammar in Context.doc
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Have been to / have been in / have gone to

Jim is away on holiday. He has gone to Spain. (= he is there now or on his way there)

Peter has been in Rome for 3 days. (= he is there now, he arrived in Rome 3 days ago)

Jane is back home from holiday now. She has been to Italy. (= she has now come back from Italy)

Let’s Practice

1 Write positive sentences in present perfect simple

The following people have just completed an action.

Bob / visit / his grandma ___________________________________________________

Jimmy / play / on the computer ______________________________________________

Sue and Walter / wash / their car _____________________________________________

Andrew / repair / his bike ___________________________________________________

Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant ___________________________________________

2 Write negative sentences in present perfect simple.

The weather was wonderful today. So the children were in the park all afternoon and have not done their household chores:

Sarah / not / wash the dishes _______________________________________________

Anita / not / clean the kitchen _______________________________________________

Maureen and Gavin / not / water the plants ____________________________________

Joey / not / make his bed __________________________________________________

Aran and Jack / not / do their homework ______________________________________

3 Write questions in present perfect simple.

you / answer / the question ________________________________________________

Jenny / lock / the door ____________________________________________________

Walter / call / us _________________________________________________________

you / see / the picture ____________________________________________________

your parents / get / the letter _______________________________________________

4 Read the text about Loch Ness and complete the sentences.

Loch Ness is a lake between the Scottish towns of Inverness and Fort Augustus. The word loch is Scottish for lake. Loch Ness is about 37 km long and extremely deep, the deepest part is 226 m. Loch Ness is famous for its friendly monster, Nessie. Most people think that this is only a legend, but every year tourists from all over the world come to Loch Ness and hope that they will see the monster.

  1. Tourists from all over the world (be)___________________ to Loch Ness.

  2. Most of them (see / not) _______________________  Nessie, however.

  3. Only very few people say that the Loch Ness Monster (appear) _______________in front of them.

  4. Even scientists (come)_________________ to Loch Ness to find the monster.

  5. And the boss of the Guinness brewery (promise)____________to pay 500,000 pounds to the person who catches Nessie.

5 What are some of the things have you already accomplished at this time in your life? 

Make a list of two or three things you have already done in life. Share what you are most proud of, and talk about some of your peers’ greatest achievements. You need to ask follow-up questions to find out the details.

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