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Galperin I.R. Stylistics (1981).doc
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I. Introduction

1. General Notes on Style and Stylistics . . 7 ............ 9

2. Expressive Means (EM) and Stylistic Devices (SD) .......... 25

3. General Notes on Functional Styles of Language ...... '. . . . 32

4. Varieties of Language ” t ................... 35

5. A Brief Outline of the Development of the English Literary (Standard)

Language t * t ^ t ......................... 41

6. Meaning from a Stylistic Point of View .............. 57

Part II. Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary

1. General Considerations > t .................... 70

2. Neutral, Common Literary and Common Colloquial Vocabulary ... 72

3. Special Literary Vocabulary t .................. 76

a) Terms .. t .t .....: \ .-r ............... 76

b) Poetic and Highly Literary Words .............. 79

c) Archaic, Obsolescent and Obsolete Words ............ 83

d) Barbarisms and Foreignisms .................. 87

e) Literary Coinages (Including Nonce-Words) ........... 92

4. Special Colloquial Vocabulary .................. 104

a) Slang t , t ........................ 104

b) Jargonisms , * , ........................ 109

c) Professionalisms , t , t .................... 113

d) Dialectal Words it t -. .^ ................... 116

e) Vulgar Words or Vulgarisms ............ .\. .... 118

f) Colloquial Coinages (Words and Meanings) ............ 119

Part III. Phonetic Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices

General Notes ............................ 123

Onomatopoeia ... t ........................ 124

Alliteration . e **......................... 126

Rhyme ; ...... %. ....................... 128

Rhythm , , . ” .......................... 129

Part IV. Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices

A. Intentional Mixing of the Stylistic Aspect of. Words ... ...... 136

В. Interaction of Different Types of Lexical Meaning ............ 138

1. Interaction of Primary Dictionary and Contextually Imposed Meanings 139

Metaphor ............................. 139

Metonymy t ........ ^ ............... \ ... 144

Irony , 5 ............................ 146

2. Interaction of Primary and Derivative Logical Meanings ...... 148

Stylistic Devices Based on Polysemantics Effect, Zeugma and Pun .... 148

3. Interaction of Logical and Emotive Meanings ............ 153

Interjections and Exclamatory Words ............... 154

The Epithet ,,,*....................... 157

Oxymoron >“. “ “ ....................... 162

4. Interaction of Logical and Nominal Meanings ........... 164

Antonomasia ........................... 164

C. Intensification of a Certain Feature of a Thing or Phenomenon ...... 166

' Simile ............................... 167

/, • ^Periphrasis .I.....'..............'...-..... 169

!""' Euphemism ............................. 173

Hyperbole .............................. 176

D. Peculiar Use of Set Expressions .................... 177

The Cliche .............................. 177

Proverbs and Sayings .. :< ....................... 181

Epigrams .............................. 184

Quotations ............................. 186

Allusions .............................. 187

.Decomposition of Set Phrases .................... 189“

5 Part V. Syntactical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices

General Considerations .......................... '191

ВГ Problems Concerning the Composition of Spans of Utterance Larger than the

Sentence .............................. 193

Supra-Phrasal Units ......................... 194

The Paragraph ........................... 198

C. Compositional Patterns of Syntactical Arrangement .......... 202

Stylistic Inversion .......................... 203

•j Detached Construction ....................... 205

/Parallel Construction ........................ 208

[Chiasmus (Reversed Parallel Construction) .............. 209

Repetition ............................. 211

Enumeration . . . ......................... 216

Suspense. . ....... . ..................... 218

Climax (Gradation) ... \ ...................... 219

Antithesis .............................. 222

D. Particular Ways of Combining Parts of the Utterance (Linkage) . . . . ; 225

, Asyndeton ............................. 226

Polysyndeton . > .-,-......................... 226

The Gap-Sentence -Link . .^. .................... 227

E. Particular Use of Colloquial Constructions .............. 230

Ellipsis". .............................. 231

Break-in-the-Narrative(Aposiopesis) .................. 233

Question-in-the-Narrative . . . ................... 235

Represented Speech ......................... 236

a) Uttered Represented Speech ................... 238

b) Unuttered or Inner Represented Speech ............. 241

F. Stylistic Use of Structural Meaning ................. 244

Rhetorical Questions V * * . . ................... 244

Litotes ...............................

Part VI. Functional Styles of the English Language

Introductory Remarks ......................... 249

A. The belles-lettres Style ....................... 250

1. Language of Poetry ........................ 252

a) Compositional Patterns of Rhythmical Arrangement ........ 252

Meter and Line ., ,• ..................... 252

The Stanza ...... §. .................... 258

Free Verse and Accented Verse '. ................ 261

b) Lexical and Syntactical Features of Verse ............ 264

2. Emotive Prose .......................... 270

3. Language of the Drama .................... 281

В Publicists Style ........................... 287

1 Oratory and Speeches ^ ...................... 288

2. The Essay ............................ 293

3. Journalistic Articles ........................ 295

С Newspaper Style (written by V. L. Nayer) .............. 295

1. Brief News Items ........................ 298

2. Advertisements and Announcements ................ 301

3.' The Headline ........................... 302

4 The Editorial ........................... 305

D Scientific Prose Style ......................... 307

E. The Style of Official Documents ................... 312

Final Remarks ............*................. 319

Гальперин И.Р. Стилистика английского языка / И.Р.Гальперин. - М.: Высшая школа, 1981

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