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  1. The Parties further agree that the joint-venture company shall be XXX, a company incorporated / corporated under the Laws of * and having its registered / recorded office at *, (country), which is 100% held on the effective / efficient date hereof by YYY.

  2. For the purposes of this Agreement the Client and the Agent are each also hereinafter referred to as a Party, and mutually / collectively – the Parties.

  3. Not to lease any premises in the Shopping Center to any direct competitors of the Lessee without written assent / consent of the Lessee.

  4. This Agreement includes / incorporates the following exhibits / enclosures.

  5. If at the end of the Resolution Period, the corresponding / respective Shareholders are unable to reach a mutually / collectively satisfactory resolution of such Deadlock, then XXX shall have the possibility to buy-out YYY shares in accordance with Article 9 below.

  6. “Security Documents” means any other document entered / joined into with the agreement of the Borrower that creates any Security in respect / consideration of the obligations of the Borrower in accordance / pursuant to this Agreement.

  7. The restrictions on transfer included / contained in Articles 8.1 and 8.2 hereof shall not apply to a transfer by a Shareholder of its Shares to an Affiliate of such Shareholder.

  8. The Agent shall open Investment Account within seven (7) Business Days following theeffective / startingdate of this Agreement andin consideration of / subject toreceipt by the Agent from the Client of the required documentsspecified / statedin the Account Opening Application.

Exercise 37. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions.

  1. This Agency and Services Agreement is made … and … XXX (the “Agent”), incorporated and existing pursuant … the laws … *, and YYY (the “Client”), incorporated and existing … the laws … *.

  2. In consideration ... the premises and mutual agree­ments and covenants herein contained, the Parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows:

  3. … the purposes … this Agreement the Client and the Agent are each also hereinafter referred … as a Party, and collectively – the Parties.

  4. OJSC XXX, an open joint-stock company organised … the laws … *, having its principal office … * … its capacity as a shareholder … the Borrower (the "Shareholder".

  5. … WHEREAS, the Seller and the Seller Subsidiaries are engaged … the business … developing, marketing, distributing and selling over-the-counter drugs (the “Business”); and WHEREAS, the Seller and the Shareholders wish to sell and dispose … certain assets owned … the Seller and the Seller Subsidiaries, relating … the Business, … the terms and subject … the conditions set forth … this Agreement.

  6. The Parties have agreed to enter … this Agreement to further describe the terms and conditions … their joint cooperation … the JVC.

  7. XXX SAS, a legal entity organised and existing … the laws … *, having its head office … *, registered … the Registry of Commerce and Companies … * … n° *******.

  8. This ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), dated as … *, is … and … [LOCAL PURCHASER], a * organised … the Laws … * (“Purchaser”) and [LOCAL SELLER], a * organised … the Laws … * (“Seller”).

  9. The Lessor shall transfer, and the Lessee shall accept … its possession and use the Leased Premises … accordance … the terms and conditions … this Agreement.

Exercise 38. Translate into English.

Акционерное соглашение

Данное Акционерное соглашение (далее «Соглашение») было заключено «___»___________ 20___г.


«XXX», компанией с ограниченной ответственностью, осуществляющей свою деятельность в соответствии с законодательством *, юридический адрес: *, зарегистрированной в Реестре Торговли и Компаний * под номером *********, в лице г‑наAAA, Председателя,

Далее «XXX»

С одной стороны;


ООО «YYY», компанией, осуществляющей свою деятельность в соответствии с законодательством *, юридический адрес: *, зарегистрированной в Реестре Торговли и Компаний * под номером **************, в лице г-на *, Генерального директора,

Далее «YYY»

С другой стороны

XXX» и «YYY» далее по отдельности именуются «Сторона», а совместно «Стороны»).

ПОСКОЛЬКУ «XXX» и «YYY» заключили лицензионный договор от 3 августа, 20____ г.; и

ПОСКОЛЬКУ в соответствии с указанной лицензией, компания «YYY» с технической помощью «XXX», успешно начала и продолжает производство * на новом заводе, расположенном в *.

Таким образом, принимая во внимание вышеизложенное, с учетом положений и взаимных договоренностей, содержащихся в настоящем документе, а также надлежащего встречного предоставления, получение и достаточность которого признается сторонами, стороны по настоящему соглашению договорились о нижеследующем:

Exercise 39. Read the following Article and do the exercises below.

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