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Перевод фразеологизмов

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Перевод фразеологизмов

  1. the root of all evil

  2. a doubting Thomas

  3. for better or for worse

  4. loaves and fishes

  5. gall and wormwood

  6. flesh and blood

  7. a lord of creation

  8. saw dragon’s teeth

  9. the apple of discord

  10. Aegean stable

  11. Damocles’ sword

  12. a Pyrrhic victory

  13. on the knees of the Gods

  14. the Gordian knot

  15. the Procrustean bed

  16. Homeric laughter

  17. there is no royal road to geometry

  18. the land of promise

  19. hand on the torch

  20. the unwritten law

  21. blow hot and cold

  22. cry wolf too often

  23. a fly on the wheel

  24. a leap in the dark

  25. dog in the manger

  26. burn the candle at both ends

  27. a fool’s paradise

  28. as plentiful as blackberries

  29. the seamy side

  30. that’s flat

  31. midsummer madness

  32. to give the devil his due

  33. the green-eyed monster

  34. the observed of all observers

  35. to paint the lily

  36. the milk of human kindness

  37. high and low

  38. much of muchness

  39. a tower of strength

  40. the merry dances

  41. to burry the hatchet

  42. the call of the wild

  43. ships that pass in the night

  44. the iron heel

  45. fall on evil days

  46. murder will out

  47. all in the day’s work

  48. never say die

  49. all the world and his wife

  50. an Artful Dodger

  51. a King’s Charles’s head

  52. a bag of bones

  53. laugh on the wrong side of one’s mouth

  54. small talk

  55. how goes the enemy

  56. cool as a cucumber

  57. to curry favour with smb.

  58. a bed of roses

  59. under the rose

  60. a white elephant

  61. Attic salt

  62. to bear the palm

  63. Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion

  64. to cross the Rubicon

  65. the die is cast

  66. after us the deluge

  67. the fifth column

  68. tilt at windmills

  69. burn the candle at both ends

  70. forlorn hope

  71. castles in Spain

  72. a knight of industry

  73. to let the cat out of the bag

  74. to rub the lamp

  75. Alnaschar’s dream

  76. the old man of the sea

  77. a blue stocking

  78. baker’s dozen

  79. good wine needs no bush

  80. play fast and loose

  81. to put smb. in the cart

  82. a strange bedfellow

  83. an unlicked cub

  84. a black sheep

  85. Queen Ann is dead

  86. the old lady of Thredneedle

  87. to face the music

  88. a Jack in the office

  89. a hard nut to crack

  90. small potatoes

  91. spick and spon

  92. in the soup

  93. spill the bins

  94. to bark up the wrong tree

  95. the almighty dollar

  96. the big stick

96)to sit on the fence