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Museums of one painting.

Every painting is the artist’s world of feeling and ideas. It takes an artist many months or even years to create his picture. But at a museum or at an exhibition people usually spend only a few seconds or minutes in front of it, especially if they see a lot of new pictures. So it works actively for a very short time. It will be good if we can organize museums of one painting. If there is a big hall, with good lighting, comfortable arm-chairs and a thick rug on the floor ,that does not let visitors hear footsteps, the impression of the picture will be stronger. And if there is background music, the effect of the painting will be much greater. It will be wonderful if in another room visitors may read some material about the painter’s life and work and study his sketches for the picture.

The people will really have a chance to come in closer contact with an art work when such museums appear. They will also inspire the painters if they want to pass the test, as the picture for such a museum must be a masterpiece .

The first museum of one paining opened in Penza in 1985.


Музей одной картины.

Каждая живопись - мир художника ,чувства и идей. Художнику требуются много месяцев или даже лет, чтобы создать его картину. Но в музее или на выставке люди обычно проводят только несколько секунд или минут перед ним, особенно если они видят много новых картин. Таким образом, это работает активно в течение очень короткого промежутка времени. Будет хорошо, если мы можем организовать музеи одной картины. Если будет большой зал, то с хорошим освещением, удобными креслами и толстым ковриком на полу, который не позволяет посетителям слышать шаги, впечатление от картины будет более сильным. И если будет музыкальный фон, то эффект живописи будет намного больше. Будет замечательно, если в другой комнате посетители могут прочитать некоторый материал о жизни живописца и работать и изучить его эскизы для картины.

У людей действительно будет шанс прибыть в более близкий контакт с творчеством, когда такие музеи появятся. Они также вдохновят живописцев, если они захотят пройти тест, поскольку картина для такого музея должна быть шедевром.

Первый музей одной покраске открыла в Пензе в 1985 году.

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The return of the prodigal son by Rembrandt.

Rembrandt was the greatest Dutch painter of the 17 century. His master-pieces are kept in all the big museums of the world. There are 26 paintings of his canvas the artist used the subject of an ancient legend. The picture portrays the meeting of an old father with his son, who has been away from home for many years. With the help of light the painter emphasizes the face of the old man, who has lost eyesight in the long years of wait. The old father is feeling with his hands the figure of his son who is kneeling before him. Is son has just returned home and is asking his father for help. The son's poor clothes, his shaven hear show that he has gone through many hardships, has seen poverty and want. He has lost faith in life, in future and in happiness. Bit his kind father is ready to help him.

In this picture Rembrandt emphasized the humanistic idea of closeness of people, their readiness to help each other in need. This picture was painted in 1668 at the end of the great master's life.

But the subject had attracted Rembrandt also at the beginning of his art career. In 1636 he had made an engraving and a number of drawings in which he had treated the same subject quite differently. But only in the last variant the painter achieved true monumentality and perfection. The old and lonely master who had lost all those he had loved still believed in human kindness and sympathy.
