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Our University

  1. There are many higher educational establishments in Orenburg.

  2. One of the biggest is the Orenburg State Agrarian University.

  3. The University was established in 1930.

  4. It has 7 faculties and 3 institutes.

  5. Part of the students are fulltime students, the other are external


  1. The University has 11 buildings which contain a great amount of

study rooms, laboratories and 2 museums.

  1. The University City has student hostels and a conference-hall.

  2. The course of study runs for 4 (5)years.

  3. Every year many students graduate from the University.

  4. I’ve entered the University in 2014.

  5. Now I am a first-year student of the faculty of economics.

  6. The faculty trains accountants and economists.

  7. I am a full-time student.

  8. I get(don’t) a scholarship.

  9. Our lectures begin at 8 o’clock.

  10. Every day we have about 2 lectures and 2 seminars.

  11. I attend all the lectures and classes.

  12. The students of our University attend laboratories, library and reading


Active Vocabulary

educational establishment – учебное заведение

to be established- быть основанным

fulltime student – студент – очник

external students-заочники

study rooms-аудитории

student hostels-студенческие общежития

course of study- курс обучения

faculty – факультет

accountant- бухгалтер

to attend lectures and classes – посещать лекции и практические занятия

course of study– учебный курс

a first year student– студент первокурсник

to graduate from the University– закончить университет

scholarship – стипендия


*to pass an examination – сдать, выдержать экзамен

*to fail in English – провалиться по английскому

*to take an examination – сдавать экзамен

*academic year – учебный год

*to take a test – сдавать зачёт


    1. Переведите на русский язык:

1. Petrov is a first-year student.

2. He attends lectures and classes every day.

3. His University is very large.

4. There are ten faculties in it.

5. He studies at the Law faculty.

6. In four years he will graduate from the University.

II. Переведите на английский язык без словаря:

1. Я учусь в аграрном университете.

2. Университет был образован в 1930 году.

3. В университете 7 факультетов и три института.

4. Я поступил в университет в 2014 году и окончу его через ( in ) четыре года.

5. Студенты-очники занимаются днём и получают стипендию.

6. В университете есть читальные залы, лаборатории.

٭III. Решите кроссворд.


2 посещать

3 предмет

4 студент

5 стипендия

6 студент-заочник

7 год

My working day

  1. I usually get up at 7 o’clock on week-days.

  2. I make my bed and do my morning exercises.

  3. Then I go to the bathroom.

  4. There I take a shower, clean my teeth and brush my hair.

  5. After that I go back to my bedroom and dress myself.

  6. Then I have my breakfast and go to the university.

  7. I live not far from my university and it takes me 20 minutes to get to it on foot or 10 minutes by bus.

  8. I am never late for the first lesson.

  9. The lessons begin at 8 o’clock.

  10. Sometimes after the lessons I go to the library to take some books.

  11. I usually do my homework at home.

  12. I try to help my mother about the house.

  13. Twice a week I go to the swimming pool.

  14. I also play volleyball in the university team.

  15. In the evening my family gets together.

  16. We have supper, watch TV or just talk.

  17. By the end of the week I get very tired.

  18. That’s why I always look forward to my weekend.