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The bryansk region

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The Bryansk 1._____ was formed on 2. ______ 1944. The official symbols of the Bryansk region, Flag, Emblem and Anthem 3. ______ determined by the Regional Law "About the Symbols of the Bryansk Region", 4. ______ in 1998. Its Emblem symbolizes the unity of the 5. ______ great Slavonic nations. It reflects the traditional spiritual 6. _____ of Bryanskers; in particular, the battle glory, industrial mastery, arable farming. The Flag of the Bryansk region is a red banner with its Emblem in the centre. The song "The Bryansk forest"by S.Katz and A.Sofronov is the Anthem of the Bryansk region.

The region consists of 7. ___ districts and has 16 cities (5 of them are "sub-regional" ones), and 27 urban-type settlements. The largest cities are Bryansk, Klintzy, Novozybkov, Dyatkovo.

The Bryansk region stretches 270 km from west to east and 240 km from north to south. The total area is 8. _____ . The population is 9. ____ people (1 mln is urban). The Bryansk region borders 10. ____ the Chernigov, Sumi regions of the Ukraine, the Gomel, Mogilev regions of Byelorussia, the Smolensk, Kaluga, Oryol and Kursk regions of the RF. There are many large and small rivers 11. _____ the territory of the region. The 12. _____ among them are the Desna (1,187 km), the Iput and the Besed. There are 49 large 13. ____ lakes in the region. The largest ones are Besdonnoye, Krugloye, Svyatoye. The region has a 14. _____ climate with warm summers and cold winters. The Bryansk region is rich in 15. ____ which occupy one third of the total area. There are both needleleaf and broadleaf forests as well as mixed ones. A lot of different animals and birds live there.

The 16. ______ development of the region began in the 16th century. Since then iron-producing, glass-producing, timber-processing factories appeared there. At the beginning of the 19th century textile industry began to develop near the town of Klintsy. Now the main industry is machine-building. Machine-building plants produce Diesel engines, diesel locomotives, refrigerator sections, irrigation and agricultural machines, tractors, instruments and equipment. Our 17._____ also produce steel, timber, cement, brick, mineral fertilizer, different consumer goods and foodstuffs.

Agriculture also plays an important 18. _____ in development of the region. The leading branch of agriculture is 19. _____-breeding. Our farms produce milk and beef, pork, mutton, chicken-meat and eggs. Livestock-breeding is closely connected with 20.____-growing, Farmers grow different grain-crops, potatoes, feed-crops and industrial crops. Grain crops are sown on large areas, but their yields are not high. The climate of the Bryansk region is favourable for growing such crops as winter-wheat and rye, spring barley, buckwheat, silage corn, potatoes. 21. _______ are grown all over the region. Their yields are high. Industrial crops such as sugar-beets, flax, tobacco and others occupy an important place in crop-growing. Sugar beets are grown in the Brasovo, Komarichy and Sevsk districts. Flax is grown in the Kletnya, Rognedino and Zhukovka districts.

The Bryansk region 22. ______ a lot of environmental problems. They are air, water and land pollution, 23. _____ erosion, extinction of wildlife. The ecological situation, in many parts of the region is critical especially in the south-western districts that suffered 24. ____ the Chernobyl disaster and to such towns as Fokino and Bryansk. The main sources of air pollution are industrial enterprises and transport. Water pollution and depletion of ground waters is another problem. Our lakes and rivers are being filled with oil, mineral fertilizers, chemicals, organic substances. One of the most important problems in the region is soil erosion. More than 150 thousand hectares of soil suffer from water erosion and about 2 thousand hectares from wind erosion. Radioactive contamination of the environment is a very serious problem. 22 districts of the region suffered from it as a result of the Chernobyl catastrophe. The total contaminated area is 11,868 square km where 500 thousand people live. The main task of our time is nature 25. _____ , that is rational use, reproduction and conservation of natural resources, protection of the natural environment from pollution arid destruction.


a. district

b. area

c. region

d. land


a. the 5th of July

b. the 5th of June

c. the 15th of July

d. the 15th of June


a. have been

b. be

c. had been

d. were


a. passes

b. passing

c. passed

d. pass


a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five


a. values

b. prices

c. costs

d. expenses


a. 25

b. 26

c. 27

d. 28


a. 24,900 km3

b. 29,400 km3

c. 34,900 km3

d. 39,400 km3


a. 1,300,000

b. 1,500,000

c. 1,700,000

d. 1,900,000


a. on

b. by

c. in

d. with


a. on

b. by

c. in

d. with


a. long

b. longer

c. longest

d. most long


a. physical

b. natural

c. organic

d. original


a. temperate and subtropical

b. arctic and continental

c. subtropical and continental

d. temperate and continental


a. lakes

b. rivers

c. fields

d. forests


a. educational

b. scientific

c. agricultural

d. industrial


a. enterprises

b. works

c. farms

d. plants


a. party

b. role

c. act

d. trick


a. cattle

b. animal

c. livestock

d. dairy-stock


a. field

b. plant

c. crop

d. agriculture


a. Tomatoes

b. Potatoes

c. Onion

d. Carrots


a. has

b. have

c. had

d. is having


a. soil

b. air

c. water

d. land


a. of

b. with

c. from

d. -


a. environment

b. protection

c. ecology

d. defense

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  2. Сколько Вам лет?

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4. Составьте 10 предложений с любыми словами и словосочетаниями из данного списка:

a democratic federal state, a parliamentary monarchy, a republic, an unwritten constitution, appointive MPs, archbishops, bill, by secret ballot, chamber, citizen, city of federal importance, common law, constituency, custom, deputy, former, government, head of the state, hereditary peers, law lords = lords of appeal, life peers, local self-government, monarch, prime minister, royal assent, sovereign, statute, subject, suffrage, the Bill of Rights, the cabinet, the Chairman of the Government, the Council of Federation, the executive power, the Federal Assembly, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the judicial power, the legislative body, the legislative power, the Magna Carta, the majority party leader, the Petition of Right, the Privy Council, the representative body, the State Duma, the Supreme Court, the voting age, to exercise power, to initiate.

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13/09/2007 | Moscow News, №36 2007

New Election Guessing Games as Putin Names PM

President Vladimir Putin accepted Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov's resignation on Wednesday, immediately naming the obscure Viktor Zubkov to take his place in a surprise move that set off a new round of guessing games on who would succeed President Putin in 2008.

In a televised meeting with the President Wednesday, Fradkov submitted his resignation in order to facilitate the process of forming a new government for the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. Putin commended him for an outstanding job in office and went on to agree with his decision to resign. According to the Russian constitution, Putin had two weeks to choose a new prime minister who would then be approved by parliament. But Putin's choice was made just hours after the resignation.

"It's better to make certain cadre decisions now, to take certain steps in modernizing the government system to avoid faults connected to major changes," RIA Novosti quoted Putin as saying on Thursday, "but also to show the development vector, the structure of administrational and executive power in the period after the elections." Although his candidacy has yet to be approved at a Duma session Friday, Zubkov has already announced plans. "The government structure is not very effective," he told journalists Thursday. "That is why structural changes are inevitable."

In initial reports, politicians and experts agreed that whoever headed the new cabinet was the likeliest figure to succeed the President. In this context, Putin was expected to name first vice Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, who has long stood out as one of the likely successors, to the post of Prime Minister.