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10 Rewrite all the nouns from the text and give their singular and plural forms.

11 Insert the plural form of the nouns given in brackets as in the example.

Example: My _____ (parent) are both doctors. – My parents are both doctors.

a) In summer, we have many bright _____ (day).

b) We usually have three _____ (class) a day.

c) Our _____ (life) are wonderful.

d) He takes a lot of _____ (photo) during his trips.

e) The _____ (datum) he collected are very useful.

f) A man has two _____ (foot).

g) In the forest, there are many _____ (species) of birds.


12 Listen to the dialogue.

Olga Victor, where are you from?

Victor I am from Moscow. And you?

Olga I come from Ufa, but my family lives in


Victor Is it so? Mmm - do you have any brothers or sisters?

Olga Yes, I have two sisters and two brothers. How about you?

Victor I have only one sister. She lives in Samara.

Olga Really?! My uncle also lives there.

Victor Oh, how interesting! It is a small world!

13 Read the dialogue in pairs. Think why some of the words in italics take the –s ending and some don’t. Reproduce the dialogue changing the cities and family members.


Present Simple (Настоящее простое время)

Examples (Примеры)

Action (Действие)

The sun rises in the east.

Stars shine in the night.


I get up early in the morning.

Maria studies hard.

I play footfall in summer.

We play ice-hockey in winter.

привычное или ежедневное действие (always, usually, often, sometimes, never, every day, every year)

Verb patterns: I and II person (Образование для 1-го и 2-го лица)




I like ice-cream.

We like ice-cream.

You like ice-cream.

I don’t (do not) like ice-cream.

We don’t (do not) like ice-cream.

You don’t (do not) like ice-cream

Do I like ice-cream?

Do we like ice-cream?

Do you like ice-cream?


 Время Present Simple в 1-м и 2-м лицах (I, we, you - я, мы, ты, вы) образуется от первой формы глагола-сказуемого.

 При построении вопросительных и отрицательных предложений в 1-м и 2-м лицах требуется вспомогательный глагол do.

14 Practice oral exercises. Repeat the sentences, using the words given in brackets in place of ice-cream.

I (don’t) like ice-cream. (chicken, beef, pork, veal, turkey, lamb, prawn, crab, fish)

We (don’t) like ice-cream. (orange, melon, strawberry, cherry, blackcurrant, peach, banana)

You (don’t) like ice-cream. (cucumber, carrot, tomato, potato, cabbage, onion, peas)