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компьютеры учебник 2016.doc
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Visual Basic







Computer languages


Number Systems

Machine cycle

Study these terms and their meanings.

an insect-sized, robot (a robot which is the size of an insect)

computer-generated graphics (graphics which are generated by a computer)

  • computer-aided design

  • computer-aided manufacturing

  • character-based operating system

  • write-protected disk

  • an ant-sized machine

  • a head-mounted display

  • computer-assisted instruction

  • an IT-based future

Reading: Future trends

Predict how computers will affect our future lives in one of these areas - health, shopping, or money.

Read one of these texts on the impact of computers on one aspect of daily life. Make notes in the table below.





Body chips

In the next decade we can have miniature computers inside us to monitor, and even regulate, our blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol. Such a chip would include a microprocessor, sensors, and a radio frequency device that would permit accurate read-outs of vital statistics. All this would happen, of course, without taking 5 any blood or attaching any external devices to the body. Since we are already familiar with the notion of an internal pacemaker for the heart, including a chip or two may not seem all that astonishing. But this is just the beginning. Experts foresee, within twenty years, implanted chips that can correct our ability to interact with the world. Once implanted, the chip is invisible, unlike a hearing aid. A more common implant would be a chip to correct visual signals. No more glasses!


Computer shopping

This may sound very much like shopping by the Internet, but in fifty years' time it will be very different. Shoppers will be able to scan down virtual supermarket aisles on their PC and click on to whatever they want; the goods will then be delivered shortly afterwards. Customers may well be able to call up a virtual assistant who will talk them through their shopping or to ask the computer for suggestions. Moreover, people will be able to get background information on shops and goods, and will be able to boycott any that offend their ethical considerations.


Electronic cash

Bank customers can now download money from their account to an electronic wallet, a smart card, using a specially designed phone equipped with a smart card reader. To download cash you have to enter your PIN. You can then use your electronic wallet to pay for goods and services, to purchase goods across the Internet, and to transfer money to other cardholders. Using the Internet, customers can now check their account balance and see their latest statement. One bank has developed a multi-currency payment engine which allows online retailers to sell their goods in sixteen countries, with customers paying in their local currency. With these developments, coins and notes are likely to disappear.

Language work: will and would

Compare these examples of predictions.

A bodychip will include a microprocessor.

A bodychip would include a microprocessor.

A common implant will be a chip to correct visual signals.

A common implant would be a chip to correct visual signals.

We use would as a ‘less definite’ form of will when we make predictions. Often we imply that something else must happen first. For example:

A body chip would include a microprocessor, (first we have to develop body chips)

The National Grid would link all schools and colleges, (first we have to make sure there is enough money to make it happen)

Link these words to make predictions with would.

  1. computers / write / own software

  2. implants / stimulate / muscles of disabled

  3. screen / unfold / wristwatch

  4. clothes / alter / thermal properties

  5. robot pets / require / no food

  6. artificial lungs / help / cancer patients

  7. people / be able to / travel to Mars

  8. a body chip / correct / poor vision

Make predictions about these things

  1. the number of PCs in use

  2. the power of computers

  3. the capacity of storage devices

  4. the size of computers

  5. the use of smart cards

  6. the use of mainframes

  7. robots and housework

  8. computers and cars

  9. wearable computers

  10. the price of computers


What is a micro-machine?

One of the most important steps in computing technology in the coming years is likely to be a return to mechanical methods. Using the same process used to create chips, it's possible to fabricate mechanical parts - levers, gear wheels, and small motors

The best known example of a micro-machine was created by Sandia Laboratories in New Mexico in the US It's a complete motor developing 50mW of power in one square millimeter - still a bit big for some of the micro-machines planned for the future.

What are micro-machines going to be used for? Obvious applications are sensors, gyros, and drug delivery. The idea is that a micro-machine could have a strain sensor or a gyroscopic attitude sensor and electronics built into a single chip-sized package. The idea of using a micro-machine to deliver drugs is getting a bit closer to more sci-fi applications. Only a step further is the idea of building insect-sized robots that could do difficult jobs in very small places. Swallowing an ant-sized machine to cure you or putting one inside some failed machinery seems like a really good idea.