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Практические упражнения. Англ. грамматика

5.11 Mб



1. Модальные глаголы need, dare

Упражнение 1. Переведите на английский язык, используя глаголы can, must, may, need.

1.Скажите ей, что я не могу прийти сегодня. 2. Можно мне прочесть это письмо моему другу? — Да. 3. Он сам должен написать ему об этом. 4. Виктор может помочь вам проверить перевод. 5. Она не может поговорить с вами сейчас, так как она должна идти в институт. 6. Мы ведь должны быть в университете в 9 часов? — Да. 7. У вас слишком много вещей. Вы не можете нести их сами. Разрешите я помогу вам. 8. Нужно мне идти в магазин? — Нет. 9. Я не могу пойти в театр. У меня много работы. 10. Мне нужно транскрибировать этот отрывок? Нет.

2.Причастие I (Participle I)

Упражнение 1. Напишите формы причастия настоящего времени от следующих глаголов.

run, catch, beg, sit, drop, stop, fish, get, cut, sing, shut, read, shoot, slip, swim, dress, plan, write, take, ride, shine, skate, bite, smile, rise, make, hope, type, dine, cross, be, win, dig, go, play, fly, stay, dry, hide, cry, try, put, say, lie, die, ski, copy, sew, tie


Настоящее длительное время (The Present Continuous Tense)

Упражнение 1. Объясните использование Present Continuous в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.

a)1. I am reading a very interesting article in the newspaper. 2. Listen, she is singing so well! 3. Look, they are crossing the street. 4. Now he is working at the Pedagogical Institute.

b)1. I am going to stay at home today. 2. We are leavingfor Moscow tomorrow. 3. She is coming in the evening. 4. The expedition is starting in some days.

c)1. My grandmother is always grumbling (she is a great grumbler). 2. My little nephew is such a naughty child, he is continually worrying his parents.


2. Используйте глаголы в Present Continuous.


1. The clock

... in the next room. (to strike) 2. Father and Mother ....

(to get up) 3.

My sister ...

tea. (to make) 4. They... breakfast, (to have) 5. My brother ... continu-

ally ... about his wife's health, (to worry) 6. I... my homework, (to do) 7. Mother...

dinner, (to cook) Grandmother ...

her. (to help) 8. It... dark. (to get) The wind ... .

(to blow) The sun ... not...

. (to shine) It...

. (to rain) We ... home. (to run) 9. Hallo!

Where ... you ... ? — I...

to the library. ...

you ... there, too? — No, I....

to a friend

of mine. (to go) 10. You...


... at the lessons. (to talk) 11. The Orlovs... to the

Far East this summer. (to go) 12. Come and say good-bye. Our guests

... in a mi-

nute. (to leave) 13. We ...

a figure skating competition tonight. (to watch) 14. She

... guests on Sunday. (to receive)





Упражнение 3. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительно-отрицательную форму и дайте на них краткие положительные или отрицательные ответы.

Образец: Nick is writing the new words on the blackboard. Isn't Nick writing the new words on the blackboard?

1. The students are having a drill on the plural of nouns. 2. The sun is still shining through the window of our classroom. 3. They are planning to go to Moscow during their winter vacation. 4. He is leaving by the 6 o'clock train. 5. They are translating this text with a dictionary. 6. The students are copying the examples into their note-books. 7. The teacher is asking the students. 8. We are waiting for our friend. 9. They are having a lesson now. 10. I am lucky to have so many penfriends.

Упражнение 4. Превратите следующие утверждения в разделительные вопросы.

1. Your aunt is speaking French. 2. My daughter is playing with her doll. 3. His parents are watching TV. 4. His second cousin is not playing the piano now. 5. The children are not eating now. 6. I am not speaking too loudly. 7. He is writing quite legibly. 8. This man is already fifty. 9. This little girl is sewing. 10. I am using the right intonation.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык.

Сегодня воскресенье. Нина свободна. Сейчас 10 часов утра. Она завтракает и слушает прогноз погоды (forecast). На улице тепло. Она собирается за город. Они с подругой всегда там хорошо проводят время(to have a good time). Сегодня они могут отдохнуть и посмотреть новые экспонаты(exhibit) в домине Репина. Они едут туда с тетей и дядей Нины, а ее подруга берет с собой своих племянницу и племянника. У Нины тоже есть племянники, но она не может взять их, так как они больны сейчас.

Упражнение 6 . Преобразуйте предложения по образцу.

Образец: The student is giving his note-book to the teacher. The student is giving the teacher his notebook.

1. Uncle Peter is giving a sketch-book to his nephew. 2. Jane is buying some sweets for her mother. 3. Tell the news to your cousin. 4. Jane is telling an interesting story to my little brother. 5. Grandmother is showing brightly coloured pictures to her grandchildren. 6. My aunt is making a dress for me. 7. Father is buying a coat for Mary. 8 My friend is giving a cake to me. 9. My husband is making a toy for Peter. 10. My niece can give this English book to Nick.

Упражнение 7. Образуйте предложения из следующих групп слов.

1. to, my little sister, do not give, cold water. 2. my son, pictures, is showing, to, his grandmother. 3. books, English, please, bring, some, me, for. 4. it, give, us, to. 5. article, is translating, he, this, for, me. 6. letter, do not send, to, him, this. 7. friends, them, I, am introducing, to, my. 8. new, a, children, for, they, are, building, sport centre.

Упражнение 8. Переведите на английский язык.


a) Что сейчас делают ваши родственники? — А который сейчас час? — Семь часов.— Мой папа сейчас ведет урок в вечерней школе, он учитель. Мама дома. Она готовит ужин и ждет меня. Моя сестра помогает ей. Бабушка шьет сестре маскарадное платье (a fancy dress). Дедушка гуляет в саду с моей маленькой племянницей. Мой младший брат готовит уроки. Тетя с дядей в кино, смотрят цветной фильм «Ромео и Джульетта», а я — в университете. У нас сейчас урок английского языка. Вот и все, что я могу рассказать.

b) У меня есть очень хороший друг. Его зовут Александр, сокращенно Алик. Ему 28 лет. У него есть семья… Его семья состоит из 4 человек: его жена, он сам и двое детей. У него две дочери. Они близнецы. Им по три года. У него теперь новая квартира. Она очень далеко от моего дома. Жаль, что у него нет телефона. Сегодня воскресенье, так что он дома. Поедем к нему вместе. Дайка я найду адрес Алика. Вот он (Неrе it is.) Поехали на 40-м автобусе.

Это дом Алика. Подожди минутку. Дай-ка я сначала найду номер его квартиры в этом списке. Посмотрим, на каком этаже восемнадцатая квартира. Вот она. Звони. Не забудь, что его жену зовут Маша, а имена дочерей — Таня и Женя.

2. Наречия more, yet, still и else в значении «еще».

Упражнение 1. Вставьте still, yet, more.

1. He is not in Moscow. (yet) 2. I have two sisters. (more) 3. He is not at home. (yet) He is at the University. (still) 4. We have one lecture today. (more) 5. Is your brother in Moscow? No, he is in Kiev. (still) 6. My aunt Mary is not old. (yet) 7. Give me three note-books. (more) 8. Your uncle is not a pensioner, is he? (yet) 9. Show me two newspapers. (more) 10. Nelly is a child. (still) 11. Is your cousin a schoolboy? (still) 12. My grandparents have three grandchildren besides me. (more) 13. There is something … that I going to tell you.


1. Падежная система существительного в английском . яз Притяжательный падеж

Упражнение 1. Используйте существительные в скобках в подходящей форме вместо притяжательного местоимения.

1. It is her book. (Helen) 2. This boy is their son. (Michael and Fanny) 3. Look at his photos. (my friend) 4. These are her glasses. (my grandmother) 5. His studio is very large. (the painter) 6. Her parents are teachers by profession. (Kate) 7. Their grandparents are in Leningrad. (the children) 8. His surname is Orlov. (Alexander) 9. Their passports are on the desk. (the merit) 10. Their toys are on the carpet. (the twins) 11. their hair is brown and shiny. (the girls)

Упражнение 2. Используйте Possessive Case в следующих фразах.

1. The father of James. 2. The books of his grandchildren. 3. The name of her sis- ter-in-law. 4. The surname of Helen and Peter. 5. The parents of John. 6. The brother of this boy. 7. The children of these women. 8. The toys of the twins. 9.


The music of Glinka and Chaikovsky. 10. The profession of these men. 11. The birthday of my step-father. 12. She is staying with her aunt.

Упражнение 3. Составьте фразы по образцу.

Образец: Good news / today. Today's good news.

I. A meeting /last Saturday. 2. A snow storm/ yesterday. 3. A study /last year. 4. The newspaper / Friday. 5. The rain / last night. 6. A show / next evening. 7. A journey / a day. 8. An interval / two weeks.


1. Абсолютное употребление притяжательного падежа

Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопрос, используя правильную форму имени и местоимения.

1.Nina has my magazine. Whose magazine is that? It is ... (Ann). It is not (I).

2.Alex has a brown coat, so this coat is not his. Whose coat is it? It is ... (his friend). It is … (he).

3.Look at these flowers! Whose are they? They are ... (my Granny). They are … (she)

4.A book for children is lying on the window-sill. Whose is it? It is ... (my twins). It is ... (they).

5.What a nice flat it is! Whose flat is it? It is ... (our family). It is ... (we).

6.Whose children are sitting downstairs? They are ... (Mary and Peter). They are

... (they).

7.What a nice silk handkerchief! Whose is it? It is ... (Lena). It is ... (she).

8.Look at the bag! Whose is it? It is ... (Susan). It is ... (she).

9.Look at the car! Whose is it? It is ... (Tom). It is … (he).

2. Артикли. Употребление неопределенного артикля (The Indefinite Article) с предметными существительными (Class Nouns)

Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо

1. They are having ... class in ... German in ... room number 27. 2. All ... students of ... group number two are present today. 3. We are all ... students of... group number four. 4. I'm ... student, I'm ... first-year student at... St. Petersburg University. 5. Are they also ... first-year students? 6. She's not... doctor, she's ... teacher. 7. This young man is ... talented engineer. 8. This is ... easy text, isn’t it? 9. What ...

lesson are you reading? — We're reading ... lesson 19. 10. Her ... intonation is very good. 11. Alec, open ... book at page 10 and read ... first passage of … text.

3. Употребление определенного артикля(The Definite Article) с предметными существительными (Class Nouns)

Упражнение 1. Переведите на английский

1. Нам жаль, что Нина — студентка не нашей группы. 2. Давайте проверим упражнение. Аня, переводите первое предложение, но помните о русском языке. 3. Читайте дальше, пожалуйста... Спасибо, достаточно. 4. Отойдите в сторону, пожалуйста. Мы не видим (не можем видеть) карту. 5. Читайте сти-


хотворение громко и отчетливо. Помните об английских звуках и интонации. 6. Кто эта девушка? — Студентка третьего курса четвертой группы. 7. Какая это аудитория? — 108. — А где аудитория 130? 8. Можно стереть с доски? 9. Кто может назвать это слово по буквам? — Я могу. 10. Какая буква пропущена в слове? 11. Как по-английски экзамен? 12. Можно я отвечу на ваш вопрос?

4. Употребление артиклей с существительными, обозначающими имена и фамилии (Proper Names).


1. Вставьте артикли там, где необходимо.


A. 1. He is ...

father already. 2. They are ...

orphans. 3. This man is ... distant rela-

tive of mine. 4. This woman is ...

widow. 5. They are ... husband and wife. 6. They


... brother and sister. 7. Is your mother at home, Alec? — No, ... Mother is not

at home. 8. Where is your uncle, Peter? —...

uncle is at the factory. 9. ...



employee and ... Father is ...

doctor. 10....

Aunt, what is the short for ...


ard? — It's „. Dick. 11.... Petrovs, our neighbours, are very nice people. They are

six in ... family:... grandfather,... grandmother,... father,... mother, ... son and ...

daughter. 12. What is your cousin's profession? — My cousin is ... surgeon by...

profession 13. Are... Smirnovs in ... Far East now? — Yes, they are. They are in ...


B. I am going to explain ... new rule to you. Please take... notes. Look at... blackboard. Here are... examples. 2. What is ... English for «город»? ... English for «город» is "city". If this word is new to you (you must) take ... dictionary, look up this word in ... dictionary and put down ... pronunciation and ... spelling of... word in your note-books. Write down ... word in ... singular and in ... plural. 3. We are studying ... English. It is not easy to learn ... foreign, language. 4. "... Grammar is

... art of speaking, reading and writing ... English language correctly. Orthography is ... art of spelling. Syntax is ... art of ... proper construction of ... sentences ..."

C. 1. Open ... books at... page 20, please. 2. ... pupils are doing ... exercise 5. 3. Will you read ... paragraph 3, please? 4. Will you write... sentence 2, please? 5. They are in ... room 6.

5. Употребление определенного артикля с отвлеченными именами существительными (Abstract Nouns)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикли там, где необходимо.

1. … chief aim of … philharmonic societies is to develop … love for ... good music among … people. 2. ... thermometer is ... instrument for measuring … temperature. 3. … temperature to-day is not so high as it was yesterday. 4. ... observation and … experience are two great teachers. 5. ... air is necessary for … life. 6. John Smith made … excellent speech at ... meeting last night. 7. … length, … breadth and … height of … cube are equal. 8. He deserves … punishment. 9. Can you find … time for this work? 10. I have noticed … great change in him lately. 11. I have …great deal of … confidence in that man. 12. Every machine requires


some sort of … power to operate it. 13. ... history is his subject, especially ... history of … Middle Ages. 14. ... poetry of Lermontov is beautiful. 15. There was … expression in his eyes that I could not understand. 16. He finished his work without

... difficulty. 17. ... task presented … difficulty, which we could not overcome at first.


1. Оборот there is (are)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте there is или there are.

1.... a gas-stove and a fridge in our kitchen. 2.... a lot of furniture in their flat. 3. ...

some chocolate and a piece of cake on this plate. 4.... no fruit at home. Will you go

and buy some? 5. ...

some magazines and a telephone on this little table. 6. ...

a lot

of work to do this afternoon. 7. ...

plenty of knives in the drawer. 8. ...

good news

for you! 9. ... some money in my purse. You may take it. 10. ... a water-colour and some prints on the walls of his room.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте it is или there is.

1. ...fine today. 2. ... no telephone in this flat. 3. ... an underground station not far from my house. 4. ...nearly 10 o'clock. 5. ... a pity that you can't come with me. 6. ...

late. We must hurry. 7. ... a light in the kitchen. Mother is at home. 8. ... no place like home. 9. ... time to go to bed. 10. ... not true to say that she is a close friend of mine. 11. ... windy. I don't want to go out. 12. ... far from here. Let's take a taxi.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Сейчас сильный туман. Водители должны быть осторожны. 2. На улице много снега. 3. Еще очень рано. Не уходи. 4. В этой комнате слишком много мебели. 5. Здесь солнечно и светло. 6. В этом доме все современные удобства. 7. Очень приятно сидеть перед телевизором по вечерам. 8. В этой комнате нет телефона. Он в коридоре. 9. Сейчас 11 часов. Давайте выпьем чашку кофе. 10. В ванной комнате есть душ и умывальник.

Упражнение 4. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и попросите других студентов дать на них краткие утвердительные или отрицательные ответы.

1. There are three rooms in our flat. 2. There is a built-in wardrobe in the room. 3. The study is as large as the bedroom. 4. The radio is standing on the table. 5. There is a carpet on the floor. 6. They have a flat of their own. 7. You have got a lot of English books. 8. This student has got a textbook of his own. 9. Peter can answer the question himself. 10. They must be present there.

Упражнение 5. Сделайте следующие утверждения разделительными вопросами..

1. There are two pencils on the table. 2. Children must tidy up their room themselves. 3. There is no central heating in your house. 4. There is no chute in your kitchen. 5. There are taps for cold and hot water in the bathroom. 6. There are no curtains at the windows in the bedroom. 7. She is planning to buy some new furniture. 8. There are a lot of knives, forks and spoons in the drawers of the sideboard. 9. There is a


sofa-bed in the left-hand corner. 10. They have no TV set yet. 11. We can easily make our flat cosy. 12. Your parents are not watching a TV programme tonight.

2. Местоимения some, any, no


1. Вставьте some, any или no.

1. Are there...

letters for me? No, there aren't... letters for you. There are... letters in

the letter-box. 2. You have... very nice

water-colours here. 3. I have got ...

interesting books to read. 4. There aren't...

magazines here. 5. There are ...


hangers in the wardrobe. 6.1 have got... interesting news to tell you. 7. There isn't

... butter on the table. Take ... fresh butter from the fridge. 8. Will you have a cup of tea? There is ... hot water in the kettle. 9. I have got ... time to speak to you now.

I am very busy.


Have you got...

English records at home? 11. You may read ...

book you like.


Where can

I buy ... flowers? 13. I am interested in ...

information you can give me on this question. 14. May I have

... water, please? 15.

Give me ... money if you have

.... 16. If you have ... idea about it, please tell it to

me. 17. If you see

... nice prints, buy them, please.


Упражнение 2.




отрицательными, b)






a)1. There are some flowers in the vase on the table. 2. There are some fresh newspapers in the letter-box. 3. There are some dirty dishes in the sink. 4. There are some pictures in this magazine. &. There are some mistakes in your test-paper. 6. There are some fish in the bag.

b)1. There is some meat in the fridge. 2. There is some milk in the bottle. 3. There is some tooth-paste in the tube. 4. There is some bread on the plate. 5. There is some boiled water in the kettle. 6. There is some beautiful' fruit in the shop-window.


1. Местоименные прилагательные much, many, little, few




на следующие вопросы


или отрицательно,

давая полные



ответы. Используйте


lot of вместо

much, many в

утвердительных ответах.





1. Are there many new words in the text? 2. Is there much furniture in the diningroom? 3. Is there much work to do today? 4. Are there many people in the garden? 5. Are there many students in your group? 6. Is there much milk in the bottle? 7. Are there many desks in the classroom?

Упражнение 2. Составьте вопросы со следующими фразами. Попросите других студентов ответить на них отрицательно:

many knives

many windows much rain much water much juice many




3. a) Вставьте much, many, little, few, a lot of, plenty of, a great deal of.

1. There are ... students in the hall. 2. There is ... furniture in this room. 3. I haven't ...

time today. I am very busy. 4. She has ... Russian but... English books. 5. Please


don't make so ... noise. 6. I have ... mistakes in my dictation. 7. Are there ... rooms in your flat? 8. I have ... ink in my ink-pot. Give me some, please. 9. Are there ... new houses in your street? 10. There isn't ... paper in the drawer. 11. There is ... fruit in the fruit-stall.

b)Вставьте a few, a little.

1.I have got ... pictures in the room, but not many. 2. There is ... bread in the cupboard. Take it. 3. There are only ... cigarettes in the box. 4. ... books are lying on the table, but there are no magazines there. 5. I have ... money in my pocket. 6. Give me...

water, please, I am very thirsty. 7. I have just ... prints, but they all are very good. 8. We have got ... fish. Have some.








существительными (продолжение)






Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.







classroom. There

are ten students in ... class-room. One student is

standing; the others are sitting. There is one door and four windows in ...

classroom. There is

... table in ... classroom. There are

... flowers on ...

table. There

are two pictures on

... walls. One picture is near...

door; the other is near one of...


black-board is in

... middle of one of ...

walls. There is ...

large map to

... right of...

blackboard. It is ...

map of...

world. There are ... different countries on

it, they are all of ...

different colours: green and brown, light brown and dark grey,

yellow and red. I can find ...

place on ...

map where ...

Father is now: it is

... Far

East. It is far from Petersburg. When it is still dark in Petersburg and only ...


and stars are shining it is light there because ... sun is already rising in ...


Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык.

Дорогой Петя!

Сегодня у меня есть немного свободного времени, и я могу наконец ответить на твое письмо. У нас теперь удобная квартира в многоэтажном доме на пятом этаже. В доме есть лифт. В нашей квартире четыре комнаты. Моя комната направо от входа. В ней мало мебели: письменный стол, два кресла и диван-кровать. На стенах полки с книгами, так как я люблю читать(to be fond of reading). У меня около двухсот английских книг. Я должен много читать, чтобы овладеть английским языком.

Рядом (next to) с моей комнатой — комната родителей. Она лучше моей, но не такая солнечная. У них очень много фотографий на стенах, так как фотографии — любимое занятие (a hobby) моего отца. Третья комната — столовая. Она такая же большая, как комната родителей, но светлее, и на стенах меньше фотографий. Там у нас телевизор, и, когда мы свободны, мы смотрим все интересные передачи.

Рядом со столовой — комната сестры. Она самая большая, так как их теперь трое: Мария, Леонид и маленькая Катюша. Сейчас Катюша у меня в комнате — сидит на ковре и играет со своими куклами и игрушечными животными. Здесь медведи, волки, олени, лисицы, коровы, гуси — целый зоопарк!


Приезжай к нам и посмотри на нее сам. Мы все очень хотим (to be eager) тебя видеть.

Спасибо тебе большое за книгу. Она очень интересная и совсем не трудная. Мы тебя ждем!

Большой привет родителям. Твой Коля.


Степени сравнения прилагательных (The Degrees of Comparison)

Упражнение 1. Напишите следующие прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, используйте их в своих предложениях.

a)sharp, long, small, young, old, few

b)big, hot, thin, wet, sad, red

c)busy, easy, dirty, dry, merry, cosy, shy, sly, gay, grey

d)famous, beautiful, interesting, comfortable, hopeful

e)good, bad, much, far, many, little, old

f)large, fat, clumsy, many, pleasant, expensive, low, nice, little, heavy, pale, lazy, ugly, quiet, cheerful, good, honourable, powerful, pretty

Упражнение 2. Вставьте as ... as, so ... as, than.

1. Nothing is more pleasant ... to sit in a comfortable chair and read an interesting book. 2. Your sister is ... young ... his. 3. The dining-room is much bigger ... the study. 4. Our teacher is not ... old ... theirs. 5. My brother is older ... I am, but he is younger ... my sister. 6. The study is not ... big ... the bedroom. 7. The Sun is bigger ...

the Earth. 8. This street is ... wide ... the next one. 9. His radio set is not ... powerful

... mine. 10. This English book is not... difficult... that one. 11. This woman is ... old

... you are.

Упражнение 3. Используйте правильную форму прилагательных в скобках.

1. This room is ... and ... than that one. (big, comfortable) 2. Your work is ... than that of John, (good) 3. Mary is ... student of your group, (bright) 4. Take this knife. It is ... than yours, (sharp) 5. Don't sit down here. I think it is ... armchair in our flat. (uncomfortable) George is ... than William. He is ... in our family. (old) Where is your ... brother? (old) 8. It is ... book in my collection. (interesting) 9. This street is ... and ... than that one. (narrow, quiet) 10. Which is ... room in your flat? (large) 11. There are ... students in group 3 than in group 2. (many) 12. Which is ... day of the year? (long) 13. Yours is ... dictation, I'm sorry to say. (bad) 14. Which is ... way to the University? (near) 15. My tape-recorder is ... than yours. (good) 16. Helen is ... girl in our group. (noisy) 17. In our house there are ... flats than in hers. (few) 18. I am not so ... as you are, I am sorry. (quick) 19. July is ...

and ... month of the year. (hot, dry) 20. This book is as ... as the one you are reading. (interesting) 21. Is your brother ... than you? (old) 22. There is ... snow in the garden than in the streets. (much) 23. There is ... sugar in this sugar-basin than in that one. (little)

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.


1. В моей квартире меньше удобств, чем в вашей. 2. Квартира моей сестры менее удобна, чем моя. 3. В квартире моего дяди больше комнат, чем здесь. 4. В какой из ваших комнат больше мебели, в кабинете или в столовой? 5. Его рассказы менее интересны, чем романы. 6. Ваш район очень хороший, в нем больше зелени(trees), чем в нашем. 7. В моем саду меньше цветов в этом году, чем обычно. 8. У меня в кабинете меньше мебели, чем в гостиной. 9. На улице меньше снега, чем в саду. 10. У вас больше английских книг, чем у меня. 11. У меня меньше дисков, чем у тебя. 12. Ваши фрукты более спелые, чем мои.

2. Предикативные прилагательные

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1.This tea tastes a bit … .(strange/strangely) 2. I always feel … when the sun is shining. (happy/happily) 3. The children were playing … in the garden. (happy/happily) 4. The man became … when the manager of the restaurant asked him to leave. (violent/violently) 5. You look … ! Are you all right? (terrible/terribly) 6. There’s no point in doing a job if you don’t do it … .(proper/properly)


1. Настоящее неопределенное время (The Present Indefinite Tense)

Упражнение 1. Определите форму глагола и объясните ее употребление.

1. Leaves become green in spring and yellow in autumn. 2. This girl is always talking at the lessons. 3. My father is leaving for Kiev on Wednesday. 4. Tell him to wait when he comes. 5. Don't talk. I cannot hear what he is saying. 6. On week-days we usually get up at eight o'clock. 7. We have a class in English Grammar from 9 to 11 on Saturday. 8. Come to my place on Thursday if you are free. 9. The bus is just coming. 10. Time passes at different speeds according to what you are doing. 11. Actions speak louder than words.

Упражнение 2. Напишите следующие глаголы в форме3 лица единственного числа в Present Indefinite Tense и составьте свои предложения с ними.

read, write, finish, march, rise, dress, study, lie, go, say, have, see, copy, take, explain, wash, be, know, do, play

Упражнение 3. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную, отрицательную и вопросительно-отрицательную форму. Сделайте необходимые преобразования.

1. Ann always brings some flowers with her when she comes to the office. 2. They want to buy some new chairs. 3. We do some exercises in writing. 4. He likes to speak English with her. 5. In the evening my parents watch TV or listen in. 6. She knows how to tell the time in English. 7. Watches and clocks have figures on their faces. 8. My watch gains. 9. His watch goes wrong. 10. My aunt's clock loses.

Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.

1. Look up! The sun ... so brightly. (to shine) 2. My uncle usually ... newspapers in the evening. (to read) 3. As a rule, my sister ... all housework in the evening. (to