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Место наречий в предложении

Наречия образа действия ставятся непосредственно после смыслового глагола: They walked slowly. The sun is shining brightly. Наречие hardly употребляется перед глаголом: He hardly knew us.

Наречия неопределенного времени – always, often, seldom, ever, never, just, already, usually, generally, sometimes, still – ставятся перед смысловым глаголом, но после вспомогательного глагола и глагола to be: She usually comes late. It often rains in spring. She is usually late. I have always dreamed about a world-round journey. Наречие yet обычно стоит в конце предложения: Have you read the letter yet? – No, I haven’t read it yet. (No, I have not yet read the letter.) Наречия before, lately, recently стоят в конце предложения: We have seen the film before. I havent heard of him lately.

Наречия, определяющие прилагательные или другие наречия, ставятся перед словами, которые они определяют: I am very glad to see you. We like travelling very much. He speaks English quite well. The car was fully damaged. She was completely depressed. Наречие enough ставится после определяемого слова: My coat is warm enough. They know English well enough. He doesnt work enough.

Цепочка наречий в финальной позиции в предложении обычно имеет следующий порядок:

manner – place – time

direction – place

direction – manner

I did badly at the exam yesterday.

She wrote to a school in Paris.

He went home quickly.

Степени сравнения наречий

Многие наречия (главным образом наречия образа действия) могут иметь степени сравнения, которые образуются так же, как и степени сравнения прилагательных.

Односложные наречия и двусложные на -ly, совпадающие по форме с прилагательными, образуют сравнительную степень путем прибавления суффикса -er, а превосходную – с помощью суффикса -est к форме положительной степени.

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень



(the) fastest



(the) latest



(the) earliest



(the) best



(the) worst



(the) most



(the) least




(the) farthest

(the) furthest

Наречия, образованные от прилагательных при помощи суффикса -ly, образуют сравнительную степень путем прибавления слов more, less, а превосходную степень – со словами most, least: slowlymore slowlymost slowly; clearlyless clearlyleast clearly.

Grammar Practice

Ex.1. Form adverbs from the adjectives.

Easy, dramatic, horrible, careful, comfortable, cosy, serious, true, rare, polite, responsible, logical, free, lonely, weekly, fantastic, possible, late, silly, angry, whole, interesting, good, high, bad, public, heavy, hard.

Ex.2. Make all the necessary changes.

Pattern A: Mike is a slow walker (walk). – Mike walks slowly.

1. Mike is a quick thinker (think). 2. He is a bad swimmer (swim). 3. Leonov was a wonderful actor (act). 4. Kate isn’t a good volleyball player (play). 5. We are perfect dancers (dance). 6. They are not attentive listeners (listen). 7. It is heavy rain (rain). 8. Your brother is an excellent speaker (speak). 9. Fred isn’t a careful driver (drive).

Pattern B: That’s a fast train (go). – That train goes fast.

1. Your cousin is a hard student (study). 2. Jane is a fast runner (run). 3. She is in the near neighbourhood (live). 4. You are a late comer (come). 5. I’m not an early riser (rise). 6. They aren’t friendly with us (treat). 7. The plane is very high (fly). 8. This is a daily paper (come out). 9. Your answer isn’t right (answer). 10. These are monthly journals (come out).

Pattern C: The soup is good (taste). – The soup tastes good.

1. The meat is bad (smell). 2. It’s wrong (look). 3. The painting isn’t good (seem). 4. Sue is happy (become). 5. Everything is successful (look). 6. The flower is pleasant (smell). 7. Tom isn’t tired (feel). 8. Ben’s idea is interesting (sound). 9. We are hungry (get). 10. This coffee is unusual (taste). 11. This music is nice (sound). 12. The food is bad (smell).

Ex.3. Choose the right word.

1. The sun shines … . There is a … fire in the garden. (bright; brightly) 2. We attend classes … . He has … working hours. (regular; regularly) 3. Do you … want to go there? She has a lot of … friends. (real; really) 4. This is an … exercise. I can translate this article … . (easy; easily) 5. These volumes contain the … works by Pushkin. I am … satisfied. (complete; completely) 6. Give me a … answer. This shows the difference … . (clear; clearly) 7. Alice dances … too. They have got a … little garden. (pretty; prettily) 8. What … weather we are having today! It was a … long war. (terrible; terribly) 9. Robert ran off … . That’s a … reply. (quick; quickly) 10. She always speaks to him … . That was an … remark. (angry; angrily) 11. We had a … talk on Monday. The days passed … . (pleasant; pleasantly) 12. The girls speak German … . (fluent; fluently) 13. We don’t like to drink … tea. (bitter; bitterly) 14. The floor looks … . (clean; cleanly) 15. The plane landed … on the runway. (safe; safely) 16. When the wind started to blow I grew … . (anxious; anxiously) 17. Most of the students did … on their tests. (good; well) 18. The contract offer sounded … to me, so I accepted the job. (fair; fairly)

Ex.4. Choose the correct adverb.

1. I saw a plane … in the sky. The idea seems … impossible. (high; highly) 2. We have heard very little of him … . He usually comes home … after classes on Tuesday. (late; lately) 3. I can … understand what he is saying. You must work … at your spelling. (hard; hardly) 4. We were … late. The café was … . (near; nearly) 5. Computers are … used nowadays. (wide; widely) 6. Students can enter the museum … on Sunday. (free; freely) 7. I like sitting … the fire. (near, nearly) 8. They arrived too … to catch the train. (late, lately) 9. To find the water they had to dig … . (deep; deeply) 10. Tom was the … to come. (last; lastly)

Ex.5. Give the comparative and superlative forms.

Slowly; much; lonely; safely; far; early; well; little; near; fast; truly; comically; badly; high; silly; loudly; happily; friendly; hard; dangerously.

Ex.6. Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets. Make changes in the degrees of comparison.

1. I like to get up early in summer. (of all) 2. We are going to stay here long. (than you) 3. She can do it quickly. (as I can) 4. Mary attends the theatre regularly. (much; than we do) 5. Anthony looked at us angrily. (than yesterday) 6. Nina sings well. (in the group) 7. We stayed far from the camp. (of all) 8. He cooks badly. (than me) 9. The Woods furnished the room beautifully (in the neighbourhood) 10. Ralf works patiently on the report. (as George) 11. You speak little. (of us) 12. They live near the bookstore. (than we do) 13. His car runs fast. (of all the race cars). 14. He visits his parents frequently. (as she does)

Ex.7. Complete the sentences with the following adverbs: absolutely, extremely, unusually, badly, widely, highly, newly, well.

1. This house is … designed. 2. It’s … believed that he will win the match. 3. The car is … damaged. 4. The salad is … delicious. 5. Great Britain is a … industrialized country. 6. He is a … known person in our town. 7. It’s a … restored church. 8. It’s an … interesting point of view.

Ex.8. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The higher we flew, A. the earlier you’ll arrive.

2. The more you study, B. the better you will feel.

3. The less he slept, C. the worse Edna felt.

4. The sooner you take the medicine, D. the more irritable he became.

5. The sooner you start, E. the smarter you’ll become.

6. The faster he rowed the boat, F. the farther away he got.

Ex.9. Use the correct form of the adverbs in brackets.

1. It is becoming (hard) and (hard) to find a job. 2. Can you stand a bit (far) away from the camera? 3. We have to walk (fast) than this if we want to catch the train. 4. This word is (widely) used in spoken English than in written. 5. Could you speak a bit (distinctly), please? 6. The Earth goes round the Sun (quickly) than Jupiter. 7. If you want to pass your exams, you should do your homework (regularly). 8. David plays the violin much (well) this year. 9. She always arrives at work much (early) than anyone else. 10. The children are behaving far (badly) than they normally do. 11. Of all animals in the world, which one lives (long)?

Ex.10. Use the right form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets.

Dear Mary,

Thanks for letting me stay in your villa in Spain last month. It was (good) holiday I have ever had. It was (much) fun than last year in France. I think Spanish people are (friendly) than French, and I could communicate (easily) in Spanish, although I still find it (difficult) than German. The weather was much (warm) than in England, where we’ve had (bad) summer in over 10 years.

Ex.11. Do the multiple choice test.

1. The boys feel … than the girls about loosing the game.

A. bad B. badly C. worse

2. Bill describes his journey … .

A. colourful B. colourfully C. more colourful

3. Tom works … than Mike.

A. more slowly B. as slowly C. the most slowly

4. He knows London … as his sister does.

A. well B. as well C. better

5. John plays the guitar … .

A. more professionally B. the most professional

C. professionally

6. She dances much … than her partner.

A. artistically B. more artistically C. the most artistically

7. You read … of all.

A. little B. less C. the least

8. Joe doesn’t look … today.

A. happily B. more happily C. happy

9. Peter works … on the project.

A. hard B. hardly C. more hardly

10. He feels … today.

A. well B. badly C. good

11. I don’t like milk … .

A. too B. also C. either

12. She hasn’t written the letter … .

A. yet B. already C. lately

13. Where … did you go last summer?

A. too B. also C. else

14. I can … recognize him.

A. hard B. hardly C. easy

15. I want to see them so … .

A. much B. many C. more

16. She threw the ball … and we couldn’t find it.

A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere

17. Where did you spend the holidays? – … .

A. Nowhere B. Somewhere C. Anywhere

18. Do you go … on Saturday evenings?

A. anywhere B. elsewhere C. somewhere

19. We cannot see our dog … .

A. anywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere

20. Tom … prefers going in for sports.

A. too B. either C. also

Ex.12. Translate into English.

1. Я люблю приключения больше, чем фильмы ужасов. 2. Он всегда разговаривает громко. 3. Она рисует хуже, чем в прошлом году. 4. Чем раньше вы получите визу, тем быстрее отправитесь в США. 5. Анна читает по-английски очень медленно. 6. Начальник приходит на работу позже своего секретаря. 7. Он знает Лондон так же хорошо, как и Джон. 8. Опасно заплывать так далеко! 9. Ты знаешь достаточно много слов, чтобы перевести этот текст без словаря. 10. Кто еще хочет пойти в театр с нами? 11. Она очень любит фрукты. 12. Он едет слишком быстро. 13. Я едва знакома с Браунами. 14. Великобритания – высокоразвитая страна. 15. Бетси живет дальше, чем я. 16. Я никогда ничего не забываю. 17. Смотри! Высоко в небе летит бумажный змей. 18. Он упорно занимается английским языком. 19. Она всегда отвечает блестяще на экзаменах. 20. К сожалению, Лора играет на пианино плохо. 21. Том обычно пишет тесты лучше всех из нас.

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