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The Volga-Caspian Bank was established as an open-end joint stock company. The major promoters of the bank are: "Astrakhanenergo" production association, Astrakhan Geoprospecring Expedition, "Astrakhangazstroi" Corporation, "Astrakhanburgas" enterprise.

The bank maintains six branches located in the Astrakhan region. It renders the following services:

- all kinds of credit;

- universal credit and cash services in rubles;

- operations in securities;

- broker, advisory services;

- operations in promissory notes, factoring, leasing:

- overall expert risk estimation in commercial operations, preparation of documents for shares emission and privatization:

- accommodation and running of deposits;

- operations in foreign currencies within the score of an extended home license.


The Astrakhan Regional Branch of "Agroprombank" was established as an open-end joint stock company, and has nine affiliated branches located in Astrakhan and the Astrakhan Region.

It is licensed to transact banking operations in foreign currencies. The major promoters of the bank are enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex.

On a contractual basis, the bank transacts credit, settlement and other operations in rubles and foreign currencies in favour of Russian and foreign legal entitles and natural persons:

- attract and runs monetary deposits and loans under contracts with the borrower,

- makes payments on behalf of clients and correspondent banks and renders cash services;

- opens and runs accounts of its clients and correspondent banks including foreign ones;

- finances capital investments on behalf of the owners’ or executors of the invested funds as well as from the bank’s own funds;

- issues, purchases, transfers and keeps settlement document and securi­ties;

- renders broker and advisory services.

Astrakhan Direction of Mosbusinessbank.

The bank transacts all kinds of banking operations including:

for legal entities - settlements and cash services, loan grats, issue of guaran­ties and promisory notes, factoring operations and operations in securities, export and import payments of any kind accepted in banking practice, e.g. transfers, cash-in services, chegues, letters of kredit, invoices; operations in foreign currency cash, travellers cheques and credit cads on behalf of its clients, purchase of currencies at home currency exchanges, coversion operations, advisory and legal services;

for natural persons - opening and running of accounts in rubles or foreign currencies for citizens, attracting and keeping money as deposits.

As one of the promoters of and active participant in the Interbank Currency Exchange, "Mosbusinessbank" enjoys stable standing in the Interbank foreign currency market.

It renders a scope of services to banks, individuals or legal entities in any’ form of ownership in selling Visa and Thomas Cook travellers cheques for US dollars, pounds, German marks and French francs, or any currency in cash. "Mosbusinessbank" has a general-license for operations in foreign currencies and maintains correspondence relations with banks in Austria, Great Britain, Hungary. Germany, Netherlands, USA, France, Switzerland. Sweden and Japan.

Remember the words and phrases:

Settlement and credit operations - рас четно-кредитные операции,

legal entities - юридические лица,

natural persons - физические лица:

securities - ценные бумаги,


promissory note - вексель, поручительство,

overall expert risk estimation in commercial operations - комплексный, экспертный анализ рисков при проведении коммерческих операций.

accomodation and running of deposits - привлечение и хранение депозитов.

borrower - заемщик;

owner - владелец:

executor ~ распорядитель;

to purchase - покупать;

to loan grants - предоставлять кредиты;

transfer – перевод;

cash-in services - инкассо;

letter of credit - аккредитив,

invoice - требование-поручение

Find the English equivalents in the text.

Финансовое положение, конкурентоспособное производство, операции с ценными бумагами, филиал, брокерские услуги, консультационные услуги, вексельные операции, акционирование, валютные операции, в рамках внутренней расширенной лицензии, акционерное общество открытого типа, на договорной основе, привлекать и размещать денежные вклады, по поручению клиентов, платежные документы, юридические лица, физические лица, ведение счетов, Межбанковская валютная биржа.

Answer the questions about the text:

1. What does the regional banking structure consists of?

2. What are the operations of the banks focused on?

3. What arc the major promoters of the Volga-Caspian Bank?

4. What services docs VCA bank render?

5. Is Agroprombank licensed to transact banking operations in foreign currencies?

6. What services does Agroprombank render?

7. What kinds of banking operations does Astrakhan Direction of Mosbusinessbank transact for legal entities (for natural persons)?


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