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Business letters

We can define a manager's communication models as:

verbal – the written word

oral – the spoken word

visual – the illustration, and

numerical – written – and interpreted – number; and now

electronic – using a computer.

The fundamental principle of communi­cation is: transmit all communications in the manner best suited to the recipient's understanding. This rather ponderous phrase could itself be better communicated as: write (or speak) clearly and simply so that the reader (or listener) can easily understand.

Table 1.1.

Rules of Writing

  1. Communicate only when you have something worth while to say.

  2. Don’t write or speak at greater length than is necessary to convey the message.

  3. Write in such a way that the reader will find it easy to read.

  4. Read carefully, concentrating on absorbing and understanding the writer’s message.

  5. Speak in “the language” of your listeners – but never talk down.

  6. Listen attentively to a speaker and avoid mind-wandering.

  7. Help an interview candidate to feel at ease; encourage him to speak.

  8. Where helpful, supplement words with pictures.

  9. Watch speakers and listeners for “non-verbal” signals.

  10. Explain mathematical information with summaries, words and pictures.

Look at Table 1.1. and explain what is meant by the forms in italics:

rule 1: something worth while to say

rule 2: at greater length than is necessary

rule 5: never talk down

rule 6: avoid mind-wandering

rule 9: non-verbal signals

Business Letters

The various organizing, processing managing and transport efforts of the businessman and industrialist lead to and grow out of the sales process. Everyone engaged in business, whether active in the sales process or not, must orient his work to the fact that some day, somewhere, what he is doing will have to be sold. So we shall show you how business letters of different types must be written.

I. Introducing your firm (the body the message of a letter).

(First of all describe the firm and its goals)

…Foundation, which was recently established under the name of (…), aims to give engineering community in all countries of the world attractive information on the state of the science and technology in the country.

We pride ourselves on providing all our customers with the highest quality production and personalized service. So that you may know a little more about our Company, I am taking the liberty of enclosing a booklet, which we have recently published, giving the history, organization and plans of our Company.

Please let me know what information would be of interest to your Company and whether you would like to receive any of our catalogs…

II. Official Invitations

All visits exchange begin from invitations. (May I have the pleasure of inviting you… (may I cordially invite you) to visit our firm?)

- We should like to arrange for a visit of Mr. N (name, position) to Russia.

- We are looking forward very much to welcoming you here as a guest of our firm …

Usual form in accepting official invitation:

- Mr. N thanks the (name of institution or person) for its kind invitation to (occasion) to be held at (address) on (day, date) which he has pleasure in accepting.

Usual form in refusing official invitations:

-Mr. N thanks the (name of institution or person) for its kind invitation to (occasion) to be held at (address) on (day, date), but regrets he is unable to accept owing to …(his poor health, a prior engagement, etc.)

Dear Dr. Novikov

I wish to inform you that the X International Conference on “Russian Accountant Standards” will be held in St. Petersburg 18-20 August.

It is my honour and privilege to invite you and your wife to participate in the work of the Conference. I am happy to inform you that the organizing Committee will cover your and your wife’s traveling expenses and hotel accommodation fees.

We are looking forward to your accepting this invitation and seeing you and your wife at the Conference.

Trusting to hear from you soon,

Sincerely yours

Michail S. Naumov