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Unit 5. Holidays

Warm up

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. Use the words in the sentences of your own.

festival; solemnity; festivities, celebrations – national holiday – holy day, religious holiday – festive mood – red-letter day, holiday – celebration – day off, free day, rest-day – congratulate, felicitate; send/give one’s compliments – to congratulate heartily – congratulation; compliments (of the season), graters – letter of congratulation.

Exercise 2. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

1. observance

2. to deem

3. festivity

4. to celebrate

5. “name day”

6. significance

7. festive

8. sovereign

9. in conjunction with

10. to recognize

a) важность, значительность; значимость;

b) веселый, праздничный, радостный;

c) думать, полагать, считать;

d) независимый;

e) праздник, торжество;

f) праздновать, веселиться;

g) регулярное празднование, соблюдение;

h) в связи, в соответствии;

i) именины;

j) признать.


Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text. Use the dictionary when necessary.


A holiday is a day designated as having special significance for which individuals, a government, or a religious group have deemed that observation is warranted. It is generally an official (more common) or unofficial observance of religious, national, or cultural significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities. Many holidays are linked to faiths and religions. Christian holidays are defined as part of the liturgical year. The Catholic patronal feast day or “name day” is celebrated in each place’s patron saint’s day, according to the Calendar of saints. Winter in the Northern Hemisphere features many holidays that involve festivals and feasts. The Christmas and holiday season surrounds the winter solstice, Christmas and Holiday, and is celebrated by many religions and cultures. Usually, this period begins near the start of November and ends with New Year’s Day. Holiday season is, somewhat, a commercial term. Some Christian countries consider the end of the festive season to be after the feast of Epiphany. Sovereign nations and territories observe holidays based on events of significance to their history.

Several secular holidays are observed, such as Earth Day or Labour Day, both internationally, and across multi-country regions, often in conjunction with organizations such as the United Nations. Many other days are marked to celebrate events or people, but are not strictly holidays as time off work is rarely given.

Unofficial holidays are holidays that are not traditionally marked on calendars. These holidays are celebrated by various groups and individuals. Some promote a cause, others recognize historical events not officially recognized, and others are “funny” holidays celebrated with humorous intent. For example, April Fools’ Day celebrated on April 1, and International Talk Like a Pirate Day observed on September 19.

There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work but have special celebrations. The major holidays are: New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day and Independence Day. We also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland on the 23rd of February, Easter, Day of Knowledge and lots of professional holidays, one of them is the Customs Officer’s Day.

Customs officers celebrate October 25th as their professional holiday. October, 25 has always been a special day for Customs Office. This day in 1653 Common Customs Regulations were issued by Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich who ordered to take custom duty in Moscow and other Russian towns. Since than Customs Office became the state service that served the state economical interests.

A modern state customs service didn’t emerge in the country before the 17th century, reads a statement by the Russian Federation’s State Customs Committee press service, issued today. According to the document, a decree on charging customs duties, which was signed by tsar Alexei Mikhailovich October 25, 1653, became the first standard law for overhauling the national customs infrastructure.

The Russian customs service, i.e. the State Customs Committee, was established in 1991, that is, soon after the Soviet Union’s collapse, moving to protect this country’s economic interests. The new Russian customs code was passed in the spring of 2003, with the State Customs Committee perceiving this as a landmark event. The customs code’s provisions call for completely overhauling the customs-administration system. One can therefore say that a large-scale customs reform has now commenced in the Russian Federation, the document notes in conclusion.

The state, by making this day a holiday, thus marked the significance of the profession and input of customs service in social and economic development of Russia, provisions for its security and sovereignty. This day they congratulate the customs officers and veterans. Those people who have excelled are presented to orders, government awards and gratuities.

Exercise 4. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The Russian people began to celebrate the Customs Officer’s Day in the 16th century. 2. Each government establishes the datum when its people must celebrate unofficial holidays. 3. There are only two international holidays in Russia. 4. Russian customs officers celebrate their professional holiday October 25th. 5. Christmas is an international holiday.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What types of holidays do you know? 2. When do many people in the worldhave the holiday season? 3. Why was the 25th October chosen as a Customs Officer’s Day? 4. Do all countries have the same holidays? 5. Why does the government establish professional holidays? 6. What holidays are the most important in Russia? 7. Whom do the Russian people congratulate on 25th October? 8. What international holidays do you know which are celebrated in Russia? 9. How can our government emphasize those Customs Officers who have excelled? 10. Do people work during holidays?

Exersice 6. Now read and translate the text. Use the dictionary when necessary. Pay attention to the differences between Russia and Britain.