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Tests Test 1. Variant I

1. Write plural form of nouns:

Atom, group, name, play, leaf, mouse, student, party, glass, time, way.

2. Give the right form of the verb in в Present Simple:

1. We … newspapers every day.

a) read b) are reading c) am reading d) were reading

2. He always … his homework carefully.

a) prepare b) is preparing c) prepares d) prepared

3. She … several foreign languages.

a) speaks b) speak c) is speaking d) spoke

4. The children … in the park every afternoon.

a) play b) are playing c) plays d) were playing

5. Helen … lunch in the cafeteria every day.

a) is eating b) eat c) eats d) ate

6. They … in Europe now.

a) am b) is c) were d) are

7. John … absent from class today.

a) am b) is c) are d) was

8. The weather … good today.

a) am b) is c) are d) were

9. I … a good tennis player.

a) am b) is c) are d) be

10. Where does he … to spend his vacations ?

a) like b) likes c) liked d) will like

3. Put 5 questions to the sentences:

  1. We use our books in class. 2. She makes mistakes in reading. 3. The plane leaves at ten o’clock. 4. She is a clever girl. 5. They are members of the country club.

NOTE. Please, take into account that several variants are possible in Special and Alternative questions.

Test 1. Variant II

1. Write plural form of nouns:

Set, work, trade, year, life, energy, problem, class, doctor, goose, design.

2. Give the right form of the verb in в Present Simple:

1. He … us English.

a) teach b) teaches c) is teaching d) taught

2. We always … football on Saturdays.

a) play b) plays c) are playing d) were playing

3. They … their English lessons.

a) enjoy b) enjoys c) are enjoying d) enjoyed

4. The exercises in the English lessons … difficult.

a) am b) is c) are d) were

5. Ann and John … a lot of trips together.

a) take b) takes c) are taking d) took

6. She always … to class late.

a) come b) comes c) is coming d) came

7. We always … by car.

a) travel b) travels c) are travelling d) traveled

8. John … angry with us.

a) am b) is c) are d) were

  1. I … his best friend.

a) am b) is c) are d) was

  1. When does he … home from school?

a) come b) comes c) is coming d) came

3. Put 5 questions to the sentences:

  1. He knows French perfectly. 2. I understand everything he says. 3. We are tired after our long walk. 4. She is in the same class as Nick. 5. The train starts in five minutes.

NOTE. Please, take into account that several variants are possible in Special and Alternative questions.

Test 2. Variant I