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6. Find the English equivalents for and learn by heart:

Работать независимо, студенты дневного отделения, заочники, гуманитарный факультет, прикладная математика, горный факультет, наука, бухучет, закон, социология, выбор предметов, студенты первого курса, посвящать развитию, крайний север, применять знания, учительский состав, аспирант, академик, исследовательская работа в архивах, общежитие, столовая, доступ в Интернет, обучение, курс обучения, иметь место, представитель, включать, экономическая важность, древняя история, совершенствовать иностранные языки, тренировать горных специалистов, возможность изучения, получить практические навыки, глубокие и главные знания о человеческом обществе, инженерная графика и измерительные приборы, хорошо образованный социальный работник, подземные и открытые горные работы, современное предприятие, заботиться об окружающей среде.

7. From the list below find groups of words with similar meaning:

Tuition, field, vacation, learning, area, to graduate, elementary, term, studies, basics, holidays, to finish, semester.

8. Find pairs of words with opposite meaning and translate them:

1. to enter the University

2. to pass an exam

3. a full-time student

4. to be free of charge

5. to ask questions

6. the first-year student

7. secondary education

8. entrance

9. to attend lectures

a. graduation

b. higher education

c. to answer tasks

d. the fifth-year student

e. to graduate the University

f. to miss classes

g. to pay fees

h. to fail all entrance examinations

i. a part-time student

9. Tell about your Working Day at the University, answering these questions:

1. Where do you study? At what faculty, department, year?

2. What subjects do you study? What is your favorite? What interesting and new disciplines do you learn? Do you work regularly on them? What marks do you get?

3. How many double-classes do you have every day? Do you have days off?

4. Is your time-table convenient? Why?

5. Do you always attend lectures, seminars and classes? Can you miss them? Do you take notes at them or only listen? What is your opinion of the teaching staff?

6. Where do you live: in a hostel or rent a room? How do you feel living far from your place?

7. Do you take an active part in the daily life of the University? Are you a member of the University sport team? What? Do you participate in cultural and social events of the University?

8. Do you like to study here? Why? Does the study at the University differ from school? In what way?

9. When will you graduate the University? At what year? What specialty will you be?

10. Do you want to find a good/interesting/first-rate job? Can higher education help you to get it?

11. What do you like and don’t like about the University?

12. Do you agree that it is hard but interesting to study at the University?

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