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Практ.граммат Вейхман А.С (студентам).doc
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V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Об этом фильме в последнее время много говорят.

2. Что вы делали вчера в это время?

3. Где вы шили себе это платье?

4. Я тоже не знаю, где он.

5. Она спросила, где ближайшее метро.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. Boston is in ... .

a) Florida, b) Mexico, c) Texas, d) Massachusetts.

2. Gulf Stream originates in ... .

a) the Gulf of Mexico, b) the Persian Gulf, c) the Gibraltar, d) the Panama Canal.

3. The Tower of London now is ... .

a) a prison, b) a royal residence, c) a museum, d) a burial place.

4. Englishmen eat dinner at ... .

a) 11 a.m., b) 2 p.m., с) 6 р.m., d) 9 р.m.

5. A brunch is ... .

a) breakfast, b) late breakfast, c) dinner, d) a tea party.

Test 17

I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

A doctor was often stopped by one of his patients in the street and asked for his medical advice free of charge. The doctor didn’t like it and decided to put an end to this practice.

One day a patient stopped him again and exclaimed, “Oh, doctor! I’m so glad to see you. I have such a bad headache.” The doctor seemed very much interested and said, “Close your eyes, open your mouth and show me your tongue.” The patient did so. Then the doctor quickly went away leaving the patient with his mouth open and tongue out.


1. Why did the patient ask the doctor for advice in the street?

2. In what way did the doctor put an end to this practice?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

Then the doctor quickly went away.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

“Guinness Book of Records” (1 – be) one of the most popular books in the world. It (2 – contain) records of all kinds, there (3 – be) thousands of them. It all (4 – start) in 1954 when a man (5 – call) Norris McWhirter (6 – publish) the Guinness Book of Records for the Guinness brewery – Guinness, by the way, (7 –be) a type of beer. Very quickly the book (8 – become) a best-seller. It (9 – sell) over 49 copies so far. And if you (10 – think) that it (11 – be) the English who (12 – be) mad about records, you (13 – be) wrong: the book (14 – translate) into 24 languages. There (15 – to be) a lot of people all over the world who (16 – seem) to want (17 – read) about other people who (18 – be) faster, fatter, fitter or just madder than they (19 – be).

Since ancient times people (20 – try) to break a record. If you (21 – want) to break a record one day, you (22 – have) to find someone re­liable who (23 – watch) you and then (24 – ask) a newspaper (25 – write) a report. Then, when you (26 – break) the record, you (27 – write) to the Guinness Book and (28 – hope) that the day (29 – come) when your record (30 – print) in the newspaper. Your name and photograph (31 – place) in many newspapers and your record (32 – translate) into twenty-four languages – in one of the world’s fa­mous books. You (33 – can) do it, for example by (34 – walk) on your hands a long way or (35 – sing) the same song over and over again or (36 – do) any other thing not many people (37 – be able) to do. Why not (38 – try) and (39 – see) what (40 – happen)?