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The infinitive





To write

To be written


To be writing



To have written

To have been written

Perfect + Continuous

To have been writing


The Present (Indefinite) Infinitive refers to the present or future.

  • I hope to meet her tonight.

The Continuous Infinitive expresses an action happening now.

  • He is sure to be sleeping now.

The Perfect Infinitive is used to show that the action of the infinitive happened before the action of the verb.

  • He is glad to have gone there before the war.

The Perfect Continuous Infinitive is used to emphasize the duration of the action of the infinitive which happened before the action of the main verb.

  • He seems to have been working since early in the morning.

* Note: both the Indefinite and Passive Infinitive can be used after “there is/are”.

  • There is nothing to say.

  • There is nothing to be said.

In expressions after “nothing could be done…”, “he could do nothing….”, “what could he do…”, “the infinitive is used without to and is preceeded by “except” or “but”.

  • There’s nothing to be done except tell you the truth.

  • There was nothing he could do but escape.

  • What could he do but smile?

* Note: the Infinitive is used without to after most model verbs (can, may, must, should, need), after would rather, had better, would sooner, let’s.

  • He can go if he wants.

  • I’d rather stay at home today.

  • You’d better meet her.

  • Let’s go swimming, shall we?

Exercise 1. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive (Active or Passive).

  1. A twelve-year-old girl was the first ___ his attention or ____by him. (attract, attract)

  2. I lack the will-power ___anything with my life, __ my position by hard work. (do, better)

  3. There’s no time ____. (lose)

  4. She put on the cape and turned round _____ .(admire)

  5. He did nothing from morning till night but ___ at random. (wander)

  6. Arthur couldn’t but __ at Daniel in silence. (glance)

  7. I like __ presents to my friends but even more I like __ gifts. (give, give)

  8. The child is so pale! She ought __ a change of food and air. (have)

  9. The third key remained __. (test)

10. I meant ____ you about it earlier. (remind)

11. He only pretends _ the books on the desk. (arrange)

12. He’s trying ___ down his excitement. (calm)

13. The case was urgent. The man had ______. (operate on)

14. English people like ____ what to do. (tell)

15.Well sir, I want ___ my words back. I am sorry ___ you name. (take, call)

16. One window remained ___. (wash)

17. She’s lucky __ such a family, ___ all love and care since childhood. (have, see)

18. I am sorry __ my pen. (break)

19. I hate __ you but the student are still waiting ___books for their work. (bother, give)

20. The only sound ___ was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom. (hear)

21. There is nothing ____ by it. (gain)

22. I am the last person ___a question of the kind. (ask)

23. She said she would love ___ and was simply delighted__ for a date. (come, ask)

24. Let’s go and see the place. You’ll be sorry later ___ it. (miss)

25. She was probably angry ___ in front of me. (reprimand)

26. She sat there trying to pretend she didn’t want _____ and was quite pleased ___ there and __the sun. (dance, sit, watch)