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Advanced PHP Programming

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178 Chapter 6 Unit Testing


$this->numSentences = 2; $this->numWords = 16; $this->numSyllables = 24;

$this->object = new Text_Statistics($this->sample);


function _ _construct($name) { parent::_ _construct($name);



Sure enough, the bug is there. Mr. matches as the end of a sentence.You can try to avoid this problem by removing the periods from common abbreviations.To do this, you need to add a list of common abbreviations and expansions that strip the abbreviations of their punctuation.You make this a static attribute of Text_Statistics and then substitute on that list during analyze_line. Here’s the code for this:

class Text_Statistics {


static $abbreviations = array(/Mr\./=>Mr,





// ...

protected function analyze_line($line) { // replace our known abbreviations

$line = preg_replace(array_keys(self::$abbreviations), array_values(self::$abbreviations), $line);

preg_match_all(/\b(\w[\w-]*)\b/, $line, $words); foreach($words[1] as $word) {

$word = strtolower($word); $w_obj = new Text_Word($word);

$this->numSyllables += $w_obj->numSyllables(); $this->numWords++; if(!isset($this->_uniques[$word])) {

$this->_uniques[$word] = 1;


else { $this->uniqWords++;



preg_match_all(/[.!?]/, $line, $matches); $this->numSentences += count($matches[0]);



Unit Testing in a Web Environment


The sentence count is correct now, but now the syllable count is off. It seems that Mr. counts as only one syllable (because it has no vowels).To handle this, you can expand the abbreviation expansion list to not only eliminate punctuation but also to expand the abbreviations for the purposes of counting syllables. Here’s the code that does this:

class Text_Statistics {


static $abbreviations = array(/Mr\./=>Mister,

/Mrs\./i=>Misses, //Phonetic




// ...


There are still many improvements you can make to the Text_Statistics routine. The $silentSyllable and $additionalSyllable arrays for tracking exceptional cases are a good start, but there is still much work to do. Similarly, the abbreviations list is pretty limited at this point and could easily be expanded as well. Adding multilingual support by extending the classes is an option, as is expanding the statistics to include other readability indexes (for example, the Gunning FOG index, the SMOG index, the Flesch-Kincaid grade estimation, the Powers-Sumner-Kearl formula, and the FORCAST Formula). All these changes are easy, and with the regression tests in place, it is easy to verify that modifications to any one of them does not affect current behavior.

Unit Testing in a Web Environment

When I speak with developers about unit testing in PHP in the past, they often said “PHP is a Web-centric language, and it’s really hard to unit test Web pages.” This is not really true, however.

With just a reasonable separation of presentation logic from business logic, the vast majority of application code can be unit tested and certified completely independently of the Web.The small portion of code that cannot be tested independently of the Web can be validated through the curl extension.

About curl

curl is a client library that supports file transfer over an incredibly wide variety of Internet protocols (for example, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, LDAP). The best part about curl is that it provides highly granular access to the requests and responses, making it easy to emulate a client browser. To enable curl, you must either configure PHP by using --with-curl if you are building it from source code, or you must ensure that your binary build has curl enabled.

We will talk about user authentication in much greater depth in Chapter 13,“User Authentication and Session Security” but for now let’s evaluate a simple example.You

180 Chapter 6 Unit Testing

can write a simple inline authentication system that attempts to validate a user based on his or her user cookie. If the cookie is found, this HTML comment is added to the page:

<!-- crafted for NAME !>

First, you need to create a unit test.You can use curl to send a user=george cookie to the authentication page and then try to match the comment that should be set for that user. For completeness, you can also test to make sure that if you do not pass a cookie, you do not get authenticated. Here’s how you do all this:


require_once PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php;

//WebAuthCase is an abstract class which just sets up the

//url for testing but runs no actual tests.

class WebAuthTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public $curl_handle;

public $url;

function _ _construct($name) { parent::_ _construct($name);


function setUp() { // initialize curl

$this->curl_handle = curl_init();

//set curl to return the response back to us after curl_exec curl_setopt($this->curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

//set the url

$this->url = http://devel.omniti.com/auth.php; curl_setopt($this->curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);


function tearDown() {

// close our curl session when were finished curl_close($this->curl_handle);



// WebGoodAuthTestCase implements a test of successful authentication class WebGoodAuthTestCase extends WebAuthTestCase {

function _ _construct($name) { parent::_ _construct($name) ;


function testGoodAuth() { $user = george;

//Consturct a user=NAME cookie $cookie = user=$user;;

//Set the cookie to be sent

Unit Testing in a Web Environment


curl_setopt($this->curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie); // execute our query

$ret = curl_exec($this->curl_handle); $this->assertRegExp(/<!-- crafted for $user -->/, $ret);



// WebBadAuthTestCase implements a test of unsuccessful authentication class WebBadAuthTestCase extends WebAuthTestCase {

function _ _construct($name) { parent::_ _construct($name);


function testBadAuth() { // Dont pass a cookie

curl_setopt($this->curl_handle, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie); // execute our query

$ret = curl_exec($this->curl_handle); if(preg_match(/<!-- crafted for /, $ret)) {



else { $this->pass();




if(realpath($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]) == _ _FILE_ _) { require_once PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php; require_once PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php;

$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(WebGoodAuthTestCase); $suite->addTestSuite(WebBadAuthTestCase); PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite);



In contrast with the unit test, the test page is very simple—just a simple block that adds a header when a successful cookie is matched:



<?php if($_COOKIE[user]) {

echo <!-- crafted for $_COOKIE[user] -->;



<?php print_r($_COOKIE) ?>

182 Chapter 6 Unit Testing

Hello World.



This test is extremely rudimentary, but it illustrates how you can use curl and simple pattern matching to easily simulate Web traffic. In Chapter 13,“User Authentication and Session Security,” which discusses session management and authentication in greater detail, you use this WebAuthTestCase infrastructure to test some real authentication libraries.

Further Reading

An excellent source for information on unit testing is Test Driven Development By Example by Kent Beck (Addison-Wesley).The book uses Java and Python examples, but its approach is relatively language agnostic. Another excellent resource is the JUnit homepage, at www.junit.org.

If you are interested in learning more about the Extreme Programming methodology, see Testing Extreme Programming, by Lisa Crispin and Tip House (Addison-Wesley), and

Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, by Kent Beck (Addison-Wesley), which are both great books.

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, by Martin Fowler (Addison-Wesley), is an excellent text that discusses patterns in code refactoring.The examples in the book focus on Java, but the patterns are very general.

There are a huge number of books on qualitative analysis of readability, but if you are primarily interested in learning about the actual formulas used, you can do a Google search on readability score to turn up a number of high-quality results.


Managing the Development



exciting parts of the job. For one thing, very little of a programming job involves writing code. Unlike the normally agile Web development model, where advances are made rapidly, project management is often about putting a throttle on development efforts to ensure quality control. Nevertheless, I find the challenges to be a natural extension of my work as a programmer. At the end of the day, my job is to make sure that my clients’ Web presence is always functioning as it should be. I need to not only ensure that code is written to meet their needs but also to guarantee that it works properly and that no other services have become broken.

Enterprise is a much-bandied buzzword that is used to describe software. In the strictest definition, enterprise software is any business-critical piece of software. Enterprise is a synonym for business, so by definition, any business software is enterprise software.

In the software industry (and particularly the Web industry), enterprise is often used to connote some additional properties:


nWell tested






It’s almost impossible to quantify any of those qualities, but they sure sound like something that any business owner would want. In fact, a business owner would have to

be crazy not to want enterprise software! The problem is that like many buzzwords,

184Chapter 7 Managing the Development Environment

enterprise is a moniker that allows people to brand their software as being the ideal solution for any problem, without making any real statement as to why it is better than its competitors. Of course, buzzwords are often rooted in technical concerns before they become co-opted by marketers.The vague qualities listed previously are extremely important if you are building a business around software.

In this book you have already learned how to write well-tested software (Chapter 6, “Unit Testing”). In Chapters 13,“User Authentication and Session Security,” and 14, “Session Handling,” you will learn about securing software (both from and for your users). Much of this book is dedicated to writing scalable and robust software in a professional manner.This chapter covers making PHP applications manageable.

There are two key aspects to manageability:

nChange control—Managing any site—large or small—without a well-established change control system is like walking a tightrope without a safety net.

nManaging packaging— A close relative of change control, managing packaging ensures that you can easily move site versions forward and backward, and in a distributed environment, it allows you to easily bring up a new node with exactly the contents it should have.This applies not only to PHP code but to system components as well.

Change Control

Change control software is a tool that allows you to track individual changes to project files and create versions of a project that are associated with specific versions of files.This ability is immensely helpful in the software development process because it allows you to easily track and revert individual changes.You do not need to remember why you made a specific change or what the code looked like before you made a change. By examining the differences between file versions or consulting the commit logs, you can see when a change was made, exactly what the differences were, and (assuming that you enforce a policy of verbose log messages) why the change was made.

In addition, a good change control system allows multiple developers to safely work on copies of the same files simultaneously and supports automatic safe merging of their changes. A common problem when more than one person is accessing a file is having one person’s changes accidentally overwritten by another’s. Change control software aims to eliminate that risk.

The current open source standard for change control systems is Concurrent Versioning System (CVS). CVS grew as an expansion of the capabilities of Revision Control System (RCS). RCS was written by Walter Tichy of Purdue University in 1985, itself an improvement on Source Code Control System (SCSS), authored at ATT Labs in 1975. RCS was written to allow multiple people to work on a single set of files via a complex locking system. CVS is built on top of RCS and allows for multi-ownership of files, automatic merging of contents, branching of source trees, and the ability for more than one user to have a writable copy of the source code at a single time.

Change Control


Alternative to CVS

CVS is not the only versioning system out there. There are numerous replacements to CVS, notably BitKeeper and Subversion. Both of these solutions were designed to address common frustrations with CVS, but despite their advanced feature sets, I have chosen to focus on CVS because it is the most widely deployed open-source change control system and thus the one you are most likely to encounter.

Using CVS Everywhere

It never ceases to amaze me that some people develop software without change control. To me, change control is a fundamental aspect of programming. Even when I write projects entirely on my own, I always use CVS to manage the files. CVS allows me to make rapid changes to my projects without needing to keep a slew of backup copies around. I know that with good discipline, there is almost nothing I can do to my project that will break it in a permanent fashion. In a team environment, CVS is even more essential. In daily work, I have a team of five developers actively accessing the same set of files. CVS allows them to work effectively with very little coordination and, more importantly, allows everyone to understand the form and logic of one another’s changes without requiring them to track the changes manually.

In fact, I find CVS so useful that I don’t use it only for programming tasks. I keep all my system configuration files in CVS as well.

CVS Basics

The first step in managing files with CVS is to import a project into a CVS repository. To create a local repository, you first make a directory where all the repository files will stay.You can call this path /var/cvs, although any path can do. Because this is a permanent repository for your project data, you should put the repository someplace that gets backed up on a regular schedule. First, you create the base directory, and then you use cvs init to create the base repository, like this:

>mkdir /var/cvs

>cvs -d /var/cvs init

This creates the base administrative files needed by CVS in that directory.

CVS on Non-UNIX Systems

The CVS instructions here all apply to Unix-like operating systems (for example, Linux, BSD, OS X). CVS also runs on Windows, but the syntax differences are not covered here. See http://www.cvshome.org and http://www.cvsnt.org for details.

To import all the examples for this book, you then use import from the top-level directory that contains your files:

>cd Advanced_PHP

>cvs -d /var/cvs import Advanced_PHP advanced_php start cvs import: Importing /var/cvs/books/Advanced_PHP/examples

186Chapter 7 Managing the Development Environment

N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/1.php N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/10.php N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/11.php N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/12.php N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/13.php N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/14.php N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/15.php N books/Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/2.php


No conflicts created by this import

This indicates that all the files are new imports (not files that were previously in the repository at that location) and that no problems were encountered.

-d /var/cvs specifies the repository location you want to use.You can alternatively set the environment variable CVSROOT, but I like to be explicit about which repository I am using because different projects go into different repositories. Specifying the repository name on the command line helps me make sure I am using the right one.

import is the command you are giving to CVS.The three items that follow (Advanced_PHP advanced_php start) are the location, the vendor tag, and the release tag. Setting the location to Advanced_PHP tells CVS that you want the files for this project stored under /var/cvs/Advanced_PHP.This name does not need to be the same as the current directory that your project was located in, but it should be both the name by which CVS will know the project and the base location where the files are located when you retrieve them from CVS.

When you submit that command, your default editor will be launched, and you will be prompted to enter a message.Whenever you use CVS to modify the master repository, you will be prompted to enter a log message to explain your actions. Enforcing a policy of good, informative log messages is an easy way to ensure a permanent paper trail on why changes were made in a project.You can avoid having to enter the message interactively by adding -m messageto your CVS lines. If you set up strict standards for messages, your commit messages can be used to automatically construct a change log or other project documentation.

The vendor tag (advanced_php) and the release tag (start) specify special branches that your files will be tagged with. Branches allow for a project to have multiple lines of development.When files in one branch are modified, the effects are not propagated into the other branches.

The vendor branch exists because you might be importing sources from a third party. When you initially import the project, the files are tagged into a vendor branch.You can always go back to this branch to find the original, unmodified code. Further, because it is a branch, you can actually commit changes to it, although this is seldom necessary in my experience. CVS requires a vendor tag and a release tag to be specified on import, so you need to specify them here. In most cases, you will never need to touch them again.

Change Control


Another branch that all projects have is HEAD. HEAD is always the main branch of development for a project. For now, all the examples will be working in the HEAD branch of the project. If a branch is not explicitly specified, HEAD is the branch in which all work takes place.

The act of importing files does not actually check them out; you need to check out the files so that you are working on the CVS-managed copies. Because there is always a chance that an unexpected error occurred during import, I advise that you always move away from your current directory, check out the imported sources from CVS, and visually inspect to make sure you imported everything before removing your original repository. Here is the command sequence to check out the freshly imported project files:

>mv Advanced_PHP Advanced_PHP.old

>cvs -d /var/cvs checkout Advanced_PHP cvs checkout: Updating Advanced_PHP

cvs checkout: Updating Advanced_PHP/examples U Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/1.php

U Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/10.php U Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/11.php U Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/12.php U Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/13.php U Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/14.php U Advanced_PHP/examples/chapter-10/15.php


# manually inspect your new Advanced_PHP

>rm -rf Advanced_PHP.old

Your new Advanced_PHP directory should look exactly like the old one, except that every directory will have a new CVS subdirectory.This subdirectory holds administrative files used by CVS, and the best plan is to simply ignore their presence.

Binary Files in CVS

CVS by default treats all imported files as text. This means that if you check in a binary file—for example, an image—to CVS and then check it out, you will get a rather useless text version of the file. To correctly handle binary file types, you need to tell CVS which files have binary data. After you have checked in your files (either via import or commit), you can then execute cvs admin -kab <filename> to instruct CVS to treat the file as binary. For example, to correctly add advanced_php.jpg to your repository, you would execute the following:

>cvs add advanced_php.jpg

>cvs commit -m this books cover artadvanced_php.jpg

>cvs admin -kab advanced_php.jpg

Subsequent checkouts of advanced_php.jpg will then behave normally.

Alternatively, you can force CVS to treat files automatically based on their names. You do this by editing the file CVSROOT/cvswrappers. CVS administrative files are maintained in CVS itself, so you first need to do this:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]