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11. Translate into English:

Приймати документ, основний закон, забезпечувати права, громадянство, захищати/обстоювати, самоврядування, сировина, природні ресурси, об’єкти права власності, вільно розвивати свою особистість, підзвітність, привілей, власність, місце проживання, гарантувати, невтручання в справи, соціальний захист, право на житло, соціальне походження, посада, охорона здоров’я, медичне страхування, безпечне та здорове середовище, зашкодити середовищу, сплачувати податки, культурна спадщина, законодавча гілка влади, судова гілка влади, загальне виборче право, розробляти проект, виконання програми, вищий орган виконавчої влади.

12. Transcribe the following words, read them, give their definitions and memorize them: behalf, rectangular, horizontal, tryzub, ethic, legislative, executive, judicial, execution, monetary

13. Think of a match on the left (based on the text) to appropriate definition on the right:

1. __ a) to make somebody certain that something will


2. __ b) treated with respect and should not be broken

3. __ c) the legal right of belonging to a particular country

4. __ d) the thing or things that someone owns

5. __ e) protection from bad things that could happen

6. __ f) to state firmly that something is true

7. __ g) the right to vote

8. __ h) to formally approve a proposal, amendment etc.,

especially by voting

9. __ i) moral rules or principles of behavior for deciding

what is wrong or right

10. __ j) the traditional beliefs, values, customs etc. of a family, country or society

11. __ k) the state of being united as one complete thing

14. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Change the form of the word if it is necessary.

In compliance with, to be accountable, to draw, aspects, legal, for a term of, substitute, to state, to outline, to hold, to specify, inviolability

  1. The Constitution ……. that Ukrainian people have all the rights to create their own destiny.

  2. We should have possibilities for ……. assistance.

  3. This article ……. the terms of the contract.

  4. The decision should be taken ……. the law.

  5. At the meeting they will discuss the issue of ……. of personal property.

  6. Our organization ……. to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  7. No ……. can improve the situation.

  8. This festival is likely to ……. many people interests.

  9. He is to be responsible because he ……. the position that weighs.

  10. We are not going to change the ……. of our interests.

  11. This article ……. main responsibilities of the citizens of Ukraine.

  12. He has got a subsidy ……. 10 years.

15. Rewrite the italicized parts of the sentences using appropriate active vocabulary. Do not change the meaning of the sentences.

1. The Constitution of Ukraine was formally approved on the 29th of June, 1996.

2. The Constitution ensures rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine.

3. It states firmly that Ukraine is a sovereign country.

4. The political control in the country is effected through the bodies of state power.

5. The Constitution provides no advantage to any citizen of the country.

6. The rights of the people should be treated with respect and not broken.

7. They live in a new residential area.

8. Ukrainian territories are considered to be inseparable.

9. People are wondering if they ever see their governmental officials do what they promise.

10.They decided to speak to her as her parents’ representatives.

11. The date of the court case has not been established yet.

12. Soon young people will have a chance to decide whether to serve in the Army or to choose some other activity.

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