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Экзамен по деловой переписке2.docx
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Spelling on your application

Correct spelling, structure and clear expression are the most basic and most important prerequisite of anyapplication form. Every year an impressively large number of application forms are received with a sub standard use of grammar, and most are immediately rejected by recruiters. If people cannot express themselves within a writtenapplication form they have had an unlimited amount of time to produce, it implies that they don’t check their work or care about the work they do - not great characteristics for employees.

Make your application form stand out

Recruiters get rather bored with the same old generic responses lifted from application form to application form so it is important to make yourself and your application stand out. At the same time you need to get the balance right: coming across as too "zany" will not benefit your application. You want to demonstrate the same level of professionalism you would show at interview, or actually doing your job once employed, on your application form. Employers also look out for unique points, so consider your application form like a marketing tool

If you won an award at university or achieved the highest A-Level marks in the country, put it in your application form. Make sure you use every detail from your life and experiences to your advantage in your application form.

Check your application

Before you let your form leave your sight, have someone else read it over and check it for you. They may be able to spot mistakes that you have missed or advise you on how to phrase something better. Ask your tutor, careers advisor or even your mother for advice. Everyone has a valid opinion.

Accurate applications

Never lie on your application form. Interviews are designed to be probing and are likely to catch you out if you fabricate your answer. For particular careers (such as lawyers and accountants) employees must be exceptionally honest and accountable. Any sign of dishonesty will be looked upon severely. If you are offered the position, you will be required to provide references and original certificates of your qualifications. Make sure your application form is an accurate account of your life, experiences and qualifications.

Completing Application Forms


If you know what you are doing, completing application forms is a relatively straight-forward process. However, it is essential to spend time and effort checking and perfecting your applications as even a small mistake could result in interview rejection.

The Structure of Application Forms


Most application forms consist of five main sections:

  • Personal details

  • Education

  • Employment history

  • Activites and interests

  • References

Application forms may also include sections that require you to provide answers to specific questions, such as:

  • Reasons for applying

  • Competency questions

It is important that you complete each section of your application formwithout spelling mistakes and remember to answer the questions that are asked, rather than what you may think is being asked.

Personal Details


The personal details section of an application form is the most straight-forward part to fill out. Make sure you input the right information in the appropriate places.