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Tools Menu

unrepresentative of the model. Changing the model requires re-running the raytrace.

To restore a saved raytrace, simply open an oml file that has an associated ray file. TracePro will find and open the ray file at the same time, and display the rays (providing the Analysis|Display Rays menu item is checked). Once the rays are restored, you can sort them using Analysis|Ray Sort and display irradiance maps and candela plots. However, the Flux Report cannot be generated from the ray file. You must re-run the raytrace to get a flux report.

Tools Menu

Several utility commands are grouped under the Tools menu. These include auditing, geometry conversion, and database utilities. The geometry and database items are described in other chapters. See “Healing Imported Data” on page 2.38 and “Property Database Tools” on page 3.65.


TracePro uses two kinds of audit, an update audit and a full audit.

TracePro Automatically performs an audit as the first part of a raytrace. This automatic audit identifies only what has changed since the previous audit and processes any changed data. If no previous audit data is found, TracePro initiates a full audit.

You can manually initiate a full audit of the current model by selecting the menu option, Tools|Audit. You may wish to employ such a “manual” audit prior to a raytrace to locate problems such as flaws in surfaces, surface properties, or other potential problems in the model. Error conditions that are discovered are displayed in the Messages Window.

A manual audit overwrites all previous audit data. That contrasts with an automatic audit in a raytrace, which only updates data that is changed from the previous audit.

Delete Raydata Memory

Selecting Delete Raydata Memory causes TracePro to delete the contents of raytrace memory that is used by the active model. Ray display and other analysis are disabled after making this selection.

Collect Volume Flux


TracePro has the capability to perform volume flux calculations. From an analysis mode raytrace, the user can describe a set of contiguous rectangular parallelepiped cells. For each of the cells, four (4) flux values are calculated for the given raytrace and the results are saved to a user-specified file. The four categories of flux are: originating flux, incident flux, absorbed flux, and lost flux.

From the Tools menu, select Collect Volume Flux. The dialog box shown in Figure 6.38 will appear.

TracePro 5.0 User’s Manual



FIGURE 6.38 - Example Volume Flux Options dialog box

The set of cells is described by two corner positions. For each dimension, X, Y, and Z, the value for corner position 2 must be larger that than for corner position 1. The user also specifies the number of cells in each dimension. Finally, the name of the results file is entered. The Show Cells button displays the collection of cells in the model window as shown in Figure 6.39.

FIGURE 6.39 - TracePro model window showing cells defined for volume flux analysis. This example shows the cells placed inside a sub section of a simple block geometry. The Show Cells button toggles to Hide Cells after being chosen.


TracePro 5.0 User’s Manual

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