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Методичка АНГЛ-ЯЗ 1 курс, 2 сем, ср.образ..doc
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5. Reported General Questions

Direct General Question

Reported General Question

He asked me,

He asked me if

He wondered if (weather)

a)"Are you free tonight?"

a)l was free that night.

b)”Is she having a holiday?"

b)She was having a holiday.

c)"Have you seen a new


c)l had seen a new film.

d)"Did you enjoy spending your holidays in the Crimea?"

d) l had enjoyed spending my holidays in the Crimea.


e) l should go to the concert.

e)" Will you go to the concert?"

Note: In reported questions the word order is direct. Reported Special Questions

Note: In reported questions the word order is direct.

7. Reported Commands and Requests

Direct Special Questions

Reported Special Questions

Pete asked me,

Pete asked me

a) "When does the show start?"

a) when the show started.

b) "Where did you spend your holiday last year?"

b) where l had spent my holiday the previous year.

c)"Why do you like to spend your holiday in a quiet village?"

c) why l liked to spend my holiday in a quiet village

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

He said to us, "Go and see this


He asked (told, ordered) us to go and .see that film.

1 said to him, "Don't be late".

l asked (told, ordered) him- not to be late.

He said (to me)

a) ‘'Open the window, please".

b) "Don't turn on the TV set".

He told me to open the window. He told me not to turn on the TV set.


Ex. 1 Answer the questions as in the example:

Example: - Do you like travelling? - Yes, l do.

- The teacher asked me weather (if) I liked travelling and I said I did.

  1. Do you enjoy having your holidays in the Crimea?

  2. Will you come to see me off to the airport?

  3. Will you leave your children at home?


  1. Do you usually make friends with many people when you are on holiday?

  1. Are you planning to go to the Carpathians this year?

Ex.2. Change the following sentences from indirect into direct speech as in example:

Example: - Pete said he had not been to London yet.

- Pete said: "I have not been to London yet.

  1. Pete asked me where I had gone the previous summer.

  2. He told me that he would meet me at the airport.

  3. She asked me if I enjoyed spending my holiday at the seaside.

  4. He asked me if I had made up my mind where to spend my holiday that year.

  5. She told me that she wanted to have a holiday from work and noise.

  6. He said that he had bought the tickets to the theatre beforehand.

  7. She said that the play was worth seeing.

  8. She told her son not to miss the train.

  9. He said he would be back a week later.

Ex.3. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech:

  1. He said, "I have never been there".

  2. He asked me, "Have you ever been to London?"

  3. He asked me, "How many times have you been there?"

  4. He asked me, "When were you there last?"

  5. He said, "I'm going to have my holidays in the Crimea this year".

  6. I asked him, "Can you give me his address?"

  1. Halyna said, "I'm afraid і shall be unable to come to the airport to see you off".

  2. She said to us, "I shall spend the week-end at my parents' place".

  3. He said to us, "We reached the village late in the evening".

  1. He said, "We have just made a trip to the sea coast".

  2. He said, "There will be a concert at the club next Saturday".

Ex.4. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

A. 1. Він сказав, що любить проводити свою відпустку в Кри­му і збирається поїхати туди цього літа.


  1. Він сказав, що вся сім’ я прийшла в аеропорт провести його перед вильотом в Лондон.

  1. Він не мав певності, що йому треба їхати саме туди.

  2. На 5 годину всі вже прийшли на вокзал.

  3. Коли вони прийшли в аеропорт, літак вже приземлився.

6. Я пригадав номер його телефона, коли вже вийшов з дому. ?. Я був певен, що всі квитки в театр опери та балету вже продані. 8. Він сказав, що цю п'єсу варто подивитися.

§. Мені сказали, що незабаром цей фільм демонструватимуть на екранах кінотеатрів.

  1. Петро сказав, що Галина зараз у відпустці. Я не знав, що вона в санаторії в Криму,

  2. Він повідомив, що у нього нема ніяких планів щодо відпустки.

  3. Він сказав, що любить проводити відпустку, подорожуючи в машині по всій Україні.

  4. Вона зауважила, що вважає за краще провести відпустку в тихому селі. -

  5. Він повторив ще раз, що планує поїхати в Карпати цього літа.

Б. 1. Він запитав, які фільми ми любимо дивитись.

  1. Йому було цікаво, де вони збираються провести вихідні.

  2. Ви запитали їх, чи йдуть вони з нами до кінотеатру.

  3. Вони попросили зателефонувати їм і сказати, коли почина­ється фільм.

5 Вона бажала знати, де вони зустрінуться.

6. Вона запитала, чи зручно дзвонити так пізно.

7. Він поцікавився, чому його не запросили на конференцію.

8. Вона попросила їх прийти трохи раніше.


1. Describe the way you spent your vacation last summer.

2. Your plans for the coming holiday.

3. The film you saw last.