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Практические упражнения. Англ. грамматика

5.11 Mб


10. ... French live in... France. 11. Big Ben is ... biggest clock in ... England. 12. ...

English are proud of Big Ben.

3. Количественное значение неопределенного артикля

Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.

a)My watch is right. I set it by ... radio-time signal. Your watch is correct, too. It is telling ... right time. ... clock in ... living-room is not right. It is three minutes slow.

b)Twelve o'clock in ... daytime is ... noon; twelve o'clock at ... night is ... midnight. When it is noon in ... Hague, it is ... midnight in the region of... Chukotsk Sea. When it is 4 o'clock in ... afternoon in ... Vladivostok it is 9 o'clock in ...

morning in ... Moscow. When it is 5 o'clock in ... afternoon in ... London it is ...

noon in ... New York. When it is ... day in the European part of ... Russia, it is ...

night in ... United States of... America.

c)1. There are sixty minutes in ... hour. 2. There, are sixty seconds in ... minute. 3. You must return this book in ... week. 4. It is ... quarter past eight. 5. You may take my magazines for... month. 6. Will you give me... hundred postcards, please?


1. Причастие II (Participle II)

Упражнение 1. a). Образуйте формы причастия настоящего времени(Participle I) от следующих глаголов.

speak, cut, pay, come, buy, go, smoke, study, sit, lie, talk, eat, sell, give, stop, smile, play, approach

b). Образуйте формы причастия прошедшего времени(Participle II) от следующих глаголов.

allow, sell, prepare, read, wash, bring, repeat, give, see, perform, translate, forget, pack, leave, pass, stop, spend, make, pay, say, stage, discuss, dress, buy

Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык.

а) улыбающаяся девушка, спящие дети, играющие котята, приближающийся человек, работающие женщины, сидящая девочка б) хорошо приготовленный урок, хорошо сданный экзамен, хорошо постав-

ленная пьеса, хорошо написанное стихотворение, хорошо одетая хозяйка, хорошо сделанное упражнение, хорошо приготовленный обед, хорошо вымытые тарелки, забытая мелодия, разбитая чашка, проданные билеты, упакованные вещи

2. Настоящее завершенное время (The Present Perfect Tense)

Упражнение 1. Назовите три формы следующих сильных глаголов.

become, say, cost, lend, keep, read, sit, be, write, have, get, know, buy, feel, hear, think, give, understand

Упражнение 2. Измените каждое предложение дважды согласно образцу.

Образец: John, open your book at page 10. a) What are you doing?


I am opening my book at page 10.

b)What have you done?

I have opened my book at page 10.

1.Peter, read exercise 21, please. 2. Ann, give me the book, please. 3. Lucy and Ann, exchange the books, please. 4. Ask the librarian if she can help you to find this book. 5. Write down the title of the book. 6. Choose a book for me, please. 7. Kate, turn on the hot tap, please. 8. Look up this word in a dictionary. 9. Ask questions about the words in italics. 10. Write the date on the blackboard. 11. Jane, take the textbook out of your bag, please. 12. Mary, boil the kettle, please.

Упражнение 3. Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными, отрицательными, вопросительно-отрицательными.

1. The Petrovs have bought a sideboard. 2. She has read all the books in her library. 3.I have heard of those writers. 4. I have left your book at home. 5. She has seen some of Shaw's plays. 6. I have dusted the furniture. 7. The students have written some short stories. 8. The teacher has told the students about some English writers. 9. They have chosen light-green wall-paper. 10. Nick has put his papers into the drawer.

Упражнение 4. Измените следующие предложения согласно образцу:

Образец: a) Mary! Wind up the watch!

b)Mary! Don't forget to wind up the watch! Mary: I have already wound it up.

1.Bring the forks and the knives, please. 2. Don't forget to switch off the gas! 3. Hang the new prints in the dining-room! 4. Don't forget to send the letter! 5. Put the armchair before the TV set! 6. Don't forget to take your watch to the watchmaker! 7. Bring some chalk, please! 8. Don't forget to turn off the taps in the bathroom! 9. Put the table linen into the drawer! 10. Don't forget to speak to him about it!

Упражнение 5. Поставьте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. You have read this book. 2. She has not met her colleagues today. 3. You have already finished your work. 4. You have not yet read Live with Lightning in the original. 5. She has never been to the Far East. 6. They haven't yet gone to the tennis court. 7. He has already written the test-paper. 8. Mother hasn't come yet. 9. You have already returned the book to him. 10. We have not yet been there.

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя формы Present Perfect Tense

с наречиями just, already.

1. Is Mary going to invite them to dinner? 2. Is he going to have a cup of tea? 3. Are they going to look at those pictures? 4. Is Tom going to turn the radio on? 5. Is Granny going to carry in the tea things? 6. Aren't you going to place the chairs round the dining table? 7. Are they going to have dinner together? 8. Isn't he going to buy a sofa-bed? 9. Are we going to have a test? 10. Are you going to join a library?


Упражнение 7. Дополните следующие предложения одним из двух предложенных вариантов, используя предлоги since или for.

1.I haven't seen you ... .

a) May; b) three years

2.We have been here.....

a) an hour and a half; b) January 3. She hasn't spoken to me ... .

a) more than two weeks; b) last week

4.They have lived in this street ... .

a) 1958; b) a long time

5.I haven't bought any new books ... .

a) last month; b) a fortnight

6.Nobody has written to me .....

a) many weeks; b) my birthday

7.I've been asking you to come and see us ....

a) over a month; b) the beginning of the year

8.I haven't ridden a bicycle ... .

a) ages; b) my childhood

Упражнение 8. Измените следующие предложения по образцу.

Образец: Harry, to write, a letter.

a)Harry is going to write a letter.

b)Harry is writing a letter.

c)Harry has written a letter.

1.He, to put, a stamp, on the envelope. 2. I, to read, Harry's letter. 3. They, to take out, their bikes, for a rim in the country. 4. We, to listen to, the news. 5. I, to speak, to him, about this matter. 6. He, to have lunch, alone. 7. The boys, to have, breakfast. 8. Peter, to ask the librarian, to keep, the book. 9. My brother, to write, a poem. 10. Ann, to give, a lesson.

Упражнение 9. Преобразуйтее следующие предложения вPresent Perfect, используйте обстоятельства времени, данные в скобках.

1. He gets up at 7 a. m. (just) 2. I usually fly to Kiev. (never) 3. I watch TV programmes every day. (recently) 4. I read a lot of English books in the original. (of late)5. Kate reads historical novels with great interest. (always) 6. The boys are finishing breakfast. (not yet) 7. Does he read books on travel? (ever) 8. I look through the morning newspapers at breakfast. (already) 9. Nick shows his films to his friends. (three times) 10. I meet him on my way to the office. (often)

Упражнение 10. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в подходящую по смыслу форму настоящего времени (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous или Present Perfect).

1. It is raining and Ann ... my umbrella. (to take) 2. The lesson ... yet. (not to begin) 3. I often ... people say that the weather in Petersburg is bad. (to hear) 4. Peter, what... Bob ... there? (to do) — He ... his exercise book, he ... it. (to look for, to lose) — Why, it... here! (to lie) 5. What ... he ...? (to do) — He ... his degree-work,


he ... it yet. (to write, not to finish). He ... the necessary material for it, and now he

... in the library. (to collect, to work)

6. It's Sunday morning. On Sundays we usually ... to the country. (to go) I must be ready by nine o'clock as my friends are to call for me at 9 sharp. I ... already ... my bed and ... the floor. (to do, to sweep) Now I ... my hair: I ... and ... it, and I ... a scarlet band round my head. (to do, to brush, to comb, to put) Looking into the mirror I see that I ... pretty with this new hairdo. (to look) I ... to the kitchen to have breakfast. (to go) My mother ... it for the two of us. (to cook) We ... at the kitchen-table. (to sit down) While Mother ... the coffee into our cups, I ... some sandwiches. (to pour, to prepare) "What... your plans for today?" Mother asks me. (to be) "We... our minds yet (to make up)". "I... you'd better go to some place near the sea (to think)", Mother ... (to say).

After breakfast I... some more things to do. (to have) I must pack my kit-bag. I must put my bathing suit and a towel into it and the sandwiches, which my mother

... for the journey. (to make) Now I am quite ready. I ... at the watch. (to look) It's half past seven! So I ... to wind it up. (to forget) I... for the right time over the telephone. (to ask) It's two minutes past 9. At that very moment I hear the doorbell ring. I... to open the door and let my friends in. (to go)

Упражнение 11. Передайте следующие утверждения и вопросы в косвенной речи.

1. My friend says, "I have never been to Moscow." 2. My sister asks her husband, "Have you ever borrowed money from any bank?" 3. Grandfather says, "I have been a pensioner since last year." 4. My cousin says to his friend, “I have just learnt about it.” 5. The teacher asks the students, "Have you read today's newspapers?" 6. My Granny says, "I have already cooked lunch." 7. The students ask the poet, "What English poems have you translated into Russian?" 8. Peter says to Mary, "I have bought two tickets." 9. Mother asks her friend, "Why haven't you brought your son with you?» 10. The colleagues say, "We haven't met Sergei Petrov in the laboratory this morning." 11. My daughter's schoolmates ask her, "Where have you seen such gear?" 12. My son's fellow-students say, "We have had a meeting this week." 13. I ask him, "Have you set your watch by the radio time signal?"

Упражнение 12. Ответьте устно на следующие вопросы. (Книги закрыты.)

1. When do you have dinner? 2. How long have you lived in this flat? 3. Why are you not listening? 4. Is he taking notes? 5. Do you air the room on winter mornings? 6. Does your watch gain? 7. Is this clock slow? 8. Have you often been to the theatre lately? 9. Why have you taken out the bike? 10. How long does it take you to get to your country house? 11. Is she going to her aunt's tonight? 12. Where are you going after your work? 13. Who have you seen lately? 14. Who was the first cosmonaut in the world? 15. Do you have to wind your watch up every day?

Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык.

Я получила письмо от Николая.

Какие новости?


Он переехал на новую квартиру.

А его сестра переехала вместе с ним?

Нет, она осталась в старой квартире. А ты с ней знаком?

Да. Кстати, она уже окончила университет?

Да, в этом году. Теперь она работает на телевидении

Так, значит, она выбрала профессию своей матери?

Да, и работает в том же телецентре.

Кажется, это стало традицией в их семье. Я слышал (I hear), что ее младший брат, который только что окончил школу, тоже собирается работать в этом телецентре.

Совершенно верно. А кто тебе сказал об этом?

Я встретил его друга сегодня.

Давай съездим к Николаю и посмотрим его новую квартиру.

С удовольствием.


1. Бессоюзные придаточные предложения (Contact Clauses)

Упражнение 1. Опустите относительные местоимения, где это возможно.

1. The watch which you are looking at is wrong. 2. I know the girl with whom he is playing chess. 3. The clock which they are going to buy is of the latest model. 4. We usually dine at the canteen which is round the corner. 5. I don't know the professor who lectures on Russian Literature. 6. The flowers which I cut this morning are still fresh. 7. The man whom you want has just left. 8. The woman who is standing downstairs is my wife. 9. The book which you are looking for is in that room.

Упражнение 2.

Добавьте отсутствующие относительные местоимения, где это



1. The magazine ... you have lent me is very interesting. 2. The old man ... lives next door has gone to Moscow. 3. The garden ... is at the back of our house has a tennis court. 4. Can you remember the person ... you have borrowed the newspaper from? 5. The shop ... we buy our cakes at is shut. 6. The girl ... works in the kiosk is my sister. 7. The man ... is sitting at the desk is the secretary. 8. The man ... you see at the desk is the secretary. 9. Where is the shop ... sells picture-postcards? 10. Shakespeare, ... is the world's greatest dramatist, was born in 1564.

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски относительными местоимениями who, whom, whose, which или that и укажите, где они могут быть опущены.

1. Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet... ever lived. 2. The book ... I'm reading is not even worth speaking of. 3. Everything ... he does is always right. 4. Tell me ...

student has the best pronunciation in your group. 5. I don't know... book you prefer, this or that. 6. It is the best book ... he ever wrote. 7. Anyone ... wants can come. 8. Help yourself to the cakes, Nelly.— Oh, thank you, Mother, I haven't yet decided ... to take. 9. Who is the man to ... you were speaking just now? 10. That's the man ... Jane is going to marry. 11. This is one of the few really good books ...

have been published on this subject. 12. Guess ... of the two men is my brother.


Упражнение 4. Преобразуйте каждую пару простых предложений в сложноподчиненное с придаточным определительным. Поместите придаточное определительное за выделенным словосочетанием.

Образец: This encyclopaedia is for young readers. It is in ten volumes. This encyclopaedia, which is in ten volumes, is for young readers.

1. The plane from Sochi will be an hour late. It ought to be here at 7 a. m. 2. His letter is full of interesting news. I received it two days ago. 3. This book is about Africa. It has some wonderful photographs. 4. My mother stillgoes in for sports. She is over forty-five. 5. The young man is my brother's closest friend. You met him at my place last night. 6. Mr Green is himself a teacher of music. His wife teaches singing. 7. Tom's brother is an engineer. He lives in London. 8. This foun- tain-pen writes badly. I bought it two months ago.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Книга, которую вы мне дали, очень интересная. 2. Петров единственный студент, который написал этот диктант с ошибками. 3. Девушка, о которой он говорил вам, - сестра моего приятеля. 4. Он отказался помочь своему приятелю, что меня очень удивляет. 5. Человек, которого мы встретили в коридоре, директор вашего института. 6. Это студент, сочинение которого я вам показывал. 7. Студент, которому я одолжил свой словарь, принесет его завтра утром. 8. Студент, словарем которого я пользуюсь, просит меня вернуть его ему сегодня вечером. 9. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал по этому вопросу. 10. Мы прошли мимо комнаты, дверь которой была открыта.

2.Употребление артиклей в словосочетаниях с наречием most

Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1. ...

most children in this school are members of ...

school library. ... most diligent

pupils help ... librarian in her work. They choose ...

most interesting books in the

library and recommend them to their friends. 2. I want to read A Farewell to Arms by E. Hemingway in the original. They say it is ... most interesting book. 3. The rose is ... most beautiful flower. 4. This is ... most beautiful picture in the book. ...

most pictures in the book are indistinct. 5. The encyclopaedia is ... most useful book. ... most people consult it on occasion. 6. ...most important books of reference are on this shelf. 7. This is ... most popular play. 8. He is ... most popular playwright in his country. 9.... most novels by Soviet writers are about our motherland. 10. For over a hundred years Jane Eyre has been amongst ... most widely-read of English novels.


1. Прошедшее неопределенное время (The Past Indefinite Tense)

Упражнение 1. Напишите три формы глаголов, данных ниже. Придумайте предложения с первыми десятью глаголами сначала Pastв Indefinite Tense, а потом вPresent Perfect Tense.


plan, lay, pay, place, beat, become, bite, blow, burn, buy, choose, hide, draw, try, feed, fly, forget, sell, decide, stop, cry, play, forgive, grow, hang, cost, hit, hold, keep, lead, lend, let, mean, retell, ride, work, send, shake, shine, slide, spell, spread, strike, think, throw, help, bear, drive, lie (лежать)

Упражнение 2.


использованиеPast Indefinite Tense в






1. We had a nice walk two days ago. 2. When did the last readers' conference take place? 3. When my son was in the country in winter he played snowballs almost every day. He used to ski and to skate too. 4. He visited his native town in 1995. 5. The man entered the room, sat down at the table, ordered some food, and began to read a newspaper.

Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте следующие предложения соответственно в отрицательные или утвердительные.

1. It rained a great deal last summer. 2. I did not see many plays in Moscow. 3. The sun rose at 5 o'clock. 4. She did not come in time for dinner. 5. Pete didn't forget to put his clock forward and so was not late in the morning. 6. They did not think James was as clever as John. 7. You wrote your exercise very well last week. 8. Andrei Petrov left for Kiev an hour ago. 9. Ann did not join the library yesterday. 10. They took the book by Dickens last week.

Упражнение 4. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложений.

1. At half past twelve Miss Green stopped her work and went out to lunch. 2. Yes, I woke up at a quarter past seven. 3. Little Kate liked a lot of sugar in her tea. 4. You put the book on the top shelf. 5. Yesterday I had dinner with a friend of mine. 6. Mary drank coffee at breakfast yesterday. 7. No, I didn't go to the University last Saturday. 8. He came home late at night. 9. This morning I listened to the eight o'clock news. 10. They went out together to the cinema.

Упражнение 5. Поставьте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. Bernard Shaw was born in 1856. 2. He had to consult an encyclopaedia. 3. Samuel Johnson published his famous dictionary in 1755. 4. You got a lot of books as presents for your birthday. 5. The Encyclopaedia Britannica first appeared in 1771. 6. For some years the Bronte sisters worked as teachers. 7. Pete didn't go to the reference library yesterday. 8. Your sister bought the latest novel by this author on Monday. 9. The old man didn't like to lend his books. 10. Little Dickens had to work at a blacking factory.

Упражнение 6. Замените выделенные обстоятельства времени данными в скобках. Используйте подходящие по смыслу временные формы глаголов.

I. He often cooks his own breakfast. (yesterday; every morning; already) 2. We live in the country now. (before the war; never) 3. At last I know about it. (never; some days ago) 4. Every month she buys a lot of new books. (last month; lately) 5. He tells me about it every time he sees me. (two days ago; this week) 6. She doesn't often come to see us nowadays. (last year; yet) 7. I see my friend every day. (many


years ago; just) 8. Mary doesn't often drink coffee. (at the party last night; lately) 9. My boy-friend goes to the country every week. (last night; this evening) 10. She borrows new books from the library regularly. (last week; today)

Упражнение 7. Поставьте глаголы в Past Indefinite Tense.

When I... to the South last year I hired a very small but comfortable room. (to come) There ... much furniture in it: a bed, a small round table, a wardrobe and two chairs. (not to be) The wash-stand and the shower ... in the garden. (to be) I usually

... at six o'clock in the morning, ..., ... the bed and in some twenty minutes I ... on my way to the sea. (to get up, to wash, to do, to be) It... me about ten minutes to go to the sea-shore. (to take) I ... my morning exercises and ... . (to do, to bathe) Then I ... down on the sand and ... in the sun till 11 o'clock. (to lie, to bask) At 11 sharp I... my basket and ... to the nearest canteen to have breakfast. (to take, to go) My breakfast... not very substantial, for I can't eat much after I've lain in the sun for several hours. (to be) On the beach I often ... some of my friends, who sometimes

... a transistor radio set with them. (to meet, to bring) It is very pleasant to listen in while you are lying in the sun. After dinner, which I... rather late, I... for a stroll along the sea-coast or to the tennis court to have a few sets of tennis. (to have, to go) When it... quite dark, I... to bathe for a second time together with my friends. (to be, to go) I ... to bed at 11 o'clock. (to go)

Упражнение 8. Используйте Present Perfect и Past Indefinite вместо Present Indefinite в

следующих предложениях. Придумайте естественный контекст, чтобы оправдать использование новых временных форм.

1. Peter often takes his wife to the theatre. 2. Her mother goes to the South every summer. 3. My sister always helps me to wash the dishes. 4. My teacher tells me to be more attentive at the lectures. 5. She sometimes meets her friend X. on her way to the University. 6. He seldom borrows books from this library. 7. His aunt gives lessons twice a week. 8. Her husband delivers lectures at the University. 9. My granny often reads books to my children. 10. My children try to speak English at home.

Упражнение 9. Используйте походящую по смыслу временную форму: Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Indefinite.

a)1. I can't speak about this book, as I ... it. (not to read) 2. The sun ... the whole morning today, (to shine) 3. It is Friday today. ... you ... him this week? — Yes, I

... him on Monday. (to see) 4. Every day I ... my watch at nine o'clock in the evening. (to wind up) 5. When ... you... to Petersburg? I ... to Petersburg in 1995. (to come) 6. Ann, what... you ... here? I ... for a friend of mine. (to do, to wait) 7....

you ... the dictionary? — Yes, I... it two days ago. (to buy) 8. She ... not ... anything about it yesterday. (to say) 9. What exercise ... you ... ? — I ... exercise No. 3. (to write) 10. This student always ... to speak English with his comrades. (to try)

b)Here in Moscow in the past 12 months nearly half a million people ... into new flats, centrally heated, well equipped and let at fabulously high rents. (to move) Like the Yelkins, for instance, a family of three, who ... a large sum for a two-


roomed flat with a kitchen and bathroom, central heating and constant hot water. (to pay) And they are one among thousands of families.

The new suburbs which ... here in recent years ... for the first time on an enlarged city map I ... the other day. (to spring up, to figure, to buy) Although I... three years in Moscow, it is still something of a surprise to see how rapidly the city ... . (to live, to develop)

Tower cranes on the skyline and heavy building lorries are such a familiar part of Moscow life that they tend to pass unnoticed.

Упражнение 10. Переведите на английский.

a) 1. Вы уже видели этот фильм? Когда вы его видели? 2. Ваш брат уже перевел эту статью? Когда он ее перевел? 3. Ваша дочь уже пообедала? Когда она обедала? 4. Ваша группа уже прочла эту книгу? Когда ваша группа кончила ее читать? 5. Вы уже накрыли на стол? Когда вы накрыли на стол? 6. Они уже получили квартиру? Когда они получили квартиру? 7. Мама уже отнесла мои часы в починку? Когда она отнесла их? 8. Папа уже пришел с работы? Когда он пришел? 9. Вы уже записались в нашу библиотеку? Когда вы записались в библиотеку?

b) В прошлом году Петя жил в деревне. Он вставал в 6 часов утра, одевался и шел к реке умываться. Затем он завтракал. После завтрака он работал со своим дядей в саду и сажал цветы перед домом. Вечером они поливали их.

Упражнение 11. Составьте 10 вопросов в Past Indefinite и Present Perfect. Попросите других студентов в группе ответить на них.

Упражнение 12. Составьте предложения по образцу. Используйте обстоятельства времени, данные ниже.

Образец: 1. this month

I have done a lot of work this month.

2.last week

I attended a lecture on English Literature last week.

1.ever. 2. five days ago. 3. this year; 4. last year. 5. never. 6. yesterday. 7. already.

8.just. 9. last night. 10. lately

Упражнение 13. Расскажите кратко на английском языке: of what you did yesterday evening

of what you did on Friday

of what you did when you woke up yesterday morning of the conversation which took place at breakfast

of how you got to the University this morning of how you laid the table for the guests

Упражнение 14. Переведите на английский.

P.: Вы читали что-нибудь Хэмингуэя или Пристли в подлиннике?


Д.: Да, читал. В прошлом году я прочел несколько книг Хэмингуэя на - ан глийском языке, а сейчас я только230 что закончил роман Пристли«Улица ангела». Мне очень понравилась эта книга.

Р.: А я недавно прочел несколько рассказов Сьюзен Хилл. Кстати, вы знаете, что ее роман «Я в замке король» был опубликован на русском языке?

Д.: Это очень интересно. В каком журнале он был опубликован?

Р.: В «Иностранной литературе». Я очень советую вам прочесть его.


1. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты в Past Indefinite


1. Употребите

модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты в Past Indefinite.

Вставьте частицу to, где необходимо.


1. The bus has gone and we

... walk home. 2. Anne

... make her own clothes when

she was only thirteen. 3.

Last year we ... save up enough money to buy a refrigera-

tor. 4. She ...

not go to the railway station to see him off. She was busy. 5. Jane ...

speak German well when she was only ten. 6. Pete

... pass that difficult examina-

tion last month. 7....


... work late last night? 8....

the builders ... finish the work

on time? 9. John ...

draw plans very well even before he began to study architec-

ture. 10. We...

meet early in the morning yesterday.


Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Эта студентку могла сделать всю работу сама. 2. Он мог пойти в библиотеку с вами. 3. Эти студенты умели говорить по-английски в прошлом году. 4. Вчера мы должны были сделать много письменных упражнений. 5. Дети должны были выучить целый рассказ наизусть. 6. Нам с Колей пришлось идти быстрее, чтобы не опоздать на этот поезд. 7. Вчера мне надо было остаться дома. 8. Вам не нужно было вставать так рано. 9: Вечером он был дома, так как ему не нужно было идти в университет. 10. Моя маленькая племянница так устала в воскресенье, что была не в состоянии ничего делать. 11. Вы можете взять эту книгу. 12. Вам придется прийти в субботу.

2.Косвенная речь в прошедшем времени

Упражнение 1. Передайте в косвенной речи.

My friend Tom wrote: "I work in an office six days a week. On Sunday I am free. Six days a week I get up early, at half past six. I always have a shower and a shave, and then I have my breakfast. I usually leave home early, because I go on foot to the office. I always like this walk to the office, because I often meet my friend Bill, and then we continue our way together. However, I don't always walk to the office. My mother sometimes has a job for me before I go to work. I am always glad to do these jobs for my mother, because she is very good to me. When I do a job for my mother after breakfast I usually catch the bus to the office." Then he continued: "Write a letter to me, please, and don't delay the answer. Where do you live now? Do you work and study? When do you begin your work and classes? Must you get up very early? Is it difficult to work and to study? How many days a week do you study? Are your lessons interesting? Can you speak English a little?"