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Insert the missing word: The erythrocytes __ great elasticity and flexibility.

- has

- is

- have

- are

- were


Define the tense of the sentence:

The nurse has forgotten the administrations of the doctor.

- Past Continuous

- Past Perfect

-Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous

- Present Simple


What do the veins carry to the heart?

- water

- oxygen

- blood

- fibers

- milk


What does the muscular structure of the heart consist of?

- fibrous bands

- blood bands

- cell bands

- portal bands

- costal bands


Define the tense of the sentence:

The teacher has already asked the student.

- Past Continuous

- Past Perfect

- Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous

- Present Simple


Define the tense of the sentence:

The patient has been taking the medicine for a month:

- Past Continuous

- Past Perfect

- Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous

- Present Simple


Insert the missing word: There is __ picture on page 20:

- a

- the

- -

- an

- at


Insert the missing word: It __ a table.

- are


- were

- be



Define the tense of the sentence:

Students are given a lot of work to do every day.

- Past Continuous Passive

- Past Perfect Passive

-Present Perfect Active

- Present Perfect Continuous Active

-Present Simple Passive


Define the tense of the sentence:

The doctor had been treating the patient for a month.

- Past Continuous

- Past Perfect

- Present Perfect

-Past Perfect Continuous

- Present Simple


Give the synonym “capacity”:

- level

- shape

- volume

- system

- base


Give the antonym “to dilate”:

-to contract

- to locate

- to include

- to carry

- to compose of


Answer the question: What is the largest gland in the human body?

- heart

- liver

- spleen

- pancreas

- stomach


Insert the missing word:

A hollow sac lying on the lower surface of the liver is … .

- pancreas

- gallbladder

- esophagus

- stomach

- abdomen


Define the tense of the sentence:

Anatomy describes the structure of the human body:

- Past Continuous

- Past Perfect

- Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous

- Present Simple


Define the tense of the sentence:

The alimentary tract extends from the oral cavity to the anus:

-Present Simple

- Past Continuous

- Past Perfect

- Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous


Define the tense of the sentence:

A. Vesalius studied the structure of the inner organs of the human body:

- Past Continuous

- Past Perfect

- Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous

- Past Simple


Define the tense of the sentence:

A. Vesalius did much to establish new and exact anatomical terms:

- Past Continuous

-Past Simple

- Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous

- Present Simple


Define the appropriate form of the verb “to be”:

The large intestine … about 1.5 meters long.

- am

- are


- been

- being


Define the tense of the sentence:

Great work on modern anatomy was begun in the 15th century.

- Past Continuous Passive Voice

- Past Perfect Passive Voice

- Present Perfect Passive Voice

-Past Simple Passive Voice

- Present Simple Passive Voice


Define the tense of the sentence:

Half of the heart weight is composed of the bands of vessels:

- Past Continuous Passive Voice

- Past Perfect Passive Voice

- Present Perfect Passive Voice

- Past Simple Passive Voice

-Present Simple Passive Voice


Give the antonym “to admit”:

- to follow

- to depend on

- to estimate

- to examine

-to discharge


Define the tense of the sentence:

Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest for the cardiac muscle.

- Present Simple Passive Voice

- Past Continuous Passive Voice

- Past Perfect Passive Voice

- Present Perfect Passive Voice

- Past Simple Passive Voice


Insert the missing word:

The period of rest of the cardiac muscle is called ….

- the diastole

- the systole

- the ventricular systole

- circulation

- pump


Insert the missing word:

The human heart makes 60-80contractions per … .

- hour

- day

- second


- night


Answer the question: What is blood?

- muscular tissue

- nervous tissue

- connective tissue

- fluid tissue

- circulating tissue


Answer the question: What is blood composed of?

- vessels and corpuscular elements

- tissues and corpuscular elements

- fibers and corpuscular elements

- cells and corpuscular elements

- plasma and corpuscular elements


Define the tense of the sentence:

Experiments on animals had been got by the scientists.

- Past Continuous Passive Voice

- Past Perfect Passive Voice

- Present Perfect Passive Voice

- Past Simple Passive Voice

- Present Simple Passive Voice


Answer the question: How are red corpuscles called?

- plasma

- platelets

- thrombocytes

- leucocytes



Answer the question: How are white corpuscles called?

- plasma

- platelets

- thrombocytes

- leucocytes

- erythrocytes


Answer the question: How are blood platelets called?

- plasma

- water

- thrombocytes

- leucocytes

- erythrocytes


Define the tense of the sentence:

The lecture had been delivered by Professor Petrov.

- Past Continuous Passive Voice

- Past Perfect Passive Voice

- Present Perfect Passive Voice

- Past Simple Passive Voice

- Present Simple Passive Voice


One of the symptoms of appendicitis is___.

-moist rales




-abdominal pain


Complete the sentence with the right variant: If he (not to read) so much earlier, he (not to know) about obesity and illnesses it causes now.

- hadn’t read, wouldn’t know;

-hadn’t read, wouldn’t have known;

-hasn’t read, wouldn’t know;

-doesn’t read, wouldn’t know;

-doesn’t read, will not know.


Rewrite a sentence using Complex Subject: “It is sure that they will return soon”.

-It is sure that they is sure return soon.

-They is sure to return soon.

-They are sure return soon.

-They am sure to return soon.

-They are sure to return soon.


Insert correct form of Complex Subject and Complex Object: He is sure ____ a liar. Everybody heard him ____ that in so many words.

-to be, to say

- be, say

-to be, say

-be, to say

-being, saying


In what sentence Complex Subject is not used?

-I didn’t see you come in.

-He seems to know English well.

-He is said to be a very skilled worker.

-He turned out to be a mean person.

-He is said to be writing a new play.


What part of speech is the underlined word in the sentence: The questions were so easy that everybody could answer them.







Find a sentence with Complex Object

-It is quite natural that they will get married.

-There’s some information I want you to obtain.

-Paul was the last who greeted me.

-The head-mistress is expected to make a speech at the farewell party.

-The picture that has no signature is believed to have been painted by Repin.


Choose the right form of Complex Object: Mrs. Folder usually ..... at home when he feels sick.

-have let her son stay

-lets her son to stay

-lets her son stay

-let her son to stay

-let her son staying


Choose the right form of Complex Object: I want his article ___in November.

-to publish

-to be published


-be published

-being published


Choose the right form of Complex Object: He did not expect her ___ about it.

-to be asked



-be asked

-to answer


Choose the right form of Complex Object: Tell me what you would like (I / do)

-me to do

-I to do

-me do

-me doing

-I doing


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