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2. Express in one word the meaning of each of the following phrases. All the words required are in the Text. You are given the first letter of each word and the number of letters in it.

1. a lodging-house for students - (h_ _ _ _ _)

2. to take or receive smth. offered or given - (a_ _ _ _ _)

3. to become a member of; to join - (e_ _ _ _)

4. studying for the normal number of hours or days - (f_ _ _ - t _ _ _)

5. to be present at; go to - (a_ _ _ _ _) 6. to finish an educational course - (g_ _ _ _ _ _ _)

7. one of the periods of time into which - (t_ _ _)

the univer­sity year is divided

8. a sum of money given to a student by an official body - (s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

to support him during his/her studies

9. a period of holiday - (v_ _ _ _ _ _ _)_ 10. one of the several divisions of a university - (d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

11. to like better - (p_ _ _ _ _ )

12. a public eating place - (s_ _ _ _ - b_ _ )

13. a student of the same group, faculty, etc. - (f_ _ _ _ _ - s_ _ _ _ _ )

14. to continue for a period of time - (l_ _ _ )

15. a place to live; room; flat; house - (a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )

16. hardworking; showing steady effort - (d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ )

3. Choose the Russian equivalents from the right column to the following English words and phrases.

to be over

that is

a correspondence course

to grant a scholarship

to take a bus



to take a subject

to have classes

to have meals

to be in the habit of doing smth.

to do one’s best

an academic year

to take an exam

to pass an exam

t o miss

in order to

выдержать экзамен

пропускать, не посещать

изучать предмет

сесть в автобус, ехать автобусом

сделать все от себя зависящее

сдавать экзамен

учебный год


заочный курс обучения

заканчивать, прекращаться

то есть

принимать пищу, есть

давать стипендию

для того, чтобы


будние дни

иметь обыкновение что-либо делать