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VII Practise reading the dialogue with your partner:

  • I’ve just started the course in web design but I still have lots of questions to clarify. Would you be so kind to help me, Jack? You are known to be an expert in this field.

  • Willingly. What shall we start with?

  • As for me, reading from a screen is painful and people visiting my webpage can get bored and tired of it…

  • First of all, you should remember the rule: use 50% less words than you would use on print. If a page is too long, break it into several pages and link to them. And, of course, avoid long blocks of text. Use tools that facilitate scanability, like bullets, subtitles, highlighted keywords, hyperlinks, etc.

  • And how should I represent the content of the page? I realize that the top of the page is intended for the most important content but what about the fonts?

  • It’s better to use high contrast for the body of your page: i.e. black text on white background, or white text on black background, try different variations but remember that they must contrast for easy viewing. And don't use too many different fonts in one page, try to stick with 2-3 at the most. Also, avoid using small serif fonts (like Times New Roman): they are difficult to read from a computer screen. Verdana and Arial are the most widely used fonts on the web.

  • It’s rather surprising! I’ve always used Times New Roman for my pages… And what formats are more preferable for graphics? It’s impossible to design a webpage without graphics, you know…

  • You are absolutely right. Graphics must be optimized. Use only .gif and .jpg formats. Make your image files as small as possible while maintaining acceptable quality. Avoid graphics that look like ads. People ignore them.

  • I see. Thanks for your tips. They are very helpful. But there are still lots of questions about navigation, linking, branding…

  • That is another story. Practise writing, content presentation and graphics at first and then we’ll get back to our discussion. Good luck in your beginnings. Remember: a good beginning is half the battle.

VIII Give the main idea of the dialogue in your own words.

IX Make up your own dialogues using the key words and expressions from the unit.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

  1. to target мати на меті, націлитись

  2. saturation насиченість

  3. infinite нескінчений

  4. to split розділяти

  5. cyan блакитний

  6. to invoke викликати

  7. unsettled невизначений

  8. to lean схилятися

II Listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false:

  1. The colour wheel theory is used for analyzing saturation or brightness levels.

  2. There are almost infinite amounts of colours and a more limited amount of shades that can be analyzed.

  3. Sir Isaac Newton’s colour wheel was joined at the ends to display the natural hue progression.

  4. The psychological effects of colours have never been studied.

  5. Johann Wolfgang Goethe modified the wheel to the form we see today.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

    1. How are colours divided with psychological effects taken into account?

    2. What is the most favourite colour scheme for web design?


I Revise the vocabulary minimum of Unit 13 to be checked up.

II Match the words:

1imagery a) партнер

2 grid b) образи

3 page layout c) масштабна сітка

4 associate d) оформлення сторінки

5 essence e) вплив

6 blurring distinction f) мистецтво реклами

7 quality g) незначна різниця

8 advertising art h) єдність

9 unity i) якість

10 impact j) сутність

III Match the words in the left column with their definitions:

1value a) harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole

2 rhythm b) the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance)

3 texture c) relative darkness or lightness of a colour

4 balance d) special and significant stress by means of position or repetition

5 emphasis e) the harmonious flow of objects, motions, impulses, sounds, accents, and the like, producing an agreeable effect




I Read and remember the words and their translation:

    1. to capture фіксувати, захоплювати

    2. emitted випромінюваний, випущений

    3. device пристрій, прилад

    4. to store зберігати, запам'ятовувати

    5. advertising рекламування

    6. devoted присвячений

    7. to emphasize робити наголос, підкреслювати

    8. still life натюрморт

    9. to depict зображувати, відображати

    10. distinction відмінність

II Read and remember the following phrases:

  1. silver halide based – на основі галогеніду срібла

  2. timed exposure – експозиція з заданим часом

  3. self-fulfilment – самовдосконалення, самовдоволення

  4. light-sensitive – світлочутливий

  5. fine art photography – художня, мистецька фотографія

  6. commonplace – загальновідомий, банальний

  7. landscape photography – пейзажна фотографія

  8. artistic endeavour – художня творчість

  9. editorial – редакційний, поліграфічний

  10. inanimate – неживий, млявий

III Read and translate the following text:

Photo Design

Photography gained the interest of many scientists and artists from its inception. Photography is used to preserve memories of favourite times, to capture special moments, to tell stories, to send messages, and as a source of entertainment. It is thinking made visual.

The word "photography" comes from Greek words phos ("light") and graphis ("drawing"), together meaning "drawing with light."

Photography is the process of recording pictures by means of capturing light on a light-sensitive medium, such as a film or electronic sensor. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects expose a sensitive silver halide based chemical or electronic medium during a timed exposure, usually through a photographic lens in a the image-forming device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically using digital electronic or magnetic memory. Photography has many uses for both business and pleasure. Photography can also be viewed as a commercial and artistic endeavour.

The aphorism "one picture is worth a thousand words" formed an interesting basis for photo design. Magazines and newspapers, companies putting up Web sites, advertising agencies and other groups pay for photography. Commercial advertising relies heavily on photography and has contributed greatly to its development. Many people take photographs for self-fulfilment or for commercial purposes. Hence, the commercial photographic world can divided into various specific branches of photography.

Advertising photography is made to illustrate and usually sell a service or product. These images are generally done with an advertising agency, design firm or with an in-house corporate design team.

Fashion photography is a genre of photography devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items. Fashion photography is most often conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, or Allure. Over time, fashion photography has developed its own aesthetic in which the clothes and fashions are enhanced by exotic locations and story lines. Fashion and glamour photography usually incorporates models. Fashion photography emphasizes the clothes or product, glamour emphasizes the model. Glamour photography is popular in advertising and in men's magazines. Models in glamour photography may be nude, but this is not always the case.

Crime scene photography consists of photographing scenes of crime such as robberies and murders. A black and white camera or an infrared camera may be used to capture specific details.

Still life photography usually depicts inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural or man-made.

Food photography can be used for editorial, packaging or advertising use. Food photography is similar to still life photography, but requires some special skills.

Editorial photography illustrates a story or idea within the context of a magazine.

Photojournalism can be considered a subset of editorial photography as the photographs made in this context are accepted as a documentation of a news story.

Portrait and wedding photography are usually bespoken with the customer and sold directly to the end user of the images.

Fine art photography is made to fulfil a vision whereas landscape photography represents different locations made to be sold to tourists as postcards. Wildlife photography in its turn demonstrates life of the animals.

Photographers can also specialize in other subjects unique to photography, including street photography, documentary photography, fashion photography, wedding photography and commercial photography.

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