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тесты 2 спецперевод

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Спецперевод Лекция 2.

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Тест N 1

Проанализируйте качество приведенных ниже переводов. Охарактеризуйте использованные переводчиками способы перевода фразеологических единиц.

1.Не was not fit to carry water for her — he knew that; it was a miracle of luck and a fantastic stroke that had enabled him to see her and be with her and talk with her that night.

Он отлично знал, что недостоин и воду таскать для этой девушки; уже то, что он сидел с нею весь вечер и беседовал, было неожиданной и фантастической удачей.

2.The big capitalists in other countries of Europe, frightened at the post-war crisis, took to fascism like ducks to water.

Крупные капиталисты в других странах Европы, напуганные послевоенным кризисом, потянулись к фашизму, как шакалы к падали.

3.In English diplomatic circles all talk centred round the idea that it was necessary "to gain time" so that England should again become a great power capable of conducting an independent foreign policy.

В английских дипломатических 'кругах все разговоры вертелись вокруг того, что надо «выиграть время», пока 'Англия опять станет великой державой, способной проводить самостоятельную внешнюю политику.

4.As most of the agents of British intelligence were young men of middle-class origin, such "caution" on the part of their government caused little or no concern.

Большинство агентов английской разведки были молодые люди из буржуазной среды, и поэтому такая «осторожность» английского правительства их ничуть не смущала.

5.This case throws light on the methods and the objectives of those Embassy and State Department officials who control the Voice of America.

Этот случай проливает свет на цели и методы работы чиновников посольства и государственного департамента, в ведении которых находятся передачи «Голос Америки».

6.The laugh, the first they have heard from him, sets Trench's teeth on edge.

От его смеха, который они слышат впервые, Тренча всего передергивает.

7.I told you Peru was a delightful country to live in; but it's not quite so nice for people that happen to be in low water, as I was.

Я говорил уже, что Перу восхитительная страна, если есть на что жить. Но там нет ничего восхитительного для того, кто очутился там без гроша в кармане, как это было со мной.

8....it's been four-five years since she graduated high school... she won't remember me from a hole in the ground. Lot of water's flowed under the bridge since then.

...четыре-пять лет тому назад она кончила школу... да, она меня нипочем не вспомнит. Много воды утекло с тех пор.

9.Say what one will, to take the love of a man like Cowperwood away from a woman like Aileen was to leave her high and dry, as a fish out of its native element, to take all the winds out of her sails, almost to kill her.

Что ни говори, а лишить такую женщину, как Эйлин, любви Каупервуда значило отнять у нее все, почти убить ее; без него она была, как рыба, выброшенная на берег, как корабль с поникшими парусами.

10. They made the workers many promises, as well as stuffing their ears with lying propaganda.

Они давали рабочим множество обещаний и забивали им головы лживой пропагандой.

Тест N 2

Переведите следующие фразеологизмы:

  1. to mark time 12. lock, stock, and barrel

  2. to play second fiddle 13. to play into smb's hands

  3. to hide behind smb's back 14. to divide the House

  4. to be in the same boat 15. to twist the lion's tail

  5. to be cut of the same cloth 16. to have some strings attached

  6. to sit on the fence 17. to turn back the clock

  7. to draw in one's horns 18. plain sailing

  8. to spread like wildfire 19. to throw one's cards on the table

  9. to win with a small margin 20. to put one's weight behind smth

  1. to make no bones about smth 21. to swallow smth hook, line and

  2. to show one's true colours ■• sinker (bait)

Тест N 3

Переведите следующие предложения, обратив особое внимание на перевод выделенных выражений. Дайте обоснование использованным приемам перевода.


  1. Не said that if the rearmament programme were persisted in, all the promises in Labour's election manifesto would prove empty wind.

  2. The American attempts to arm the Italian government to pull Wall Streel imperialism's chestnuts out of the Lre will prove just as futile as its efforts at arming the puppet Chiang Kai-shek to perform a like service in China.

  3. We had arranged everything and at first everything went according to the book.

  4. On all most important issues the Labour leaders see eye to eye with the U. S. monopolies.

  5. Big Business is making a good thing out of the war-inflationary set-up, but it is the working class and farmers that have to foot the bill.

  6. She had come back to Robin Hill on her stepmother's death and gathered the reins there into her small decided hands.

  7. "I hope I shall kick the bucket long before I'm as old as grandfather",he thought.

8. "Oh! tell us about her, Auntie", cried Imogen; "I can just remember her. She's the skeleton in the family cupboard, isn't she? And they are such fun."


  1. British bourgeois periodicals prefer to give a wide berth to the delicate question of American military bases in Britain.

  2. The last poll gave Eisenhower a win in 13 states, Stevenson in eightand in the rest neck and neck.

  3. Numerous examples of violence against workers give the lie to the assertions of the reactionary American union bosses that there is no class war in the United States and that industrial peace reigns there.

  4. If he had spoken out publicly about the truth he would have gotten the axe one way or another.

  5. She gave her father a hug, and got into a cab with him, having as many fish to fry with him as he with her.

  6. If the whole thing were not disposed of within the next few months the fellow would turn up again like a bad penny.

  7. "There you arel Dartie's gone to Buenos Aires!'1 Soames nodded* "That's all right", he said; "good riddance."

  8. "You ought to know best", he said; "But if you want a divorce it Is not very wise to go on seeing her, is it? One can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds."

Тест N 4

Проанализируйте приведенные ниже фразеологические единицы и укажите возможные способы их перевода.


  1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

  2. A burnt child dreads the fire

  3. A rolling stone gathers no moss

  4. Can the leopard change his spots?

  5. Necessity is the mother of invention

  6. Rome was not built in a day

  7. To rob Peter, to pay Paul

  8. In Rome, do as the Romans do

  9. To sent one to Coventry

  10. A fine suit doesn’t make a gentleman


  1. Small rain lays great dust

  2. A miss is as good as a mile

  3. Beauty lies in lovers' eyes

  4. Enough is as good as a feast

  5. It is a long lane that has no turning

  6. Wait upon somebody hand and foot

  7. View things in a different light

  8. That’s a horse of another colour

  9. Lie heavy on one’s stomach

  10. Give expressions to one’s feelings

Тест N 5

Put each of the following phrases in its correct place in the sentences.

Dog’s life dog-collar wolf in sheep’s clothing

Bookworm wolf-whistlers wild-goose chase

Underdog puppy fat stag party

  1. He’s always reading. He’ll read anything. He’s a real_____

  2. He’s very informal priest. He rarely wears a ___

  3. Little Johnnie’s parents were worried that he was very big, but the doctor told them not to worry as it was only ______

  4. He was elected President as a man of peace and moderation, but when he began a reign