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Business writing

A letter speaks for you in your absence. To do its job of representing you well, it must be clear, appropriate in tone and attractive in appearance. Remember that you will not be present when your letter is being read to explain what you mean. The reader will not be able to ask you to clarify. So, you must make your message namistakably clear. It goes without saying that your letter should be easily legible, whether handwritten or typewritten.

A letter that is neat, free of errors and in good form will do a fine job of representing you -just as your speech and personal appearance do in a face-to-face relationship.

Whether you're writing a personal letter or a business letter, you'll need to address an envelope. On your envelope, put your name and address in the top left-hand comer. The receiver's address is centered on the envelope. Use the postal abbreviations for the state and include the ZIP code (postcode).

The personal letters you write are an important way of communicating to others your ideas, updating on events in your life, or your feelings. Sometimes an informal letter is the best way to communicate a personal message. Informal or personal letters include thank-you, invitation letters, letters of regret, of congratulation and others. The parts of a friendly letter are the heading, the salutation, the body, the closing, and the signature.

Business letters are a formal means of communication. They have a set format followed by writers and recognized by readers. There are six parts of a business letter: the heading, the inside address, the salutation, the body, the closing, and the signature. Business letters are generally printed on company stationery and are hand-signed by the author. They are most often sent through a postal service, though they can be hand-delivered.

Business letters are typically used when informal methods such as electronic mail or phone calls are too casual for the situation. The effects that various business letters can have on their audience are as varied as their purposes. For instance, many letters are written to persuade someone to do something, they also can call people to action, other letters are meant to instruct by explaining a particular process.

Speaking in public

Speaking in public is a great way to influence people, communicate your ideas, sell your products and services and change the world. The first time somebody has to get on up and make a lecture in public can be a terrifying experience. Public speaking is a talent that anybody can learn, and stage fright is something that anybody can beat.

Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here are some tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations:

1. Learn your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more about it than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language - that way you won't easily forget what to say.

2. Practice, practice and practice. Practice in front of the mirror so you know how you look. Practice with someone staring at you as to recreate an uncomfortable speaking situation. If you've practiced enough, you should be able to quote a majority of your speech, this way you won't have to read every single word of the speech.

3. Get to know the audience. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive. It's easier to speak to a group of friends than to strangers.

4. Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids (make sure they are working properly).

5. Dress for Success. You will feel better about yourself and you will perform at your best, if you look your best.

6. Speak Slowly and Clearly, and Make Eye Contact. If you speak slowly and clearly you'll sound more profound and less nervous. If you make eye contact you'll further engage the audience, so be sure to do it.

7. Concentrate on the message. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience.

8. Be Yourself. Act like you're talking to your friends.

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