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Advanced PHP Programming

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168 Chapter 6 Unit Testing

PHPUnit_WebUI_TestRunner::run().This is in fact a nearly identical framework to TextUI; it simply uses its own listener to handle generate HTML-beautified output.

Hopefully, in the future some of the PHP Integrated Development Environments (IDEs; programming GUIs) will expand their feature sets to include integrated support for unit testing (as do many of the Java IDEs). Also, as with PHP-GTK (a PHP interface to the GTK graphics library API that allows for Windows and X11 GUI development in PHP), we can always hope for a PHP-GTK front end for PHPUnit. In fact, there is a stub for PHPUnit_GtkUI_TestRunner in the PEAR repository, but at this time it is incomplete.

Test-Driven Design

There are three major times when you can write tests: before implementation, during implementation, and after implementation. Kent Beck, author of JUnit and renowned Extreme Programming guru, advocates to “never write a line of functional code without a broken test case.”What this quote means is that before you implement anything— including new code—you should predefine some sort of call interface for the code and write a test that validates the functionality that you think it should have. Because there is no code to test, the test will naturally fail, but the point is that you have gone through the exercise of determining how the code should look to an end user, and you have thought about the type of input and output it should receive. As radical as this may sound at first, test-driven development (TDD) has a number of benefits:

nEncourages good design—You fully design your class/function APIs before you begin coding because you actually write code to use the APIs before they exist.

nDiscourages attempts to write tests to match your code—You should do TDD instead of writing code to match your tests.This helps keep your testing efforts honest.

nHelps constrain the scope of code—Features that are not tested do not need to be implemented

nImproves focus—With failing tests in place, development efforts are naturally directed to making those tests complete successfully.

nSets milestones—When all your tests run successfully, your code is complete.

The test-first methodology takes a bit of getting used to and is a bit difficult to apply in some situations, but it goes well with ensuring good design and solid requirements specifications. By writing tests that implement project requirements, you not only get higherquality code, but you also minimize the chance of overlooking a feature in the specification.

Test-Driven Design


The Flesch Score Calculator

Rudolf Flesch is a linguist who studied the comprehensibility of languages, English in particular. Flesch’s work on what constitutes readable text and how children learn (and don’t learn) languages inspired Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) to write a unique series of children’s book, starting with The Cat in the Hat. In his 1943 doctoral thesis from Columbia University, Flesch describes a readability index that analyzes text to determine its level of complexity.The Flesch index is still widely used to rank the readability of text.

The test works like this:

1.Count the number of words in the document.

2.Count the number of syllables in the document.

3.Count the number of sentences in the document.

The index is computed as follows:

Flesch score = 206.835 – 84.6 × (syllables/words) – 1.015 × (words/sentences)

The score represents the readability of the text. (The higher the score, the more readable.) These scores translate to grade levels as follows:


School Level


5th grade


6th grade


7th grade


8th and 9th grades


high school




college graduate

Flesch calculates that Newsweek magazine has a mean readability score of 50; Seventeen magazine a mean score of 67; and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax code to have a score of –6. Readability indexes are used to ensure proper audience targeting (for example, to ensure that a 3rd-grade text book is not written at a 5th-grade level), by marketing companies to ensure that their materials are easily comprehensible, and by the government and large corporations to ensure that manuals are on level with their intended audiences.

Testing the Word Class

Let’s start by writing a test to count the number of syllables in a word:


require PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php; require PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php;

170 Chapter 6 Unit Testing

require Text/Word.inc;

class Text_WordTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public $known_words = array( the=> 1,

late=> 1,

frantic=> 2,

programmer=> 3);

public function _ _construct($name) { parent::_ _construct($name);


public function testKnownWords() {

foreach ($this->known_words as $word => $syllables) { $obj = new Text_Word($word); $this->assertEquals($syllables, $obj->numSyllables());




$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(Text_WordTestCase); PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite);


Of course this test immediately fails because you don’t even have a Word class, but you will take care of that shortly.The interface used for Word is just what seemed obvious. If it ends up being insufficient to count syllables, you can expand it.

The next step is to implement the class Word that will pass the test:


class Text_Word { public $word;

public function _ _construct($name) { $this->word = $name;


protected function mungeWord($scratch) { // lower case for simplicity $scratch = strtolower($scratch); return $scratch;


protected function numSyllables() { $scratch = mungeWord($this->word);

//Split the word on the vowels. a e i o u, and for us always y $fragments = preg_split(/[^aeiouy]+/, $scratch);

//Clean up both ends of our array if they have null elements if(!$fragments[0]) {



if (!$fragments[count($fragments) - 1]) {

Test-Driven Design




return count($fragments);




This set of rules breaks for late.When an English word ends in an e alone, it rarely counts as a syllable of its own (in contrast to, say, y, or ie).You can correct this by removing a trailing e if it exists. Here’s the code for that:

function mungeWord($scratch) {

$scratch = strtolower($scratch);

$scratch = preg_replace(/e$/, “”, $scratch);

return $scratch;


The test now breaks the, which has no vowels left when you drop the trailing e.You can handle this by ensuring that the test always returns at least one syllable. Here’s how:

function numSyllables() {

$scratch = mungeWord($this->word);

//Split the word on the vowels. a e i o u, and for us always y $fragments = preg_split(/[^aeiouy]+/, $scratch);

//Clean up both ends of our array if they have null elements if(!$fragments[0]) {



if (!$fragments[count($fragments) - 1]) { array_pop($fragments);


if(count($fragments)) { return count($fragments);


else {

return 1;



When you expand the word list a bit, you see that you have some bugs still, especially with nondiphthong multivowel sounds (such as ie in alien and io in biography). You can easily add tests for these rules:


require_once Text/Word.inc;

require_once PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php;

class Text_WordTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

172 Chapter 6 Unit Testing

public $known_words = array( the=> 1,

late=> 1,

hello=> 2,

frantic=> 2,

programmer=> 3); public $special_words = array ( absolutely=> 4,

alien=> 3,

ion=> 2,

tortion=> 2,

gracious=> 2,

lien=> 1,

syllable=> 3);

function _ _construct($name) { parent::_ _construct($name);


public function testKnownWords() {

foreach ($this->known_words as $word => $syllables) { $obj = new Text_Word($word); $this->assertEquals($syllables, $obj->numSyllables(),

$word has incorrect syllable count);



public function testSpecialWords() {

foreach ($this->special_words as $word => $syllables) { $obj = new Text_Word($word); $this->assertEquals($syllables, $obj->numSyllables(),

$word has incorrect syllable count);




if(realpath($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]) == _ _FILE_ _) { require_once PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php;

$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(Text_WordTestCase);




This is what the test yields now:

PHPUnit 1.0.0-dev by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 0.00660002231598

There was 1 failure:

1) TestCase text_wordtestcase->testspecialwords() failed: absolutely has incorrect syllable count expected 4, actual 5


Test-Driven Design





Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 0.



To fix this error, you start by adding an additional check to numSyllables() that adds


a syllable for the io and ie sounds, adds a syllable for the two-syllable able, and deducts a


syllable for the silent e in absolutely. Here’s how you do this:





function countSpecialSyllables($scratch) {


$additionalSyllables = array( /\wlien/, // alien but not lien



// syllable



// biography





$silentSyllables = array( /\wely$/,

// absolutely but not ely





$mod = 0;

foreach( $silentSyllables as $pat ) { if(preg_match($pat, $scratch)) {




foreach( $additionalSyllables as $pat ) { if(preg_match($pat, $scratch)) {




return $mod;


function numSyllables() { if($this->_numSyllables) {

return $this->_numSyllables;


$scratch = $this->mungeWord($this->word);

// Split the word on the vowels. a e i o u, and for us always y $fragments = preg_split(/[^aeiouy]+/, $scratch); if(!$fragments[0]) {



if(!$fragments[count($fragments) - 1]) { array_pop($fragments);


$this->_numSyllables += $this->countSpecialSyllables($scratch); if(count($fragments)) {

$this->_numSyllables += count($fragments);


174 Chapter 6 Unit Testing

else {

$this->_numSyllables = 1;


return $this->_numSyllables;



The test is close to finished now, but tortion and gracious are both two-syllable words.The check for io was too aggressive.You can counterbalance this by adding -ion and -iou to the list of silent syllables:

function countSpecialSyllables($scratch) {

$additionalSyllables = array( /\wlien/,

// alien but not lien



// syllable



// biography




$silentSyllables = array( /\wely$/,


absolutely but not ely



to counter the io match



$mod = 0;

foreach( $silentSyllables as $pat ) { if(preg_match($pat, $scratch)) {




foreach( $additionalSyllables as $pat ) { if(preg_match($pat, $scratch)) {




return $mod;


The Word class passes the tests, so you can proceed with the rest of the implementation and calculate the number of words and sentences. Again, you start with a test case:


require_once PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php; require_once Text/Statistics.inc;

class TextTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public $sample;

public $object; public $numSentences; public $numWords; public $numSyllables;

public function setUp() {

Test-Driven Design


$this->sample =

Returns the number of words in the analyzed text file or block. A word must consist of letters a-z with at least one vowel sound, and optionally an apostrophe or a hyphen.;

$this->numSentences = 2; $this->numWords = 31; $this->numSyllables = 45;

$this->object = new Text_Statistics($this->sample);


function _ _construct($name) { parent::_ _construct($name);


function testNumSentences() {

$this->assertEquals($this->numSentences, $this->object->numSentences);


function testNumWords() {

$this->assertEquals($this->numWords, $this->object->numWords);


function testNumSyllables() {

$this->assertEquals($this->numSyllables, $this->object->numSyllables);



if(realpath($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]) == _ _FILE_ _) { require_once PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php; require_once PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php;

$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(TextTestCase); PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite);



You’ve chosen tests that implement exactly the statistics you need to be able to calculate the Flesch score of a text block.You manually calculate the “correct” values, for comparison against the soon-to-be class. Especially with functionality such as collecting statistics on a text document, it is easy to get lost in feature creep.With a tight set of tests to code to, you should be able to stay on track more easily.

Now let’s take a first shot at implementing the Text_Statistics class:


require_once Text/Word.inc; class Text_Statistics {

public $text = ‘’;

public $numSyllables = 0; public $numWords = 0; public $uniqWords = 0; public $numSentences = 0; public $flesch = 0;

176 Chapter 6 Unit Testing

public function _ _construct($block) { $this->text = $block; $this->analyze();


protected function analyze() {

$lines = explode(\n, $this->text) ; foreach($lines as $line) {



$this->flesch = 206.835 -

(1.015 * ($this->numWords / $this->numSentences)) - (84.6 * ($this->numSyllables / $this->numWords));


protected function analyze_line($line) { preg_match_all(/\b(\w[\w-]*)\b/, $line, $words); foreach($words[1] as $word) {

$word = strtolower($word); $w_obj = new Text_Word($word);

$this->numSyllables += $w_obj->numSyllables(); $this->numWords++; if(!isset($this->_uniques[$word])) {

$this->_uniques[$word] = 1;


else { $this->uniqWords++;



preg_match_all(/[.!?]/, $line, $matches); $this->numSentences += count($matches[0]);




How does this all work? First, you feed the text block to the analyze method. analyze uses the explode method on the newlines in the document and creates an array, $lines, of all the individual lines in the document.Then you call analyze_line() on each of those lines. analyze_line() uses the regular expression /\b(\w[\w-]*)\b/ to break the line into words.This regular expression matches the following:


# a zero-space word break


# start capture


# a single letter or number


# zero or more alphanumeric characters plus s or –s


# (to allow for hyphenations and contractions


# end capture, now $words[1] is our captured word


# a zero-space word break

Test-Driven Design


For each of the words that you capture via this method, you create a Word object and extract its syllable count. After you have processed all the words in the line, you count the number of sentence-terminating punctuation characters by counting the number of matches for the regular expression /[.!?]/.

When all your tests pass, you’re ready to push the code to an application testing phase. Before you roll up the code to hand off for quality assurance, you need to bundle all the testing classes into a single harness.With PHPUnit::TestHarness, which you wrote earlier, this is a simple task:


require_once TestHarness.php;

require_once PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php;

$suite = new TestHarness(); $suite->register(Text/Word.inc); $suite->register(Text/Statistics.phpt); PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite); ?>

In an ideal world, you would now ship your code off to a quality assurance team that would put it through its paces to look for bugs. In a less perfect world, you might be saddled with testing it yourself. Either way, any project of even this low level of complexity will likely have bugs.

Bug Report 1

Sure enough, when you begin testing the code you created in the previous sections, you begin receiving bug reports.The sentence counts seem to be off for texts that contain abbreviations (for example, Dear Mr. Smith).The counts come back as having too many sentences in them, skewing the Flesch scores.

You can quickly add a test case to confirm this bug.The tests you ran earlier should have caught this bug but didn’t because there were no abbreviations in the text.You don’t want to replace your old test case (you should never casually remove test cases unless the test itself is broken); instead, you should add an additional case that runs the previous statistical checks on another document that contains abbreviations. Because you want to change only the data that you are testing on and not any of the tests themselves, you can save yourself the effort of writing this new TestCase object from scratch by simply subclassing the TextTestCase class and overloading the setUp method. Here’s how you do it:

class AbbreviationTestCase extends TextTestCase { function setUp() {

$this->sample = Dear Mr. Smith,

Your request for a leave of absence has been approved. Enjoy your vacation.

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