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V. Write down all the irregular verbs used in the text. Give all their forms.

VI. Find synonyms and antonyms to these words.

Strange, threat, following, to supplant, to remember, to derive, cold.

VII. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

  1. Originally Halloween is a children's "fun" holiday.

  2. The day that is now November 1 was the beginning of the new year.

  3. To attract strange creatures, people built big bonfires on hilltops.

  4. Now Halloween is a religious holiday.

  5. Halloween parties often include games, perhaps derived from the Roman celebration of Pomona.

  6. Originally the main symbol, the jack-o'-lantern, was a hollowed-out turnip.

VIII. Answer the questions:

  1. What’s the origin of Halloween? Where can we find its roots?

  2. When was All Saints' Day moved to November 1? Why?

  3. Who are trick-or-treaters? Give the example of our analogous custom.

  4. What original British scary beings do you know? How do they correlate with our mythological creatures?

  5. What traditional games, connected with Halloween, can you name? Do they resemble our games?

IX. Work in groups. Using the words below, make up a horror story.

Night, bagpipe, threat, chirr, dark, screw out, cold, ravine, nose, lurking-place, dark-lantern, jump out.

X. Translate the text into Russian.

Хэллоуин тесно связан с праздником Cамхейн (Samhain), который широко отмечали кельты. 1-е ноября считалось концом летнего периода, когда стада возвращались с пастбищ. Считалось, что в это время души умерших навещают своих родных. Чтобы отпугнуть злых духов, люди жгли костры на возвышенностях. В этот день гадали по поводу брака, здоровья и богатства. Когда в I веке н.э. римляне завоевали кельтов, они принесли свой праздник Фералия (Feralia), который был связан с почитанием памяти умерших и с богиней урожая.

XI. Choose one of the topics and prepare short reports.

  1. Halloween as a unique British tradition.

  2. The origin of Halloween.

  3. Our customs resembling Halloween.

Guy Fawkes Day

  1. Read and learn the following words.



запал, фитиль


солома, соломенный




to blow up







подвал, погреб








объемное изображение

II. Match the words with their definitions:

1. fuse

1) stems of wheat or other grain plants that have been cut and dried

2. cellar

2) to explode

3. straw

3) a person who suffers very much or is killed because of their religious or political belief

4. to treat

4) a secret plan made by a group of people to do smth wrong or illegal

5. plot

5) a long piece of string or paper which is lit to make a bomb explode


6) a statue/a model of a person

7. to blow up

7) to behave in a particular way towards smb/smth

8. effigy

8) an underground room often used for storing things