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3.2. Планы практических занятий (ведутся на английском языке)

3 Семестр:

Семинар 1 (план)

Topics for revision: Roman Britain, Anglo-Saxon Britain, Norman Conquest

Task 1: Prepare 3 mind-maps to cover the lectures. With the help of your mind-maps be prepared to comment on any aspect of the period (religion, language, laws, state system, important dates etc.)

Task 2: Find English equivalents for the following words (get ready for a lexical dictation): выплата дани, заложник, перешеек, клад, нападение варваров, система канализации, храм (языческий), язычество, упадок, племя, престолонаследие, грабить, регулярная армия, военная добыча, расширение территории, перемирие, потомок, историческое свидетельство (подтверждение), местная культура, доспехи, претендент на престол, покорить страну по частям, сдерживающий фактор, чистка (политическая), сокровищница, казначейство, браконьерство, братоубийственная резня, яблоко раздора, отлучать от церкви, божий суд, сторона (в судебном процессе), союзник, крестоносцы, годовой доход страны, принести вассальную клятву, вассальная зависимость.

Task 3: Prepare 5-7 minutes reports, making choice of the following topics; PP presentations are welcome:

  1. King Arthur in British literary and mass culture.

  2. English places of interest of Roman (Norman) origin.

  3. Richard the Lionhearted: legend and history.

Task 4: Find the poem by R. Kipling “Danegeld”; prepare it for good recital (know all the words), be prepared to explain, why the poet addressed this theme of distant past.

Task 5: Read the excerpt from Chapter 1 ‘Ivanhoe’ by W. Scott and make 3 questions to the content.

Семинар 2 (план)

Topics for revision: Plantagenet England. The Hundred Years War; The Tudor dynasty. The break with Rome

Task 1: Prepare 2 mind-maps to cover the lectures. With the help of your mind-maps be prepared to comment on any aspect of the period (religion, language, laws, state system, important dates etc.)

Task 2: Find English equivalents for the following words (get ready for a lexical dictation): (не)платежеспособность, стычка, уступчивый, отречься от престола, осадить (осада), снять осаду, низложение монарха, регулярная армия, лишения, подушный налог, отмена крепостного права, переговоры, перемирие, наемники, порох, пушки.

Task 3: find the Russian equivalents for: pauperization, accumulation of capital, to be at the root of smth, political ties, grievance, consecration, sacrament, to expound, high treason, monk, nun, Scripture, to be celibate, to repeal, to validate, to circumnavigate the globe, supremacy

Task 4: Prepare 5-7 minutes reports, making choice of the following topics; PP presentations are welcome:

  1. Peasant revolts of France and England: victory or defeat?

  2. Famous captains and buccaneers of Tudor epoch: heroes or villains?

  3. An excursion about Britain (places of interest of Tudor epoch).

Task 5: Find the song “Green Sleeves”: give your group chance to listen to it; the popular legend connects this song with Henry VIII; say, whether it is true and comment upon circumstances of its composition.

Task 6: Read the excerpt from Chapter XXII ‘Prince and Pauper’ by M. Twain and make 3 questions to the content. Which segment of your mind-map does it complement? What would you like to add to the segment?

Семинар 3 (план)

Topics for revision: The United Crowns, First American Settlers; Personal Rule

Task 1: Prepare 2 mind-maps to cover the lectures. With the help of your mind-maps be prepared to comment on any aspect of the period (religion, language, laws, state system, important dates etc.)

Task 2: Answer the questions:

  1. In which way are ‘the United Crowns’ different from the Kingdom of Great Britain?

  2. James I was: a) Tudor; b) Stuart; c) Plantagenet. Which is correct?

  3. What is ‘the King James version’? Why was it so popular?

  4. Dwell in details on the relations of King James I and the Parliament; what caused increasing conflict?

  5. What was the main interest of joint stock companies: a) arable farming; b) ironwork; c) overseas ventures.

  6. In which way are names of Pym, George Villers, Earl of Salisbury, John Rolfe important for the period?

  7. Explain: Who are ‘Roundheads’, ‘Cavaliers’, ‘Ironsides’?

What is ‘Short Parliament’? ‘Long Parliament’? ‘Pride’s Purge’?

  1. Why are the names of George Villiers, Oliver Cromwell, William Laud, John Pym important for the period?

  2. Why were the English so suspicious of ‘Papists’?

  3. In which way is the Petition of Rights important for the British judicature?

  4. Comment on Charles I’s attempts to ‘do good’ to the nation. Why were they not appreciated?

Task 3: Enter the grid on the first American colonies:

Name and date of foundation

Type of settlers

Leaders and governers

Main events


Name and date of foundation

Type of settlers

Leaders and governers

Main events


Task 4: Translate into English: ввязаться (впутаться) в…, обратить в веру, сжечь изображение, фракционность парламента, звание (титул), торговые монополии, плодотворный, единое политическое пространство, размещение на постой (о войсках), военно-полевой суд, взимать налоги, репрессии, лишение гражданских прав, браться за оружие, прекращение огня, просить политического убежища, эшафот.

Task 5: Make 5-7 minute reports.

  1. Bonfire night and its historic roots.

  2. Thanksgiving day and its historic roots.

  3. First American colonies period as reflected in pictorial art.

Семинар 4 (план)

Topics for revision: The English Republic. England under the lord-Protector, THE ENGLISH RESTORATION. THE MERRY MONARCH.

Task 1: Prepare 2 mind-maps to cover the lectures. With the help of your mind-maps be prepared to comment on any aspect of the period (religion, language, laws, state system, important dates etc.)

Task 2: Answer the questions:

  1. Enumerate political, economic and religious reasons for the Irish war. Speak about its consequences.

  2. Dwell upon the place of the Parliament in the times of English Republic.

  3. Speak about social situation during Protectorship. Would you like to live in that sort of society?

  4. Write out 3 dates you consider most important. What happened?

  5. In which way are names of General Monck, Gerard Winstanley, Charles II important for the period?

  6. Explain what is: ‘Instrument of the government’, ‘Council of State’.

  7. Explain what is: Cavalier Parliament, Five Mile Act, ‘Breeches role’.

  8. Sum up Clarendon Code; what was its effect?

  9. Why are the names: George Monck, Clarendon, Nell Gwynn, Sir Christopher Wren, the 1st Earl of Shaftsbury, Duke of York important for the period?

  10. Write out names of British colonies in America, which were gained or set up within Restoration period.

  11. Speak of social life of Restoration period. Which innovations are worth mentioning? What made this period so dissimilar to Interregnum?

  12. Write out 3 dates you consider most important. What happened?

  13. Charles II: a ‘merry monarch’ or an astute politician? Use facts to support your impression.

  14. Learn the glossary: to negotiate, interregnum, indemnity, adherents, instigation, under the auspices, dowry, a scapegoat, to mint money, asylum for the persecuted.

  15. Which political parties sprang up at Restoration? What was it connected with?

Task 3: Translate into English (for a lexical dictation): назначать за личные заслуги, провиант для армии, задолженности по зарплате, полк, избирательное право, верхушка подпольной организации, резня, партизанская война, раздор, парламентская чехарда, бунт, увековечить память

Task 4: Make 5-7 minute reports.

  1. Sum up Oliver Cromwell as a man and as a political figure. Do you agree that in case of military dictatorship the personality of a ruler is one of the major factors in shaping destiny of the country? Or is this statement an exaggeration?

  2. Famous musician / sculptor / scientist / writer (dramatist) of Restoration period and his work.

Task 5: Find a film the action of which takes place in the times of a)English Republic; b) Restoration; advertise your summary, show a 10 – minute fragment with some listening tasks.

Семинар 5 (план)

Topics for revision: Britain’s Advance to World Power, Industrial Revolution, Liberal Age

  1. Explain what is pax Britanica, British Raj, sepoys, Opium wars.

  2. Dwell upon the significance of the Battle of Waterloo for the British expansion.

  3. Why are the names Robert Clive, Tipu Sultan important for the period?

  4. What is ‘first’ and ‘second’ British Empire? Show them on the map. What was the reason for losing the first and gaining the second?

  5. Dwell upon East India Company and its various activities. What brought its rule to an end? Do you think the explanations provided are sufficient? Which facts do you think are missing?

  6. Who introduced the term ‘industrial Revolution’? What does it mean?

  7. Enumerate causes of industrial revolution taking place in GB first; refer them to: a) economic;

b) political;

c) geopolitical;

d) social groups. Which causes should be considered primary? Which explanations sound strange or ‘non-scientific’?

  1. Which inventions gave impetus to industrial Revolution in GB?

  2. Why are the names of Richard Arkwright, James Watt, Abraham Darby, John Macadam important for the period?

  3. Speak about Luddites as a phenomenon: did their movement have any hope? Was there anything like that in Russia?

  4. Comment upon social conditions: changes in the structure of society, life of the poor, family relations.

  5. How did Karl Marx interpret the industrialization process? Is his theory entirely wrong or are there any valid items?

  6. Name objectives of chartism; which of their demands were realized in years to come?

  7. Sum up Chartism movement; why do you think it never led to a national uprising?

  8. Explain what is: ‘Great Exodus’, ‘jingoism’, ‘surburbanization’, ‘Scramble for Africa’.

  9. In which way are Queen Victoria, Disraeli, Cecil Rhodes important for the period?

  10. Speak about liberal reforms of the period: which of them were consistent, which – half-measures?

  11. Dwell upon the social structure and class peculiarities.

  12. What is ‘Colonial Imperialism’? Name causes for hectic colonial expansion. Enumerate the countries that became colonies of GB within the period.

  13. Comment upon the Dominion Status; which countries gained it?

  14. What facts about the period surprised you?

  15. Peer-check the glossary: to purchase commissions, limited liability, charities, labour exchange, compulsory ensurance, high farming, real wages, inculcate, merger, primary goods, stockholders, cash crop, manual labour, machine manufacture, internal combustion engine, surplus population, cottage industry, accumulation of capital, weaving, mandatory, the steam engine, smelting, spinning machines, looms, artisans, flax, yarn, shuttle, entrepreneurs, seam of coal, pit, adit, pig iron, cast iron, blast furnace, toll, stage coach, strike action, riot police, repeal, theory of value, means of industrial production, franchise, a call to arms, to learn by rote; каторга, устанавливать зональный тариф, кабальный труд, отказаться от права на таможенные пошлины, местное население.

Темы докладов, рефератов:

    1. Queen Victoria (mother, wife, ruler);

    2. Disraeli – a politician and a writer;

    3. Robert Peel and his period;

    4. The Crimean war (reasons, warfare, consequences; reflection of the war in art and literature in GB and Russia);

Семинар 6 (план)

Topics for revision: WW1 and after-war years, WW2 and after-war years

  1. Name countries of the a) Triple Entente;

b) Triple Alliance.

  1. Which explanations are given as to the reasons of WWI? What other reasons could be given?

  2. Find on the map and show zones of colonial hostilities.

  3. Explain what is ‘Shieffen Plan’; why did it fail?

  4. Dwell upon European warfare; what made this war different from all the previous ones? Comment upon coordination, effectiveness and staff competence. Name places of major battles. Explain what is ‘a war of attrition’.

  5. Name major problems GB faced after the Armstice and sum up the way they were dealt with.

  6. Sum up tranformation of the Dominion Status; why was it so rapid? Which countries gained independence?

  7. Name nations that consider WWI ‘Baptism of fire’; name nations that suffered psychological trauma after the war; how did the trauma manifest itself?

  8. Speak about social reforms of the 20-s.

  9. What is ‘depression’? Why was it so bad?

  10. Continue the lines: Allied Powers: Great Britain, USSR, ...; Axis powers: Germany ...

  11. Assess the degree GB was prepared for the war: which measures were taken?

  12. Speak about Britain in the war in 1939 – 1940; sum up: a)Phony War; b) Dunkirk; c)the Battle of Britain. Why is Dunkirk usually passed over in silence? Is the importance of the Battle of Britain estimated correctly in the world scale?

  13. Sum up Lend-Lease: give a definition; say whether it was an act of good will or a shrewd policy for economic expansion on the behalf of USA. Comment upon the role of Lend-Lease for GB and the USSR. What do you know of Arctic convoys?

  14. The Mideterranean: comment upon reasons for ‘Mideterranean commitment’; write out countries that turned into battlefields; nations participating in the war. Dwell upon coordination, planning and achievement.

  15. Africa: enumerate countries involved in the warfare; why are the names Rommel and Montgomery important for the phase. Comment upon coordination, planning and effectiveness.

  16. Normandy and Rhineland: Which nations were involved? Which cities can be named as landmarks? In which way do the British enhance their own importance in the combined operation?

  17. Explain what is ‘the combined bomber offencive’; Why do you think the British need self-justification?

  18. Dwell upon the warfare in the Far East: which countries were involved? What difficulties did GB face? Comment upon coordination, effectiveness and results.

  19. Name the most important consequences of the war.

  20. Dwell upon decolonization on the basis of the grid:

    Part of the world

    Countries that gained independence


    Problems caused by sudden separation

  21. Speak about economy of GB in the after-war years: a) Washington loan agreement and its consequences; b) the Labour government political programme; c) major problems.

  22. Sum up social situation in GB in the after-war years. Why is it called a time ‘of great shifts in attitudes’?

  23. Peer-check the glossary: : урегулировать конфликт, некомпетентность командования, колючая проволока, пулеметы, субмарины, отравляющие газы, окопы ,осколочные снаряды, отступление, морская блокада, прекращение огня, война на истощение (изнурение), разведка, нехватка персонала, экономический спад, ценные бумаги(имущество), окопы, части гражданской обороны, нормирование продовольствия, котел (окружение), штатские, наземные сооружения, тыловое обеспечение, закрепиться (о частях), выровнять линию фронта, наступление, ополченцы, десантные войска, обойти с фланга, ударные дивизии, воздушные силы, морские силы, «клещи», налет авиации, вспомогательные отрасли, полностью разрушить, переукомплектация, свернуть операцию, потери состава ,военнослужащие, угрожать интересам , переходный период, конвертируемая валюта, ипотека

Семинар 7 (итоговый)


Задачи занятия: научиться создавать эффективные смысловые опоры при работе с большим объемом информации, научиться представлять исторических деятелей в интересной, доступной для учащихся форме; давать интерпретацию последствий их политической деятельности для экономики и развития страны в целом; активизировать межпредметные связи курсов истории и литературы.

1/ Make a presentation of a historic book that might be considered a reliable source when presenting a certain period (be ready to comment on: major political and economic events that serve as background to plot development; degree of accuracy of the author’s treatment of historic events, characters; ways and means of creating ‘vintage’ effect; explain some historic realia);

2/ Prepare a mind map which will effectively cover a certain period of English history (see samples in my PPPs)

3/ Important dates in British history (reports continued).

4/ Present a group popularity poll of 4-5 key historic figures. Be argumentative about your choice.

5/ Present a ‘blacklist’ of 4-5 British historic figures. (Anti-rating). Explain what makes them notorious.

6/ Group project: make use of http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/CrissCrossSetupForm.asp ; create a puzzle (12 words down, 12 words across) that covers historic periods under discussion; quiz the other group and check their answers (make sure that you have keys to your own crossword puzzle)!


electronic lectures +

  1. Заболотный В. М. Мир британского содружества наций. Учебно-практическое пособие .- М.: Евразийский открытый институт, 2010. - 320 с. http://www.biblioclub.ru/author.php?action=book&auth_id=23335

  2. Заболотный В. М История, география и культура стран изучаемого языка. (English-speaking World): учебно-методический комплекс   - М.: Евразийский открытый институт, 2011.

  3. Иглз Робин, Горевцов Г. В.  История Англии [Текст] : подроб. справ. по истории / Робин Иглз; пер. с англ. Г. В. Горелова. - М. : АСТ: Астрель, 2008. - 294 с. Кол-во экз. : 1

  4. История Англии [Текст] : тексты для чтения на англ. яз. / сост., адапт., слов. и коммент. Г. С. Усовой. - СПб. : Лань, 1999. - 256 с. Кол-во экз. : 8

  5. Грин Джон Ричард История Англии и английского народа : Пер.с англ./ Д.Р.Грин. - М. : Жуковский: Кучково поле, 2005. - 752с.Кол-во экз. : 1

  6. Штокмар Валентина Владимировна  История Англии в Средние века [Текст] : [кн. для студентов ист. и филол. фак.] / В. В. Штокмар. - СПб. : Алетейя, 2005. - 203 с. Кол-во экз. : 5

  7. Квеннел Мэрджори, Квеннел Чарльз Генрих Борн, Найденов В. В.  История повседневной жизни Англии 1066-1499 [Текст] / Чарльз Генрих Борн Квеннел, Мэрджори Квеннел; пер. с англ. В. В. Найденова. - Смоленск : РУСИЧ, 2006. - 304 с. – 1 экз.