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English-самост. работа.docx
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III. E-mail writing quiz.

Match the informal phrases (1-15) with the neutral/formal phrases (a-o).

Informal Formal

1. What do you need? _d_ a) With regard to… (or With reference to)

2. Thanks for the email of 12 Feb. _ b) I can assure you that …

3. Sorry, I can’t make it. __ c) We note from our records that you have not …

4. I’m sorry to tell you that … __ d) Please let us know your requirements.

5. I promise … __ e) I was wondering if you could …

6. Could you …? __ f) We would like to remind you that

7. You haven’t … __ g) I look forward to meeting you next week.

8. Don’t forget … __ h) Thank you for your email received 12 February.

9. I need to … __ i) I am afraid I will not be able to attend.

10. Shall I …? __ j) Would you like me to …?

11. But …/Also …/So … __ k) I would be grateful if you could …

12. Please could you … __ l) Please accept our apologies for …

13. I’m sorry for … __ m) It is necessary for me to …

14. Re … __ n) We regret to advise you that …

15. See you next week. __ o) However …/ In addition …/ Therefore …

IV. Telephone etiquette quiz.

1. Which phrase means the same as “hang on a moment?”

A. Just a second

B. I’ll put you on

C. Go ahead

D. I’m ready

2. Choose the correct word: “Please …… and I’ll put you through.”

A. stop

B. stay

C. talk

D. hold

3. What is the expression used to connect two people on the telephone?

A. I’m sending you through

B. I’m putting you through

C. I’m calling you through

D. I’m talking you through

4. What is not an active listening word that will let your party know you are listening while on a business phone call?


B. “Yes” C. “I see”

D. “Great”

5. What does not need to be a consideration before you make a phone call?

A. Who you are calling

B. The purpose of your call

C. The best time to call

D. A brief joke to break the ice

6. The 7 “P”s of business phone etiquette should not include (among other topics) preparation, purpose, and what else?

A. practice

B. privacy

C. packaging

D. pinpointing

7. Why should you generally not answer your business phone on the first ring?

A. It’s rude

B. You don’t look busy enough

C. You should let the phone ring through to your voice mail so you can talk at a time of your choosing

D. It can catch the caller off-guard

8. What information is not necessary for you to leave on your personal voice mail?

A. The reason you are away from the phone

B. Today’s date

C. Your name

D. Your title

9. When taking a business phone call you should try to

A. Be overly courteous

B. Talk about personal issues

C. Enunciate and speak clearly

D. Refer to sports to lighten the mood

10. What buffer should you use to answer a call?

A. Business name

B. Your name

C. Good Afternoon

D. Hello

11. If your business call to someone will be unexpected, what should you do?

A. Tell them the purpose of your call then ask them to call you back at their convenience

B. Leave a message on voice mail or with a receptionist and tell them to call at their convenience

C. Email them and ask what a good time for calling would be

D. Call them, but first ask if they have time, before proceeding with the call

12. If you need to discuss sensitive issues over the phone (including exchanges of personal and protected information) how should you handle it with your phone companion?

A. Tell them you’ll fax the information

B. Confirm with them it’s OK to discuss before discussing it

C. Tell them you’ll email it

D. Avoid these discussions at all costs on the telephone

13. The single most important factor in leaving a voice mail message is …… .

A. Leave a message that’s short and to the point

B. Humor

C. Leaving as much information as possible

D. Speaking clearly and succinctly

14. It is said you should make business calls during the time of day most people are freshest to receive them. When is this?

A. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

B. 10 a.m. to noon

C. 1 to 3 p.m.

D. 3 to 5 p.m.

15. In the unlikely event that you reach receptionist or secretary when making a business call (instead of voice mail of the person you are calling), how should you address the call taker?

A. Ask for the person you’re calling for

B. Ask for your party’s extension without offering any other information

C. Ask for the person you’re calling for, state your name and purpose for calling

D. Ask for the person you’re calling for, and state your name

V. Presentation skills quiz.

1. Which sentence might you hear at the beginning of a presentation?

A. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for arriving today

B. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for appearing today

C. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today

D. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for showing your faces today

2. The ………. of today’s presentation is to discuss my findings.

A. purpose

B. reason

C. cause

D. points

3. Now, ………. begin by introducing myself.

A. allow me

B. let me

C. I

D. presentation

4. I’d be very happy to ………. you to ask questions at the end of the session.

A. tell

B. invite

C. order

D. request

5. The aims and the structure should be ………. .

A. concise

B. clear

C. entertaining

D. long

6. It’s a good idea to wait until the end for people to ………. .

A. feedback

B. feed back

C. feed

D. fed up

7. What word describes a presentation that is about a topic the audience is interested in?

A. relevant

B. concise

C. precise

D. entertaining

8. What word or phrase means to be “relevant” and “concise”?

A. to be up to a point B. to be after a point

C. to be to the point

D. to be off the point

9. If you have any questions, ………. to answer them now.

A. I would like to be able

B. I would be happy

C. I would have been happy

D. I was happy

10. Can I ………. ?

A. just ask

B. you ask

C. only ask

D. ask it

11. Can you ………. ?

A. tell me it

B. tell to me

C. explain to me

D. explain me

12. Yes, a very ………. .

A. good question

B. question

C. obvious question

D. lovely question

VI. Negotiation skills quiz.

1. The two sides have not come to an agreement. They are still ………. .

A. deadly

B. successful

C. deadlocked

2. It is doubtful that the parties will come to an agreement. There is little hope of a ….

A. changing

B. breakthrough

C. collaboration

3. So, neither party is willing to ………. ? No. Neither one will make concessions.

A. complement

B. compromise

C. retain

4. There is ………. in our position = We have not changed our position.

A. no change

B. not a change

C. no changing

5. Negotiations are at an ………. . The parties are unable to come to an agreement.Конец формы

Конец формы

Конец формы

Конец формы

A. impact

B. impart

C. impasse

6. When negotiations ………. , it means that they are continuing, but in an uncertain/difficult manner.

A. falter

B. fall

C. fail

7. When will this agreement ………. ? (=start/become valid/begin to operate)

A. come into effect

B. come to effect

C. have an effect

8. We hope to ………. an agreement by Friday.

A. come

B. restore

C. reach

9. The talks broke-down = The talks ………. .

A. fell

B. collapsed

C. fell-down

10. Both sides are hoping for a successful ………. . (= result)

A. outcome

B. outburst

C. change