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Flexible production and industrial robots

This country's machine-building industry is now facing the task of restructuring on a large scale engineering production, and developing new methods of organization, new equipment and new technologies. This is

a global process. Swift production automation, the introduction of microprocessors, robotics, rotary and rotary-conveyer lines, flexible readjustable production is vital for today's industry.

Industrial robots play an important part in the process. Many institutes are currently engaged in developing them. The concept of designing robot modules is making successful headway.

The task today is to raise their reliability, speed and failure-free operation.

Russian engineers cooperate in the development of flexible production systems with experts from different countries.

Also needed for the operation of flexible systems are robots which will transport billets and parts between machine-tools, i.e. transport robots, robot trailers, as well as measuring robots. Experts from the Institute of Machine Studies are developing measuring manipulators and coordinate- measuring machines.

It is hard to enumerate all the problems facing our engineers and designers in the development of flexible productions. Automated systems of adjusting, controlling instruments, machined parts and many other things are needed.

The combination of flexible systems with the general system of programmed production, the spreading of flexibility to the processes of preparatory productions — foundry, forging and welding — are also very complicated problems. The flexible system must embrace all the stages of machine building, all its processes.

Exercise 2. Берілген сөйлемдерден инфинитив оралымдарын тауып, олардың аударылу ерекшеліктерін көрсетіңіз.

1. Engineers must know the best and most economical materials to use, understand the properties of these materials and how they can be worked. 2. Another factor for the industrial engineer to consider is whether each manufacturing process can be automated in whole or in part. 3. Industrial robots to be built now perform certain tasks even better than a human being. 4. There are few written instructions to help a melter in determining alloying additions to be made to a heat of steel melted in an induction furnace. 5. Heating temperatures, methods of quenching and shape of the part to be treated are the factors which particularly affect the amounts of distortion. 6. The tube to be drawn is mounted on the rollers on the turn-table bed-piece, and the left-hand end of the tube is brought in contact with the stripper plate incorporated in the head.

Exercise 3. Берілген сөйлемдерден инфинитив оралымдарын тауып, модельге сәйкес олардың аударылу ерекшеліктерін көрсетіңіз.

Model 1: То obtain a steel of the desired quality is the main subject of the experiments carried out in the research laboratory of the plant. — Получение стали желаемого качества является основной целью опытов, проводимых экспериментальной лабораторией завода.

Model 2: То obtain a steel of the desired quality the research laboratory of the plant carried out a lot of experiments. — Для того чтобы полу­чить сталь желаемого качества, экспериментальная лаборатория завода провела много опытов.

1. То develop a new method of cutting metals was necessary. To develop a new method of cutting metals the engineers made some interesting experiments. 2. To make good castings it is necessary to use large and properly placed risers to feed heavy sections. To make good castings is impossible without using large and properly placed risers to feed heavy sections. 3. To discover the stresses occurring requires careful figuring. To discover the stresses occurring, we require careful figuring. 4. To use an aluminium paint spray was the only really promising mold- treatment developed in the test work. To use an aluminium paint spray the engineers developed the only really promising mold-treatment during the test work. 5. To design new machine-tools is the task of a mechanical engineer. To design new machine-tools a mechanical engineer must study a lot. 6. To be an ideal engineer means to have knowledge, to improve one's ability to analyze, synthesize and develop insight into one's field. To be an ideal engineer one is to have knowledge, to improve one's ability to analyze, synthesize and develop insight into one's field.

Exercise 4 Match the pairs of words: Сопоставьте пары слов:

    1. adequate 1. ясно

    2. to tit into 2. локализовать

    3. inter-office memos 3. двоичное значение

    4. suppose 4. достаточно мал, чтобы

    5. allocate 5. одновременно

    6. at a time 6. отображать

    7. binary value 7. 2/3 своего обычного размера

    8. is just small enough 8. в большей части текста

І. two-thirds its normal size 9. для более часто встречающихся секций

J. thus 10. итак, таким образом

К. in most text 11. встречаться с различной частотой

L. occur with different frequences 12. встречаются реже

М. for commoner sections 13. тем не менее

N. occur less often 14. больше, чем

О. clearly 15. меньше, чем

P. less than 16.соответствующий

Q. more than

R. however

S. for space to be saved

17. внутриофисные документы

18. предположим

19. чтобы сохранить пространство


$$$003-011-001$ №3 модуль бойынша сабақтан алған білімді тексеру тапсырмалары.

Мәтінді оқып, аударыңыз.